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Taking your ideas for my next linux app
  • Afaik, there is no app to very easily generate GIFs.

    • select images
    • select duration
    • select quality / size
    • generate gif (avif?)


    • optimized for smartphones

    There is switcheroo which makes image conversion easily. It converts to gif as well but only 1 image to 1 gif, not 2 images to 1 gif.

    It should be straight forward since image magick contains all neccessary commands for gif creation

  • How to detect problems on computer?
  • that's neat. Tank you.

    So far I follow a bottom up strategy. I'll keep adding containers each day (or after many hours) and wait for it to stop. I also looked up how to limit memory usage. It's a great idea to limit all containers and see which one fails. thanks!

  • How to detect problems on computer?

    My server (fedora) stops all podman containers after 2-3 hours since 3 days. I can start all containers again, and the same happens after a while. I do not know where to look for the problem.

    In top, I found a oom message. I assume that the system runs out of memory and stops all services. How can I find the problem? I can’t find anything in the container logs.

    I can see that systemctl status is always starting. It doesn’t become “running”. But I do not know how to proceed.

    Deutsche Post and DHL switch to OSM from Google Maps [DE]
  • Germany looks detailed but a lot of information is missing. The most important part is to get osm recognized by the people as the map source. Where companies add their info because they see value in doing so because if you are not on osm, your business doesn't exist.

  • Cycle through windows | apps

    Following is very subjective and probably varies from distro to distro, de to de, app to app, user to user.

    For the longest time, I believed Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab was the only way of navigation through apps and windows. Many years ago, some editor introduced me to the behavior that Ctrl+Tab switches to the last used tab. I hated that behavior. I didn't understand it and it was annoying. Luckily you could switch to the old way (in my experience) which I did.

    How do you guys cycle through windows?

    What is the best way for switching? Is there a standard or at least an attempt for a standard? Or at least a name for different styles?

    App / Window switching

    I switch and highlight apps by pressing Meta+Tab, or Meta+Shift+Tab. This works very good. I use PaperWM, a window tiling feature in GNOME such that I have no overlapping windows and don't need to care about the position of the windows anymore for the most part. When I press Ctrl+i, the window to the right of the highlighted window moves below the current window and both adjust in size to half the screen.


    Cycle right isn't the proper way of going forward doesn't apply here anymore unless I define it as a zig zag movement.


    Luckily, we have arrow keys. With, Meta+[Up,Down,Left,Right] I can move to any window. The shortcoming is that I need two hands because Meta is on the left and the arrow are on the right side of the keyboard. Having to use two hands is a big no-go for a fundamental command in my opinion. What's the solution to this? Ctrl+[W,S,A,D]? Does it clash with other main fundamental keybindings?

    Kate uses Alt+Arrow to cycle through tabs. It uses Ctrl+Tab to cycle through time.

    If you use Ctrl+Arrow to cycle through the windows, you can use Ctrl+(Shift+)Tab for cycling through time, i.e. last used tab/window.

    In the browser, I navigate via Ctrl+Tab. There are no tabs below the current tab. btw, why not, mozilla? Kate and Pulsar (Atom successor) have Ctrl+N as the default for a new document (and hence tab).

    For consistency, I want to use either Ctrl+T or Ctrl+N for a new document/window. Which standard do you guys use and prefer? Other apps with other keybindings?

    Ctrl+Tab is good for a linear movement but Ctrl+Arrow is more logical.

    I used to use Alt+F4 to quit apps. Recently, I discovered that you can use Ctrl+w to quit a tab and Ctrl+q to close a window. Wouldn't it be better to use Ctrl+q to close a tab and Meta+q to close the window?

    Currently, I default to

    • Ctrl+Arrow is for tab bidimensional motion.
    • Meta+Arrow is for window bidimensional motion.
    • Ctrl+Tab is for tab time-dimensional motion.
    • Meta+Tab is for window time-dimensional motion.
    • Which is better Ctrl+T or Ctrl+N for a new tab/document? Is it good that there is a distinction?
    • Shift always reverses the action

    I can't find a way to customize the keybindings in firefox, does that mean that I have to default to [Ctrl,Meta]+Tab to cycle through tabs/windows?

    wifi-qr: command-line util to generate QR codes for wifi access
  • That's cool!

    Androids can generate a qr code as well. I guess it's the same result but non-tech people can use it. This would be cool if it was part of KDE/GNOME or a somewhat standalone app.

    I assume the webapp runs locally, right? if so, it would be nice to have it stated somewhere that it's save to use (although you should probably not use a website for such things as the info is too valuable.

  • Recommendations for RaspberryPI 4B case?
  • That's wrong and missleading.

    You have to install HACS yourself (which isn't difficult). That's why they can write that it has no addons. They are stupid for doing this

    Managed restore? With a container you just backup the folder. No fancy weird backup stuff required. Idiots.

    Managed os? No idea what that means. Probably bs as well. Your computer is yours, not theirs.

  • Discord to start showing ads in the coming week after resisting for almost a decade Discord to start showing ads in the coming week after resisting for almost a decade

    In an apparent effort to boost revenues, gaming social media startup Discord plans to implement ads into its free service. The step is expected in the coming days after 9 years of ad-free experience.

    Discord to start showing ads in the coming week after resisting for almost a decade

    I don't think people on this sub use it, but it's great news for us. The worse it gets the likelier people move on.

    what's your solution for translation and dictionary on linux and android?

    I hate my current solution.

    I use notification dictionary and which is obviously not open source. For me, it takes too long just to translate a word, or look it up. Do you have a great system?

    Nick @ The Linux Experiment ( Nick @ The Linux Experiment (

    Hey everyone! I'm working on a video to see what the Linux community (or at least people who follow me) actually use. So, I created a little form, hosted on my Nextcloud (hopefully it's up to the task...) It's only up for 2 days, so don't hesitate to share it around, it will help me "touch grass...

    My server couldn't handle such load.

    nginx proxy manager changes IP. How to get static container IP?

    all the containers change IP addresses frequently. For home assistant a static IP address of the proxy manager is mandatory in order to reach it. For jellyfin it is useful to see which device accesses jellyfin. If the IP always changes, it doesn't work properly.

    How do I fix a container IP with podman compose (or docker)

    GitHub - L4GSP1KE/Upload-Assistant GitHub - L4GSP1KE/Upload-Assistant

    Contribute to L4GSP1KE/Upload-Assistant development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - L4GSP1KE/Upload-Assistant

    > A simple tool to take the work out of uploading.

    I'm just sharing. This should be used more widely

    How to move docker / podman container to another directory / drive?

    I've got two internal SSDs, of which one is smaller (128) and one is bigger (1TB). How can I tell podman (or docker) to use another folder? Currently, it sits on the smaller drive which has less and less storage.

    1080 vs 4k | SDR vs HDR in 1 video

    Is there a video which compares 1080 and 4k and another one comparing HDR vs SDR?

    When I watch 4k content I think, wow, this is great detail. But when I watch 1080 this is very good, but the tiny people in the background wouldn't be blurred in 4k.

    And when I watch a dark SDR video I hate that the movie companies didn't release HDR quality although it's a recent movie/ series. But how would I know if it would be better?

    I always think that the grass is greener on the other side, but how would I know?

    Would it be hard to create such a video file? I guess with ffmpeg. But all else would need to be kept constant which is the difficult part

    "jellyfin unable to connec to server"

    New android tv device.

    After I select the server, I am prompted to type in the quick connect code. After that, it says unable to connect to jellyfin. It has internet. Jelly works everywhere else

    how to avoid seeding torrent queue

    Whenever I start qbittorrent, the seeding torrents are queued. I've got two upload slots and 30 seconds timeout. It takes very very long until all torrents are seeding, if ever, until the next restart.

    How can I avoid this?

    One method is to increase the amount of upload slots to 10 and the timeout to 2 seconds (any large and low number will do it). But I don't want to baby sit qbittorrent every time I start it. Is there another way while keeping only few upload slots?

    General Advice for shell scripts

    What do you advice for shell usage?

    • Do you use bash? If not, which one do you use? zsh, fish? Why do you do it?
    • Do you write #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh? Do you write fish exclusive scripts?
    • Do you have two folders, one for proven commands and one for experimental?
    • Do you publish/ share those commands?
    • Do you sync the folder between your server and your workstation?
    • What should've people told you what to do/ use?
    • good practice?
    • general advice?
    • is it bad practice to create a handful of commands like podup and poddown that replace podman compose up -d and podman compose down or podlog as podman logs -f --tail 20 $1 or podenter for podman exec -it "$1" /bin/sh?


    I started bookmarking every somewhat useful website. Whenever I search for something for a second time, it'll popup as the first search result. I often search for the same linux commands as well. When I moved to atomic Fedora, I had to search for rpm-ostree (POV: it was a horrible command for me, as a new user, to remember) or sudo ostree admin pin 0. Usually, I bookmark the website and can get back to it. One day, I started putting everything into a .bashrc file. Sooner rather than later I discovered that I could simply add ~/bin to my $PATH variable and put many useful scripts or commands into it.

    For the most part I simply used bash. I knew that you could somehow extend it but I never did. Recently, I switched to fish because it has tab completion. It is awesome and I should've had completion years ago. This is a game changer for me.

    I hated that bash would write the whole path and I was annoyed by it. I added PS1="$ " to my ~/.bashrc file. When I need to know the path, I simply type pwd. Recently, I found starship which has themes and adds another line just for the path. It colorizes the output and highlights whenever I'm in a toolbox/distrobox. It is awesome.

    Unixporn GravitySpoiled
    Arcticons on Kvaesitso

    Wallpaper is from wallman. A long press gesture opens it which makes the transition really smooth and cool.


    Weather from breezy weather

    how to hide chapters

    I don't need chapters. Even when we used CDs, I didn't use them. How can I hide them?

    To those who use them: why? What for? I either play a movie or I don't. What's it good for?

    Proton Pass breaks prowlarr on firefox since today

    Prowlarr returns There was an error loading this page when I click on an app and other sites. When I disable proton pass, it works as usual. Any idea how to solve it?

    Permission denied to access property "matches" at toArray( (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/focus-lock/dist/es2015/utils/tabUtils.js:8:26) at toArray( (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/focus-lock/dist/es2015/utils/tabUtils.js:7:59) at parents.reduce(function (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/focus-lock/dist/es2015/utils/tabUtils.js:22:64) at parents.reduce(function (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/focus-lock/dist/es2015/utils/tabUtils.js:20:19) at getAllTabbableNodes (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/focus-lock/dist/es2015/utils/DOMutils.js:31:43) at getAllTabbableNodes (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/focus-lock/dist/es2015/focusMerge.js:37:41) at setFocus (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/focus-lock/dist/es2015/setFocus.js:21:34) at withinHost (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-focus-lock/dist/es2015/Trap.js:125:23) at lastTrap.returnFocus (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-focus-lock/dist/es2015/Trap.js:260:4) at reducePropsToState( (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-clientside-effect/lib/ at componentDidUpdate (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-clientside-effect/lib/ at Yi (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:219:501) at try{for (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:259:159) at unstable_next (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.production.min.js:18:342) at eg (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:122:324) at Uj (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:252:281) at Lj (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:243:370) at jg (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:123:114) at unstable_next (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.production.min.js:18:342) at eg (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:122:324) at jg (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:123:63) at eg (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:122:427) at Hb (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:292:100) at $c (webpack://prowlarr/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:73:354)

    Release Element X Android v0.4.6 · element-hq/element-x-android Release Element X Android v0.4.6 · element-hq/element-x-android

    Changes in Element X v0.4.6 (2024-03-15) Features ✨ Admins can now change user roles in rooms. (#2257) Room member moderation: remove, ban and unban users from a room. (#2258) Change a room's perm...

    Release Element X Android v0.4.6 · element-hq/element-x-android
    GitHub - loof2736/scyfin: Custom theme for Jellyfin WebUI GitHub - loof2736/scyfin: Custom theme for Jellyfin WebUI

    Custom theme for Jellyfin WebUI. Contribute to loof2736/scyfin development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - loof2736/scyfin: Custom theme for Jellyfin WebUI

    I just discovered scyfin a modern theme for jellyfin. It's not listed in the Skin Manager plugin which is why I share it here.

    Jellyfin will get a LatestRelease home section Added LatestRelease home section type for "New Releases" home section by herby2212 · Pull Request #10443 · jellyfin/jellyfin

    Changes This PR adds a new home section type LatestRelease as preperation for the New Releases home section in the jellyfin-web project which shows newly added items ordered by their official relea...

    Added LatestRelease home section type for "New Releases" home section by herby2212 · Pull Request #10443 · jellyfin/jellyfin

    I was just browinsg PRs of jellyfin. It's incredible how many PRs were merged in the past months. The linked PR is approved but not yet merged. I'm really looking forward to this new feature.

    Another PR is also very interesting. It suggest changing the year of the collections to the most recent year and not the first year when the first movie of the collection was released. It is rejected but at least there is something going on. I only disable collections because it is ordered differently than I would want to have it.

    why are some movies not sorted properly by time?

    They appear before all other movies. If sorted ascending by year it's really annoying that they are not sorted correctly although the right year is shown.

    Tvdb, tmdb and imdb all show the correct info.i can't find a character mistake either.

    Edit: I deleted the nfos and now it's back to normal

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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