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Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk
  • I've never order a mixed drink in my life. Got some flasks in college and will still take that and have a soda instead. With beers being $7 minimum I'm also starting to just slam a >9% IPA before going in and having water.

  • FTC Warns Car Makers Regarding Privacy
  • I'm honestly wondering if I can start a business "de-smarting" things. I had this idea a couple years ago when I was hardware disabling the microphone in my Comcast remote. I think the average consumer is realizing how much they are being tracked and do not like it. Enough that they would pay for solutions. The VPN market is massive.

  • Self-balancing commuter pods ride old railway lines on demand
  • Since they're light weight, they don't need the heavy rail for freight trains that put >25 tons per axle. It would be incredibly easy to make little switching stations that could pass, turn, and store these pods. Having mini train infrastructure like that everywhere would complete my autism. Life would be complete and I could die happy in a monorail pod crash.

  • It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC
  • They will, they will make hundreds, maybe thousands of arrests knowing full well its unconstitutional. But it'll take a year or two to work through courts at which point the courts will be completely controlled by Project 2025 magats.

  • All of the 90s cats are dead.

    Cats can live for 20+ years. Maybe there are a few left that were born in the 90s and are just chilling.

    Is there a FOSS/privacy oriented IoT community?

    Is there a community specific to FOSS or just general privacy oriented IoT? With plenty of hardware discussion along with software. Routers, piholes, Meshtastic, anything IoT but open source. If it touches a network but you want it to do something it doesn't. Flashing a doorbell camera with FOSS firmware. Hosting media servers on your phones Hotspot. Loading gcode to a printer from anywhere. There are so many things and possibilities.

    If there isn't someone should start one, OpenIoT or something catchy and relevant.

    Using multiple machines to stream to one source

    With the advancements in steamlink, do you think we'll be able to use more than one source to render? If I have 2 mid desktops, could steamlink get the resource and computing distribution along with the synchronization(or pre-rendering?) to use both machines to stream to my steamdeck?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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