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Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • I try and keep tabs on white evangelical conservatives, both via social media and IRL, which means almost entirely people in that group under 40 or so. And even I was shocked to see attitudes in that group. While there’s very little actual “pro-Palestine” sentiment, I also haven’t seen hardly anyone support Israel either. Some condemnations and a lot of “we shouldn’t be sending them any money” attitudes. Outright Zionism has very little support among the under 40 crowd in America, among any group of people IMO.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • This is the sort of thing we need more of from the global community, good on them. Keep making Israelis feel more and more isolated.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Zionists are Nazis. And just like the Nazis, the problem with her question is that they want her to die, though they might settle (for now) for ethnically cleansing them into Egypt.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Honestly given the potential nefarious uses for this pier that were floated (heh) like using it to deport Gazans, having it taken away is the best outcome. It was never going to be used for aid anyway.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • All I ask of Trots is that they don’t support imperialism and instead support liberation. And a lot of them do, tbf.

    If they do that then they can have a little criticism of Stalin, as a treat.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • I’ve been wanting to make a post about this, because we should have clear eyes here. When you ask Americans about the issues that matter, yes, foreign policy is usually pretty low and sadly Gaza is no exception. I do believe the polls when they say Gaza isn’t high on voters lists - even young voters, because the polling shows they don’t rank it high either.

    HOWEVER, I think it’s also important to understand that what Biden is doing in his relentless support for genocide goes beyond what you can see in voters ranking issues. It’s having a huge effect on his reelection chances indirectly

    What I mean is, what I saw in W’s 2nd term was that just like with Gaza, Americans didn’t care that much about Iraq per se. But W’s actions w/r/t Iraq going back to 2003 made him absolutely toxic to voters, especially young voters. They had no idea what was going on in Iraq but they knew that W was an evil dumbass and that was enough to get them to turn out for Obama.

    Most Americans who aren’t committed to a party vote based on vibes. And vibes around Biden right now, even if they aren’t following Gaza and don’t care much, is that Biden is bad and heartless. It’s what’s going on in the social ether (and our own has their own contribution to that!). So in that sense it doesn’t matter that Gaza is way down the list on what voters say they care about. The impact of the genocide in Gaza is multiplied well beyond itself as an isolated issue. Biden has bad juju around him and it’s definitely because of Gaza (and his “let them eat cake” attitude towards inflation and wages).

  • Ukraine urgently needs soldiers, but some men are desperate not to fight
  • I do wonder if at some point we’ll see a sort of mass mutiny / rebellion on the part of the Ukrainian soldiers a la 1917. The conditions are staring to feel similar though at this point I think the war has more support among the populace than you need to reach a “critical mass”.

    Russia is going to win the war, sooner or later. And the more this drags on, the more fighting for Ukraine is going to effectively be a death sentence. It doesn’t seem like NATO, Zelensky, the Nazis in charge or the Avoz freaks want to stop the bloodshed. When you put humans in a situation like that, history shows people tend to have less fear of the consequences of mutiny than they do the enemy’s cannons.

    I also predict we willl see NATO troops in Ukraine, but only to shoot at Ukrainian mutineers.

  • Red star caucus might be braver than they are wiser
  • Nah, I mean death to America, unlimited genocide on this evil country and all… but in the US simply expressing support for an organization on some official terrorist list isn’t a crime. I’m not sure what the ADL could sue them for that wouldn’t immediately get thrown out of court.

    That said, we do live in a bourgeois dictatorship so of course Congress can find all sorts of ways to make their life difficult, but that’s just to be expected when we’re taking the correct line against imperialism.

    I do commend Hamas, btw

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Biden just uncritically accepts whatever Netanyahu tells him.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • I mean I’ll never rule out anything, but I just don’t see how the military option makes sense. Of course, China needs to maintain the credible threat of the military option. But even if the US stayed out of it, actually taking over and occupying Taiwan seems like it would be a massive drain on resources, and has the potential to set back China quite a ways. Ultimately the only threat Taiwan poses is if it appears the US is using it as a staging area for an attack on China, and we’re pretty far off from that for the moment.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Dang, I’m voting for Claudia de la Cruz because she’s on the ballot here but having Hudson on board makes Stein pretty cool for anyone who can’t vote PSL

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • When it’s all said and done, I will be very interested to see how Israel addresses the situation of Palestinian labor in Israel. I saw that before Oct 7, there were over 200,000 workers who lived in the West Bank (maybe Gaza too, not sure) and worked in “israel” proper. The Israelis are saying they will never let those laborers back in and the idea of using Indian or Bangladeshi migrant labor has been floated. That is absurd as Yglesias’ “one billion Americans” idea. Israel is a deeply white supremacist state - I would argue they are the most maybe the most racialized state in the world right now. They do allow some token racial minorities in so long as they are Jewish, but you can read all about how they are treated as second class citizens at best. The idea that the racist Israelis will accept a couple hundred thousand brown people to work and live among them… I just can’t imagine that happening. And that’s not even considering the logistical issues that would be involved in bringing over and housing 200k migrant workers.

    But then again, the Israelis have taken a hard core Nazi turn, and I think they’re serious about not letting Palestinians back in. We’ll see if they’re serious enough to torpedo their own economy over it though.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • I think Israel will not comply, and it’s going to be a pretty big L for them.

    By not complying with a clear UN-backed demand, they are only making themselves into a bigger global pariah. Israel thinks they can go it alone and they don’t need support from anyone, but that’s patently untrue. There will be increasing pressure across the world to cut economic ties. And even further than that, as Israel just keeps increasing their negative perception around the world, immigration into Israel - which is existentially important for the Zionist project - could start to dry up. Obviously this isn’t going to end Israel by itself, but it is absolutely one step among many that will get us there.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • I don’t know what the right word is. My first thought was to call it “gaslighting” but I don’t think this is the right word here. Maybe there’s a better non-English word.

    What I’m referring to is the fact that no one on planet Earth believes Israel isn’t intentionally murdering civilians by the thousands. There is no explanation for not letting food and water in if not for reasons of collective punishment. Like, I’ve even tried to come up with a BS line I would take if I was Israel, and I can’t think of one. To my knowledge Israel hasn’t even really addressed not letting food and water in, they just simply do it.

    We all know what Israel is doing. But the imperialists and Zionists simply trot out lines about “Israel isn’t targeting civilians” and “Hamas is the enemy, not the Palestinian people”. No one believes it but we are sort of “expected” to believe it. What would you actually call this?

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Saying this as someone who organized a campus protest against the invasion of Iraq before it happened back in 2003… the participation in the genocide of Gaza may be the most evil thing I’ve seen America do in my lifetime.

  • The WWII history understander has logged in!
  • Ok cool, now what side was the now enthusiastically Zionist Germany on?

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • During the Cold War, soft power in the global south mattered because the western powers wanted to keep as many countries on their side as possible, and when your opponent is a nuclear-armed USSR you can’t just use the military or sanctions as your only option.

    But since the fall of the USSR, soft power in the global south isn’t important anymore. The US, Western Europe, and their allies in the Indo-Pacific are perfectly happy to ignore the concerns and opinions of anyone who isn’t already totally aligned with them. This contradiction hasn’t come to a head until recently as there wasn’t even any push against the western powers until recently. But the only effect of that is the western powers are now happily donning the black hat. Oderint Dum Metuant, and all that jazz. If the global south won’t bend the knee voluntarily then they WILL recognize western supremacy by force, whether that be economic or military means.

    And that’s why supporting Russia in the war against NATO is so critical. That’s the current flashpoint in the Cold War between the western powers and everyone else on the planet.

  • Fair Budget Coalition unites to oppose D.C. Mayor Bowser’s austerity plans
  • Bowser’s Bad Budget

    This is a Mario Party 3 mini-game.

  • I am a single issue voter. My single issue is anti-imperialism.

    “bUt TrUmP WiLL tUrN AmERicA fascist”

    Don’t care, we’re already there anyway and the Democrats were the junior partners in making this place a fascist hellhole anyway.

    I literally do not care what happens to this country anymore. We deserve sooo much worse than 9/11. If there’s a god then this country deserves divine judgement. Death - and I cannot emphasize this enough - to America.

    I will vote for anyone who promises to stop American imperialism. But since that describes precisely no one in either of the two major parties, I guess I’m not voting for any of them then.

    Criticizing the government of China is racist and sinophobic

    Claiming you want to see the downfall of the CPC is akin to wishing for the deaths of all 1.4 billion people:

    Reverse uno card on all those “criticizing Israel is antisemitic” freaks.

    Garak explains the IOFs strategy

    I kinda don’t like this meme because Garak is cool and the IOF-satzgruppen is incredibly evil.

    Without USD hegemony, American daily incomes would fall 27-57%

    Thought this was an interesting analysis, though I think it needs to be taken with a bit of a grain of salt (I think it’s power is what is qualitatively describes rather than precise numbers, and I think the author might even agree with me).

    I’m always on the lookout to see it quantified how much the average American benefits from imperialism. My guy says if the US was unable to exert hegemony, the US would experience at least what Russia experienced in the 90s. These numbers align with that; and this is only talking about dollar hegemony and not, for example, the US using military pressure, sanctions, or other methods for extracting cheaper resources and goods from the global south.

    That said, I’m not sure you can just run a regression and get your answer. I don’t see how you can isolate the US losing dollar hegemony without it then creating an uncountable number of secondary effects. All this stuff is deeply interconnected. But that said, I think this does a good job of highlighted at least in a qualitative sense just how much Americans benefit from dollar hegemony, and how losing that would be huge problem for the US economy.

    Yes, I am a single-issue voter

    My single issue is “anti-genocide”. I wonder which party is more anti-genocide 🤔

    Photo of Palestinian woman holding her murdered 5 year old niece is the 2024 World Press Photo of the Year

    The girl’s mother and her sister were also murdered in the same attack on Khan Younis.

    Reminds me of this photo from 20 years ago.

    I distinctly remember around 2005-06, I had two friends who were school teachers who bought houses

    This wasn’t in a rural area or impoverish inner ring suburb. This was in an older but perfectly nice suburb of a large midwestern US city. I had two friends at the time who were just out of college and teaching in public schools. And they both bought houses. One had a spouse who was working (normal job, not high pay or anything) but the other was single. I know for a fact they didn’t have any help from parents. I do know they both had most of their school paid through scholarships so little to no college debt, fwiw. Went on google street view to check out the houses - not large but definitely comfy. Around 1,600-1,700 sq ft single family homes with a yard and everything. Something a small family would be comfortable in.

    And I mean, I was looking at buying a home around that time, too (and for years afterward). My salary was above the national median but not that much above it. There were lots of options - the only reason I didn’t buy was because my life situation was not stable. I don’t live in that city anymore but looking at my salary now and what’s available on the market, buying a home is pretty much out of reach for me. Certainly what I could get now, in terms of square footage, is drastically reduced. I’m not even taking into account current interest rates, I was just plugging in numbers at the old 4%.

    That’s how fast material conditions have eroded for a lot of Americans. This is what journalists who write this articles about “aww why are young people so down these days, they should just cheer up all that bad stuff is all in their head” completely miss. Probably because in all likelihood, they bought a house a couple decades ago and are secure themselves. It’s why the dems’ bullshit about how the economy is so great is so offensive to us. It’s a denial of reality.

    Generational politics is bunk, but I also think inequality should be thought of along multiple axes. One is whether or not you bought a house 15-20 years ago or not. If you did, then you’re sitting on a mortgage that is relatively low which makes your material conditions comfortable. You’re not feeling the effects of the bad economy as much. If you’re under 30, then it’s not possible to be in that situation.

    We should have a :powmia-cool: emoji


    1.) Fuck the troops. US soliders in Vietnam were every bit as genocidal as IOF troops today.

    2.) The whole idea that Vietnam was holding any POWs after the Paris peace accords was a total lie made from whole cloth. There has never been any evidence presented that there were any POWs being held after the war and anyone who spends 10 minutes on the internet reading about it will come to that conclusion.

    Seeing this flag burn, in emoji form, would be nice.

    I've been trying to think of how to highlight hypocrisy over the 1932-33 Soviet famine and Gaza

    I haven't really come up with anything smart to say about this. Probably because pointing out hypocrisy is pointless most of the time. Like, it doesn't matter, no one cares.

    But the 1932-33 Soviet famine (commonly called "The Holodomor") gets all the attention for being a man-made famine. Despite the fact that no legit historians believe this, even those who hate the USSR like Robert Conquest. At the worst, the Soviet leadership and Stalin were slow to act and believe reports on the ground (don't @ me, Stalin and the Soviet leadership admitted this themselves) but once they did understand the problem, the immediately put what resources they could into mitigating the famine. It was an incredible human tragedy, but it wasn't the result of intentional genocide.

    Meanwhile right now, in Gaza, there is an UNDENIABLE intentional, artificial famine being conducted on the part of Israel with the full intention of genociding the population. What is happening in Gaza is what libs think happened in Ukraine in the 1930s. And yet, so many Americans are either supportive of the actions being taken, or are at the very least passively supportive of the US' and Joe Biden's role in this intentional famine.

    I'm not even sure what to say, it's such a disconnect.

    Could one of my trans comrades please stamp my “you don’t have to vote for Biden” card? Pls and thank u

    So many libs keep telling me if I don’t vote for Biden that Trump will pass all these anti-trans laws that Biden and the Democrats would of course have stopped. I tell them my trans comrades on Hexbear all say I shouldn’t vote for Biden but these libs just keep asking for the proper documentation.

    My investment strategy is put everything Chinese index funds

    To clarify something, I’m not some boug. I worked at a job for years where they put money into a 401k as part of the benefits, and I was there long enough that it vested. So I have a few grand that’s locked up in an IRA that I can’t get into until I retire.

    Here’s my simple strategy: I’m putting everything into Chinese index funds / stonk ETFs.

    My rationale: it’s all about the emotional risk management.

    What I mean by that statement is, in the past when one of my sports teams I root for has made it into the final round of the playoffs, I would place a small bet against them. Because if they win, I won’t care that I lost some money. But if they lose, I’ll at least have a bit more $$$ in my pocket, it’s a small consolation but it helps.

    So how does this relate to China and investing? The way I see it, there’s likely one of two scenarios for where the Chinese economy will be a few decades from now when I can take that money out. Either A.) the CPC more or less just continues on with what it’s been doing since Deng. Continue to develop the productive forces, continue to rack up W after W while the west implodes on itself, and the Chinese corporations I’m invested in will do great - stonks go up and I have a nice little savings built up.

    Or B.) CPC pushes the communism button in 2050 or so, they nationalize all the corporations, and I lose the whole investment. But you know what, WHO CARES?! THEY PUSHED THE BUTTON! That would literally be the best thing that I could ever see happen in my lifetime, and the last thing I would care about would be my IRA.

    Seems like no matter what, I end up a winner 😎

    How would the world react if (when?) we discover incontrovertible evidence of intelligent life on other planets?

    For this hypothetical, let’s say it’s not aliens actually visiting earth. But let’s say JWST finds a planet maybe a few hundred light years away, and we can see lights and cities and maybe spaceships or stuff like that around it. So no contact, but 100% proof there’s intelligent life out there. How would humans (and different groups of humans, like conservative Christians) react to this?

    Greenleaf Greenleaf [he/him]
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