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  • I loved the cross-platform approach Kenny has taken, it is stuff that will be useful for years, and stuff like this is tricky to find resources for. :)

    Saved for when I am at the "user" stage of my game, beyond "yay saves now work" and the lower level code :)

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  • Thank you for this, I like the idea a lot :) here's hoping we have some good news at last!

    It weirds me out to think some younger people will think the past decade was just "normal" as it'll be most of what thaey have experienced.

  • fittest bloke in preston
  • We have both... But having experienced migraines from american mountain dew, our idea of it is hampered by pesky things like banned additives.

    On the upside I now don't drink the UK edition as it tastes watered down in comparison! :) Can't vouch for Cheetos as it's been a while but they do exist. :)

  • fittest bloke in preston
  • We have both... But having experienced migraines from american mountain dew, our idea of it is hampered by pesky things like banned additives.

    On the upside I now don't drink the UK edition as it tastes watered down in comparison! :)

    Can't vouch for cheetos as it's been a while, but they exist here at least :)

  • New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC
  • I can second this! For me it meant that I could finish my game of modded fallout new vegas, and connect to my work's microsoft vpn nonsense (IT support didn't fancy trying it on Mint but that's another story!)

    I now have a personal OS that I like, and a windows partition for those few things that I can't be bothered to troubleshoot.

    So far the list is just those things and the Unity Engine as Visual Studio debugs better than code in my experience. :)

    Having the option to flick back is great :) In the XP days, I loved the WUBI(?) tool that let you install ubuntu dual boot as an exe, but I think that's not a thing these days., :)

  • What is a good keyboard for android?
  • Darn it, I popped into this thread to suggest Thumb-Key, and was beaten to it by the maker of the keyboard!

    Thank you for making my phone usage much faster and enjoyable (written using Thumb-Key of course!) :)

  • Are there any books or films that scratch the same itch as Blade runner/Philip K Dick?

    Hi everyone :) I was wondering if anyone would be interested in chatting about things similar to Blade Runner/Philip K Dick? I've read pretty much all of his books that I get my hands on, but am sadly hitting the point where it's an event when I find one I've not already read. :)

    Do any other Science Fiction writers or films scratch the same itch? :)

    To throw one of his own into the discussion: We Can Build You is fantastic - much slower, but explores androids, and their impact on the human characters. :)

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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