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turns out when capitalists said "buy American" they meant buy Americans
  • He is most likely talking about the typical corporations, but it doesn't mean he's right about pointing the finger at wages. Wage labor isn't the cause of wage slavery and neither is the existence of a company. It's the authoritarian company structure, which is systemic to capitalism, that is causing an unfair power dynamic between the employer and employee. That power dynamic is what creates wage slaves.

    As far as wages are concerned you can get a wage and not be a wage slave. It comes down to whether the company is with an authoritarian (capitalistic) or a democratic (socialist) structure.

  • Sometimes, it's backwards
  • They do exist and some of them swear Mac has better workflows (than windows because most of the time your options are Windows or Mac). I would call them loonies but I've seen some smart people use Macs.

  • Meta fined $102 million for storing passwords in plain text
  • That's not an entirely accurate representation, because after taxes you still use that money for housing and food and transportation etc. In business terms that 50k would still contain operating costs. So that $120 might still seem a lot.

    That 50k a year should be extra money, the money left in your pocket after taxes, housing, groceries, other necessities and debts are paid off. That would give an accurate representation of how insignificant a $120 ticket would be.

  • Valve Engineer Mike Blumenkrantz Hoping To Accelerate Wayland Protocol Development
  • So another 5 years? IMO HDR is the perfect example why protocol development needs to be sped up. HDR is roughly a decade old at this point and (if we exclude custom implementations) we're still in the process of working it out.

  • 2023 vs 2024 Points After Round 18
  • Hamilton genuinely amazes me. When I think about Merc drivers I remember Russell trying to squeeze every point out of the car and Hamilton complaining about the car. And then I end up watching the overall standing and Hamilton is ahead of Russell? Like a magician he pulls points out of nowhere.

  • French President Emmanuel Macron announces new right-wing government
  • The only reason we're still here is because you keep coming back. You said your bye, I gave you my goodbye. But then you came back anyway because a) you're petty as fuck as evident from the downvotes and b) you can't stand someone, especially a socialist, talking shit about your autocratic wet dream, China.

    Anywho, once again.

    With the amount of false information, mental gymnastics, name calling and actual idiocracy I’m genuinely happy get be rid of you. France is fine, China sucks, fuck off.

  • French President Emmanuel Macron announces new right-wing government
  • Why are you linking sources that are objectively false? Multiple times. And then you claim I'm clowning?

    I'll happily take the "fascist shithole" over the surveillance state that is China. But I wouldn't expect you to understand, you believe authoritarianism to be democracy.

  • So much for that "massive area"
  • Pro tip, almost always build your factory in such a way that you can expand upwards. It's very rare to have a place on the map where you can't expand upwards. The exception is when you need to use fluids, then it's generally better to build horizontally.

  • French President Emmanuel Macron announces new right-wing government
  • Of course you're going to cherry pick the one sentence that fits your narrative. 🤡

    You said is declining, article is clear its not actually declining. "YoU'rE cHeRrY pIcKiNg"


    With the amount of false information, mental gymnastics, name calling and actual idiocracy I'm genuinely happy get be rid of you. France is fine, China sucks, fuck off.

  • French President Emmanuel Macron announces new right-wing government
  • China and India started in roughly the same spot after WW2, and there’s an obvious reason why they developed very differently. India develops exactly the same way every capitalist country has developed. It’s quite obvious that the same things hasn’t been happening in India. The fact that you call yourself a socialist and don’t understand these things really says volumes.

    Enlighten me.

    Last I checked there’s plenty of foreign investment in capitalist countries like India. Yet, they’re developing in a completely different way.

    Are they really? In what way?

    For fuck sake, the title of the first article literally says relative decline as in the standard of living isn't actually declining, and if you read the article it clearly states the household income isn't increasing as fast as it was before.

    Considering how many times you've linked an article and it's complete BS I'm just not going to read any more of your articles. You link an article, find a suitable quote from the article that actually matches what you're claiming and then I'll bother to open the article, because if you can't be bothered neither can I.

  • French President Emmanuel Macron announces new right-wing government
  • Absolutely hilarious how you continue to ignore where China started.

    You’re comparing a country that was a developed country more than 50 years ago to a country that has been a developing country in the last 50 years. No shit one of them is going to show a lot of progress. It’s like comparing the progress a person does in the first 18 years of the life to the progress of someone from the age of 30 to 48.

    Explain to us why we don’t see the same thing happening in India for example.

    There's a great article in HBR showing how India could become a significant global player by 2050 and what are the barriers that are preventing it. The same thing happening in India could be just a matter of time.

    Explain why the standard of living in China is improving more rapidly anywhere or any time in history.

    Foreign investment? Notice how the trend is almost identical with the household income you pointed at before

    Meanwhile, also explain why the standard of living in Europe is declining.


  • French President Emmanuel Macron announces new right-wing government
  • It found that Chinese median wealth per adult, at $26,752, now outstrips Europe, where the average adult has a wealth of $26,690. The European figure takes into account the whole of the continent, which includes many less wealthy nations in its southern and eastern regions.

    Yes, the average Chinese adult is richer than the average European by a whooping 0.22%. How about you read your own articles dumbass. It's literally an example of China reaching the standard of the western world.

    EDIT. Forgot to bold a certain part so we can get back to that when you eventually start complaining about numbers again.

  • French President Emmanuel Macron announces new right-wing government
  • What You have to look at is the progression over time, as I’ve explained this in the last reply. Evidently that went over your head. Household income is a perfect example here incidentally:

    You're comparing a country that was a developed country more than 50 years ago to a country that has been a developing country in the last 50 years. No shit one of them is going to show a lot of progress. It's like comparing the progress a person does in the first 18 years of the life to the progress of someone from the age of 30 to 48.

    You're not proving China is somehow doing better than the western world, you're proving that China is reaching the same standard as the western world.

    Come back when you have an actual argument.

  • French President Emmanuel Macron announces new right-wing government
  • Yeah I understand how time works, that’s why I gave you list of sources that show historical progress over time. Not just a single event happening, but clear demonstration of long term trends. I guess that was just too complicated for you to wrap your head around.

    So as long as I give you similar data about France your protest argument doesn't count?

    Unless you really want to hammer in on the housing based on what you've shown France is doing as well as China.

    Nah, that’s just a simplistic straw man you keep building instead of addressing what I actually said.

    I'm just building on what you've said. If you feel like it's a strawman, it's because that's the arguments you've given me.

    Except I didn’t ignore the wider context, I addressed your points and explained my position clearly.

    Nope. If anything you ignored what I asked and gave me, at that point, irrelevant shit that you're now trying to make relevant.

    Projection will always be the way of the liberal I suppose.

    Does that mean you're calling yourself liberal? Because you're projecting I'm a liberal but I'm a socialist.

  • Capitalist logix
  • Free? When was the last time you got free food? Free in the fully subsidized by the government kind of way. Unless you live on food stamps (in which case you're usually fucked in pretty much every other way) I can't think of another way how you'd get free food. I guess technically dumpster diving but I'm sure it's only a matter of time until it's made illegal (if it's not already illegal).

    And if the food not free then more available food doesn't matter if the people can't afford it. We produce enough food to feed everyone and we still have people without food security.

  • French President Emmanuel Macron announces new right-wing government
  • I've literally linked you a bunch of sources showing how living conditions in China have been improving consistently over many decades. Your article isn't a counterpoint to that.

    Meanwhile, Cuba is under draconian blockade by the US, and despite that having an obvious impact on the standard of living every poll shows mass support from the public for the government in Cuba. France, on the other hand, has no such excuse. It's one of the richest countries in the world that's been plundering the Global South through colonialism.

    First of all, do you understand how time works? Your bunch of sources are years old, my source is months old. Maybe years ago everything is was fine, now it's not.

    But more importantly, you said civil unrest is an indication of a bad democracy and you brought up those two countries as examples of good democracy. Your excuses might explain why there are unrest, but they don't invalidate the unrest. There's still unrest in those countries which means a) unrest is not an indicator or b) those countries are not examples of good democracy.

    You're such a sad troll.

    What if I'm dyslexic? What if my phone auto corrected it and I didn't notice? Why did I continue talking about it like I meant the other thing? It was an honest mistake on my part, but what is your excuse? Anyone actually paying attention would've questioned how did we get to "tangible benefits". In fact that's how I noticed my mistake in your response because unlike you I was actually paying attention to what you were saying. How do you excuse ignoring the wider context of what I was saying and focusing solely on the one thing that's out of place? I can't think of a single excuse where you don't come out as a bad actor, which is probably why you're name calling me instead of accepting fault. The sad troll here is you, getting caught with your pants down.

  • Counter-Strike GoodEye8
    Navi wins the PGL Major
    Counter-Strike GoodEye8
    PGL major 2024 megathread

    The major is upon us. Megathread to discuss the major. Opening stage is over, elimination is upon us:

    Group elimination stage:

    Advance to quarter finals:

    • Cloud9
    • Vitality
    • Spirit
    • Faze
    • Eternal Fire
    • Natus Vincere
    • MOUZ
    • G2


    • paiN
    • Virtus.Pro
    • Complexity
    • Imperial
    • HEROIC
    • TheMongolz
    • FURIA

    Group stage results.

    Advanced to elimination stage

    • Cloud9
    • Heroic
    • paiN
    • Eternal Fire
    • FURIA
    • Imperial
    • TheMongolz

    Eliminated in the opening stage:

    • AMKAL
    • KOI
    • Lynn vision
    • Apeks
    • ENCE
    • Legacy
    • Gamerlegion
    • SAW
    Counter-Strike GoodEye8
    PGL Major Copenhagen attendees finalized PGL Major Copenhagen attendees finalized

    PGL have confirmed which teams will skip the Opening Stage after Valve updating the Regional Standings.

    PGL Major Copenhagen attendees finalized
    Counter-Strike GoodEye8
    Blast premier Spring groups 2024

    Kinda late with the post, but better late than never.

    Day 1:

    • G2 vs NiP -> G2 advance, NiP drop to losers bracket
    • NaVi vs Compexity -> NaVi advance, Complexity drop to losers bracket
    • Vitality vs OG -> Vitality advance, OG drop to losers bracket
    • Astralis vs Falcons -> Astralis advance, Falcons drop to losers bracket

    Day 2:

    • NaVi vs G2 -> NaVi advance, G2 drop to losers bracket
    • NiP vs Compexity -> NiP faces G2 in losers bracket, Complexity are sent to Spring Showdown
    • Vitality vs Astralis -> Astralis advance, Vitality drop to losers bracket
    • Falcons vs OG -> Falcons face Vitality in losers, OG are sent to Spring Showdown

    Day 3:

    • Faze vs Gamerlegion -> Gamerlegion advance, Faze drop to losers bracket
    • Spirit vs Liquid -> Liquid advance, Spirit drop to losers bracket
    • VP vs BIG -> VP advance, BIG drop to losers bracket
    • C9 vs Heroic -> C9 advance, Heroic drop to losers bracket

    Day 4:

    • Gamerlegion vs Liquid -> Liquid advance, Gamerlegion drop to losers bracket
    • Faze vs Spirit -> Faze faces Gamerlegion in losers bracket, Spirit are sent to Spring Showdown
    • C9 vs VP -> VP advance, C9 drop to losers bracket
    • BIG vs Heroic -> BIG faces C9 in losers, Heroic is sent to Spring Showdown

    Day 5:

    • Vitality vs Falcons -> Vitality face Astralis in group finals, Falcons are sent to Spring Showdown
    • G2 vs NiP -> G2 face NaVi in group finals, NiP are sent to Spring Showdown
    • Gamerlegion vs Faze -> Faze face Liquid in group finals, Gamerlegion is sent to Spring Showdown
    • C9 vs BIG -> BIG face VP group finals, C9 is sent to Spring Showdown

    Day 5:

    • Vitality vs Falcons -> Vitality face Astralis in group finals, Falcons are sent to Spring Showdown
    • G2 vs NiP -> G2 face NaVi in group finals, NiP are sent to Spring Showdown
    • Gamerlegion vs Faze -> Faze face Liquid in group finals, Gamerlegion is sent to Spring Showdown
    • C9 vs BIG -> BIG face VP group finals, C9 is sent to Spring Showdown


    • Astralis vs Vitality -> Vitality qualify for Spring finals, Astralis go to the deciders
    • NaVi vs G2-> NaVi qualify for finals Spring finals, G2 go to the deciders
    • Liquid vs Faze -> Faze qualify for finals Spring finals, Liquid face G2 in the deciders
    • VP vs BIG -> VP qualify for the Spring finals, BIG face Astralis in the deciders


    • Astralis vs BIG -> Astralis qualify for the Spring finals, BIG is sent to Spring Showdown
    • Liquid vs G2 -> G2 qualify for the Spring final, Liquid is sent to Spring Showdown
    Counter-Strike GoodEye8
    S1mple retires from CS HLTVorg - S1mple retires from CS

    Watch HLTVorg's clip titled "S1mple retires from CS"

    HLTVorg - S1mple retires from CS
    Counter-Strike GoodEye8
    HLTV top 20 players of 2023 Megathread

    The yearly HLTV top 20 players of 2023 is upon us:

    1. Mathieu "ZywOo" Herbaut
    2. Nikola "⁠NiKo⁠" Kovač
    3. Robin "ropz" Kool
    4. Ilya "⁠m0NESY⁠" Osipov
    5. Lotan "⁠Spinx⁠" Giladi
    6. Álvaro "SunPayus" García
    7. Oleksandr "⁠s1mple"⁠ Kostyliev
    8. Dmitry "sh1ro" Sokolov
    9. Martin "stavn" Lund
    10. Helvijs "⁠broky⁠" Saukants
    11. Nicolai "device" Reedtz
    12. David "frozen" Čerňanský
    13. Nemanja "huNter-⁠" Kovač
    14. Guy "NertZ" Iluz
    15. Jakob "⁠jabbi⁠" Nygaard
    16. Benjamin "blameF" Bremer
    17. Emil "Magisk" Reif
    18. Casper "cadiaN"⁠ Møller
    19. Kaike "KSCERATO" Cerato
    20. Russel ⁠"Twistzz"⁠ Van Dulken
    Counter-Strike GoodEye8
    New mod, new winds


    This community has been rather inactive for a long time and probably partly because the community creator and former mod was never active. There's also no strong CS community on lemmy so I decided to step up and hopefully shape this community into a healthy CS community, because I love CS and I don't want to go Reddit for my CS fix.

    Moving forward I will take a more active role in this community to post content for others to discuss. To focus the discussions I will start by creating megathreads for the bigger happenings in the community. For instance instead of having 20 posts about the HLTV top 20 players that will get little to no comments, I will create a HLTV top 20 megathread to get more a discussion going on.

    At least that's the plan, please do stick around and help me (by posting, commenting and upvoting) help you get this community up and running.

    Counter-Strike GoodEye8
    Mod status request

    I would like to take a mod position to try and get this community off the ground as @Osiris seems to be inactive.

    XTQZZZ no longer part of new TSM project XTQZZZ no longer part of new TSM project

    The entire roster featuring the likes of Audric "JACKZ" Jug and Timofey "interz" Yakushin is also reportedly in jeopardy.

    XTQZZZ no longer part of new TSM project
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 9
    Comments 1K