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Is Privacy Worth It?
  • That is like asking, "Is breathing worth it?" -- well of course. Then again, folks don't (usually) care due to how most privacy-ruining methods/features are ... mostly (in)offensive and easy to tackle.

  • Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! GustavoM
    Is there a "one size fits all" solution for fstab optimization?

    Title. I'm trying to come up with a fully functional, optimal yet read-only scheme for fstab and I could use some pointers.

    Thanks in advance.

    Can You Use Linux Without the Terminal? (How to Geek article)
  • ...well... that is how I started learning (and getting used to) GNU/Linux, so eh.

  • Taking your ideas for my next linux app
  • Not really -- it has way too many "bells and whistles" to be called as "stupidly minimal". Then again, what I had in mind was something more straightforward with nothing else than "Current power draw: (number goes here)W. Updates every 3 seconds."

  • `doggo` - a supercharged DNS client with CLI and web interface
  • Looks fun and very intuitive. Thanks for sharing!

  • Taking your ideas for my next linux app
  • A "stupidly minimal" cli package that monitors power usage in real time. Bonus points if it is written in C++, with zero dependencies.

  • Little help here linux guys? Trying to figure out what distro to use
  • All distros are free -- just choose whatever you find interesting, give it a spin, see what happens.

  • Wayland usage has overtaken X11
  • As someone who switched to wayland way back when sway was dominant...? About time.

  • Has anyone here ever tried Linux From Scratch?
  • Being fun does not make (thing) a necessity let alone useful -- there are a lot of useless things that are fun.

  • Has anyone here ever tried Linux From Scratch?
  • imo, that is like learning a new language you'll never use -- who on earth would search for new employees that can compile their own distro? It's fun at first, but definitely not useful.

  • Where to "practice Linux" terminal commands
  • Eh, just try new commands in your distro and see what happens -- "time is the best teacher of em all".

  • Raspberry Pi 5 vs Intel N100 mini PC comparison - Features, Benchmarks, and Price
  • No one would want to buy this to use with high-demanding applications, but for hobbies and trivial stuff. With that said, even a Orange pi zero 3 is "better" than both Rpi 5 and the n100.

    tl;dr: The magic word is convenience.

  • When do you consider a system to be bloated?
  • "Bloat" implies "excess", "overloaded" -- anything that has been installed and used without my consent or a badly optimized package/command.

  • How it feels to be alive lately
  • netflix users be like

  • Is gentoo Linux really worth it?
  • afaik, the "main gimmick" of gentoo is to have a distro that is 100% optimized for your PC. That aside, I don't see a point installing it unless your PC is centuries old and really need the extra speed boost.

  • Broken Homer
  • "To stop racism, you must stop playing the victim."

    -- A "woman of color" that belongs to a "minority group".

  • Former distrohoppers, where did you settle down?
  • Eh, did a little "oopsie" there, my bad.

  • Removed
    I dislike wayland
  • What do we learned today kids? Baseless/empty words = not an opinion. :^)

  • Former distrohoppers, where did you settle down?
  • Arch linux. Minimal install, hyprland. $ROOTSYS* set to ro, ~/.cache and ~/Downloads to tmpfs. alsa, bemenu, wine-staging, lutris. Couldn't be happier.

  • who can continue?
  • tl;dr: Windows poser roleplaying as a Linux tryhard tries to convince a new Linux user

  • Has any of you ever tried the "Ragnok 2 gun mouse"? If so, how good is it?

    Title. Been using "conventional mouses" since a while, and I'm in the mood to try something new. Even so considering its a ergonomic mouse that won't screw my wrists even more while gaming(I'm over 40 y/o).

    There are plenty of reviews for it on the internet ( for instance) but I'd like to hear some "real world" reviews about it.

    Can I damage or even kill a sbc if I use a power supply with a lower amperage than what is recommended/expected by the manufacturers?

    Title. In other words, sbc recommended/optimal power supply is 5V4A but I use an 5V3A instead -- will it damage or kill the sbc? The reasoning behind this is "an direct undervolting towards the system, for lower power draw and temps".

    Thanks in advance.

    Can't grasp the idea that I need more than an adblocker for docker.

    I know this seem like a typical "Your opinion man" post but honestly, is there anything really useful beyond hosting an adblocker? (read: complementary, not found elsewhere, that enhances own's personal needs and/or life as a whole). And yes, I'm aware of what can be hosted -- picture editors, video editors, webtops, dhcpcd, emulators, and so on.

    But the question is -- why I'd need all that if these stuff can be found on any ordinary PC out there? Even phones. Hell, even on a smart tv. That is like "trying to reinvent the wheel" for no necessary purpose other than "to look cool". There's also "because its fun", but is it really fun doing pretty much the same thing over and over again? There isn't a "learning gap" between these hosting options -- all of em have (pretty much) the same procedure to get things running.

    With that said... I've been trying really, REALLY hard to host more stuff but I can't go beyond hosting (only) an adblocker.

    I'm looking for a command that is similar to cpupower, but for gpu (or even both -- gpupower?systempower?)

    Title. Something that is minimal, has a daemon and a very KISS config file. Bonus points if it also has a "generic" setup (works for all pcs but its not optimal? So I could run this on my sbc.)

    Thanks in advance.

    -EDIT- Forgot to mention that I've got both AMD cpu and gpu.

    "Combokeys" instead of hotkeys. [Feature/new command suggestion]

    Title. Basically, "if a street fighter gamer and a linux tryhard had a baby" where a combination of keys is issued to run a command/script rather than a single or a simultaneous stroke of two or more. i.e left, down, left, right arrow keys, R_CTRL to run Firefox. Right, right, Up, right arrow keys, delete to power off the PC, etc.

    Don't know if such command exists, but there you go.

    Bonus points if its a standalone and supports X11, Wayland and Arcan.

    How do I completely negate disk writes?

    Title. Asides from setting the whole disk to read-only. (It's not an option since apparently docker dislikes that for some reason.). I'm trying to increase my microsd's lifespan.

    For instance, here's my current /etc/fstab

    >tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,size=10M,nr_inodes=5k,noexec,nodev,nosuid,uid=gus,gid=notgus,noatime,mode=1700

    > tmpfs /var/log tmpfs rw,size=10M,nr_inodes=5k,noexec,nodev,nosuid,uid=gus,gid=notgus,noatime,mode=1700

    > tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs rw,size=0M,nr_inodes=5k,noexec,nodev,nosuid,uid=gus,gid=notgus,noatime,mode=1700

    > tmpfs /var/run tmpfs rw,size=0M,nr_inodes=5k,noexec,nodev,nosuid,uid=gus,gid=notgus,noatime,mode=1700

    > tmpfs /var/spool tmpfs rw,size=0M,nr_inodes=5k,noexec,nodev,nosuid,uid=gus,gid=notgus,noatime,mode=1700

    > tmpfs /var/lock tmpfs rw,size=0M,nr_inodes=5k,noexec,nodev,nosuid,uid=gus,gid=notgus,noatime,mode=1700

    > tmpfs /var/cache tmpfs rw,size=0M,nr_inodes=5k,noexec,nodev,nosuid,uid=gus,gid=notgus,noatime,mode=1700

    Thanks in advance.

    Have a pixelated bonfire to warm your night. (Image size is ~ 19KiB.)

    Nothing too shabby, but still. To run it you need docker, and after that just type

    docker run -it --rm --log-driver none --read-only --net none --cap-drop=ALL --security-opt=no-new-privileges defnotgustavom/pixfire4

    ...and you will be greeted with a little, small, very pixelated bonfire.

    "Why docker and not just a simple command?"

    Mostly because of those two flags: --read-only and --net none. Can't get better than this. :^)

    This also came up while in a self-learning process, but I don't want to "flex" it here.

    Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! GustavoM
    How do I compile a static binary from each programming language (Javascript, ruby, python, zig, etc)?

    Title. A cheat sheet for this would be lovely.

    Thanks in advance.

    How do I compile a html javascript package into a single, static binary?

    Title. I'm trying to compile this but I can't seem to do so with node.js.

    Thanks in advance.

    Chargers or power supplies -- which ones to use?

    Is there any difference from one another? I keep hearing that using chargers is absolutely a no-go and that power supplies are much safer and better overall. Do you guys confirm this?

    Thanks in advance.

    How exactly "secure" is a container with all capabilities dropped, distroless, with a custom rootfs directory, a static, single binary with chmod set at 100 and file ownership pointed to non-root u...

    ser*, and said non-root user being "nonexistant" (i.e set via ENV)? Can such container -STILL- be exploited/breached through malicious means? Forgot to mention that its a DOCKER container @ title, but there you have it. Just curious.

    Thanks in advance.

    (also) apparently using laser sight is a must for all weapons.

    ...and the logic behind this is a really simple one:

    Lower cone of fire = CoF tightens faster while ADS'ing.

    And the "long short story" behind this is that I saw this video, went for the same "I'm gonna try to mimick this" shenanigans and it worked. Hell, I even managed to down those typical "chain headshotting me like theres a magnet on top of my nose" players. And yes, more than once, even while completely rusty (It's my second day back in the game after a long hiatus.). Also had a couple situations where I died, but made the heavy wipe both of his shield ability and its "basic" shield (Not a normal occurrence before then, but right now it is.)

    Anyone want to try this "nyancat" docker image? It's pretty big -- 23kIB. :^)

    Long, short story: CLI animation with some minor annoyances. "Handcrafted" most of em out of the .c file, followed by a bunch of gcc flags. Made it distroless, and this came up. Then my "sharing itch" started after checking the memory usage of the container at a whooping 0 bytes. (I know it must be way more than that, but still.). Just curious if I screwed something up or not. Also, c/Docker is really dead so I had to resort to you guys.

    docker run -it --rm --log-driver none --net none --cap-drop=all --read-only --security-opt=no-new-privileges defnotgustavom/nyancat

    Downvotes are to the left if you just don't care and need that dopamine/self-validation hit, I guess. (Just saying since last time I shared a simple command, with code and all, and I got downvoted to oblivion plus my thread deleted for no apparent reason, so eh.)

    Non-root user that (suddenly) has elevated privileges in a specific command (only). [Have I been hacked?]

    Title. Long,short story: creating or editing files with nano as my non-root user gives (the file) elevated privileges, like I have ran it w/ sudo or as root. And the (only) "security hole" that I can think of is a nextdns docker container running as root. That aside, its very "overkill" security-wise (cap_drop=ALL, non-root image, security_opt=no_new_privileges, etc.).

    It's like someone tried to hack me but gave up halfway. Am I right or wrong to assume this? Just curious.

    Thanks in advance.

    GustavoM GustavoM

    Definitely Not GustavoM. :^)

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