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Business as usual
  • it's still accurate

    they are only showing up to look the part, whine about inane bullshit, and stand around for 10 minutes before napping in the cybertruck

  • Invites for Valve's new game "Deadlock" here
  • I'm such a curmudgeon gamer I didn't even know steam had friend codes lmao


    I'll give it a shot but a damn shooter/moba mix just sounds like the potential for top 5 toxic player base of all time.

  • NSFW
    D*stiny banned from and de-monetized on twitter by Elon Musk
  • weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    CW: pedo shit

    There's no way that Dom Lucre is the one who tattled/cried about Destiny on twitter. I refuse to believe these are public human interactions over the internet. Dom Lucre is the guy who deliberately and openly posted one of the most disturbing CSAM videos on the internet. He got banned for it immediately but was soon reinstated by Elon Musk personally.

    these people can sit on bleachers for all I care. they don't deserve to stain the wall.

  • To be fair it is airstrike season in Gaza this time of year.
  • lol i rmbr liberals crying out for the biden administration to call out the russian air strikes as war crimes

    i guess if you need an expert call in the best

  • Tell me your retail hell story
  • I work in produce at a grocery store and we often have people ask us to cut roots for one reason or another. My coworkers absolutely hate dealing with customers sometimes and I don't blame them.

    I had a woman shove a yellow yam on my chest and demanded (I think?) in broken english/creole to cut the bad parts off. I guess my autism/tolerance levels were through the roof because I just went and did it for her for some reason. When I got back to her with the yam, she clicked her tongue at me in disappointment and began ranting about how I cut the soul of the yam too deep. She didn't even buy the damn thing lmao

  • Kendrick Lamar - Not Like Us
  • i need that new track

  • Just found out I’m distantly related to Tim McGraw
  • it's going to be joever and joever again

  • Caption this.
  • cyber truck

  • The US economy is in a 'selective recession' as lower-income consumers can't cover the cost of living
  • wanna know what else is in a selective recession deez nutz

    jpmorgan more like jay pee garglin

  • Sad birdposting: Audio of the very last Kauaʻi ʻōʻō bird before extinction singing a song for a mate who will never show up.
  • I'm having a hard time describing how I feel about the song because it's makes me feel so sad and angry all the same. The song itself can mean so many different emotions and invoke so many thoughts to so many different people, and yet the context surrounding it and why you're hearing it this way manages to centralize those emotions to one point. We, as humans, collectively caused our emotions to burst by destroying this innocent creature's existence.

    I feel so angry that the people beyond my time and most definitely beyond my control have destroyed this song. I want to lash out and scar the perpetrators for eternity and give them a mark to remember what they did but it's pointless. I have seen wondrous beauty claw, scratch, kick, scream and bite its way out of the ashes of our destruction and I see no difference here. Three million people heard this song of the ancient world and there are many more that felt compelled to express themselves after hearing it, like myself. I encourage people, if they feel how I feel, to take a broad look at just how many people wrote their quick thoughts, composed their music, or even wrote their books based off hearing a single sound or reading a simple string of words. There is going to be someone out there that makes a beautiful piece of art that we'll never know about thanks to this song.

    The occurrence that I described happens every single day, whether we want it to or not. People have always created something from the ashes of nothingness. They created hope. This bird, like so much that existed before us, will carry on in so many people's memories that it's hard to deny that it's truly extinct. We remember.

  • > it's time to open up presents!
  • that cat just woke up

    undeniable measure of their character

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: what are you playing thread
  • playing Death Must Die and Deep Rock Galactic Survivor again. I've been on a long term quest to find the best survivors game in the genre.

    DRGS is really fun and different enough to stand out. Mining/Carving your way through the terrain and having currency being the main objective really plays into the importance of movement and pathing to be successful. The devs have a lot of work to do but it's 100% worth a shot if you're bored and want to try something different. I think it has potential to be the best of the best.

    Death Must Die has a new himbo pirouette archer elf that instantly made steam forum chuds mad lmao. This one is closer to the ARPG side of things (think Diablo 2) where random loot drops are just as important as your on the fly build. The loot itself isn't random bullshit loot piles that need a filter and it doesn't drop like candy so it's a very focused loot system with character agnostic stats aside from loot specifically made for the character and armor class (light, medium, heavy). The combat animations are also phenomenal and it feels great to play, especially himbo pirouette elf archer.

    My favorite part of the game is the shit-talking skeleton and edgy elf rogue girl. The humor is silly fun and very much not serious. Sometimes the gods show up for some reason to help you idk about that shit and the artwork is horny for no reason idk. Disregard any review or description that implies the game is inspired by Hades. The gods are about where the comparison ends they are completely different games in tone.

  • WokeHammer 40Gay
  • warhammer is trash anyway

    the only good thing it produced was the comrade who wrote the Diegetic Essentialism essay on r/sigmarxism. that's the only credit i'll give it

  • TIL My Helldivers 2 ship has the same name as Yugopnik's
  • The SES Fist of Self-Determination is ready

  • hell yah
    1. Johnny Knoxville
    2. Feliz Beatingoffman
    3. Vergil Texas
    4. Elon Musk
    5. Bill Bur
    6. Dr. House M.D.
  • Finance bros be like

    God damn this shit makes me mad as hell and I don't usually do rants on this site lmao

    At my last workplace, we had your typical menu with food+drink combos that costed a pretty penny (it was an above average fast food/smoothie place) so typically we also had to keep presentation of the meal in mind. That's no big deal to me personally, but I do consider it extra labor when we're on a timer. Especially so when we're in a morning to lunch rush. That shit takes time and any manager worth a shit will understand the importance of actually making the sale in a timely manner and set some common sense expectations.

    However, not too long ago we added four new items to the menu that only shared two prep ingredients while the other two had their own yogurt/oatmeal mix for the base. All four of those items required different standards of presentation which made me want to rip my hair out. These things cost more than almost all food menu items and we had to give the customers an option to add or subtract ingredients just like our smoothies. The sheer amount of extra labor required to make these things in a timely manner was fucking ridiculous. So on top of the extra prep now required for all crews, we had to make these things along side our already busy days AND have managers breathing down our neck if complaints about the new precious item ever rolled in.

    Nobody got a raise. Closing got worse and worse because they didn't give a damn about what was actually happening in the store. Got ignored when I requested an extra set of hands. One of my shift leads (who I worked very well with during closing) got written up by some random new dipshit because for the first time in the two years we closed the store around 11 PM once.

    Eat my dick ya workless managers. Go jack off to spreadsheets or some shit. God forbid you have to wash some dishes or wipe down a countertop for once.

  • i love last epoch

    it's a good game and it's fun

    i made a rune master named GlyphBlehsinski and I put pretty lightning glyphs on the ground they make pretty purple and blue lightning colors !comfy-cool
