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That period of time in the late 2000s-early 2010s when Japanese companies pandered to Western audiences was just miserable
  • ARRRRR comrade-atey!

    I'll look into the 360 emu and pc torrent. Thanks for the info!

  • That period of time in the late 2000s-early 2010s when Japanese companies pandered to Western audiences was just miserable
  • Sounds fun! I love jank, I love it to the point I consider it a negative if a game has no jank whatsoever (lack of ambition).

    Would you recommend trying to emulate it?

  • That period of time in the late 2000s-early 2010s when Japanese companies pandered to Western audiences was just miserable
  • their guesses

    I greatly enjoy learning about and trying to figure out misconceptions about America from artists who aren’t. It’s like a mirror. Mirrors are distorted reflections (or a smart phone camera, an originally accurate depiction that gets fed through the digitally “enhanced”/altered filter and is no longer an accurate depiction).

    Except, it’s genuine. There was a real team of people trying to figure it out and based off what America puts out into the noosphere this is the result. It’s a way to get an outside perspective. But for whatever reason I find it kinda funny when they get stuff wrong in a way I can’t figure out or have to put work into figuring out.

    Alternatively: that game where the president is in a mech. Those devs totally understand. Amazing parody of us.

  • That period of time in the late 2000s-early 2010s when Japanese companies pandered to Western audiences was just miserable
  • AC130 missions can be good. They never are, but it’s basically a twist of the top-down shooter genre (which is a classic for a reason).

  • That period of time in the late 2000s-early 2010s when Japanese companies pandered to Western audiences was just miserable
  • All of those slapped with the possible exception of DV. Know little to nothing about it except for vertical cover mechanics

  • That period of time in the late 2000s-early 2010s when Japanese companies pandered to Western audiences was just miserable
  • Assault Horizon actually was multi platform so I give it a pass because it was my first. But yeah bringing AC to IRL was a miserable idea that should never be tried again unless I get to play as S-500 operator who gets conscripted into flying a SU-75 after a Belkan American proxy bio-weapon targets all the pilots. Level 1 is actually just operating a fancy as fuck “shoots down Americans” machine.

  • Gamer's edition
  • Only ever engage with the artificial fantasy, disengages with actual human women because the doll is preferable to being forced to stop being a shit in order to form a real connection,the world improves and devs actually care about appealing to women, “Y R THE WOKE DEVS PORTRAYING A REALISTOC LERSON INSTED KF HORNY BARBIE?!?!?”

    As somebody who spends far too much time on video games, I fucking hate every non-leftist else involved in this enjoyably time-wasting pursuit.

  • Gamer's edition
  • At least two, that would be the fitting number. The more the merrier though.

    Alternative riff: two Samurai wearing that outfit doing the “dashes by each other but you don’t know who struck the blow” Kurosawa thing except they were wearing leotards and were engaging in a different kind of sword fight.

  • the tank was hamas
  • “First as tragedy second as farce” version of Masada.

  • the tank was hamas
  • What’s the actual happening you think was the real event?

    I could easily believe the tank excuse being used to coverup one of those booby trapped buildings getting a big win, as an example.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • They used to be influential to the point that the ISISrael intentionally targeted them heavily while using a softer hand with the non leftists.

  • Trump scolded Don Jr lmao
  • Given the track-record marxists have at raising liberals we should consider this as well

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • So a threat to any government is the military. Enough of the top guys have it with you? The rank and file are massively upset? That’s a Turkey style situation where the people capable of forcing change are a huge threat. Enough soldiers have family that can’t afford bread? Again, massive issue.

    What all that has in common is “keep the military happy and competent if you don’t want regime change”.

    Civilian leadership of the military at the top not only lessens the institutional power of the military , of the top person in an institutions power structure has to be an outsider that dilutes the institutional inertial, but it also does so by making sure the top guy is not born or bred within the institution you are imposing outside leadership on.

    Post-Putin Russia is inevitable. Memento mori, Tempus fugit. Wearing the military institution would be be beneficial if he intends his successor to not come from those institutions. Appointing civilian head of the military would be a powerful play if he intends to green light that person as a successor or use that person to gather political capital and have them endorse who he grooms/has been grooming to take over.

    All of this assumes he has a plan. If he genuinely doesn’t give a fuck about Russia after he dies none of my foundation is stable in regards to this

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • It’s also the smart move. By creating a precedent of civilian leadership over the military he weakens the military, the most relevant power bloc when the question of succession becomes forced. If he intends to pick somebody and position them for the role of heir, this is a key move.

    Edit: I’m not pulling lib shit and saying Putin is a czar or anything. I simply think it unwise to assert he has no opinion who comes next, and with the amount of control he exerts I think it prudent to consider that an “in most respects” competent leader would be aware of the danger a power vacuum would not only cause his people, but also (if we assume even a baseline level of vanity) his legacy. Like, history books are going to write about him no matter what he does at this point. If I had that looking over me I’d be studying and taking notes

  • Map of MODERN sundown towns?
  • Bumping because I probably have one in “over the weekend” driving distance and realized massive acts of vandalism against infrastructure used by racists is on my bucket list.

  • A Nazi was buried with a Happy meal.
  • respect the energy, that was a fun thread to read

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • Somebody mentioned you can vote 20 times per house hold or something, the speculation was that ultra Zionists were using all 20 on Israel instead of doing the normal thing and spreading out the votes throughout the contest.

    I have no clue if true, not European enough for that.

  • Arena: Breakout Infinite has a ton of potential

    Got into the beta and it’s watered down compared to Tarkov, but it’s actually made with UX and optimization in mind. The mobile version is a competent mobile extraction shooter, but they clearly understand why Tarkov has a cult appeal while also understanding why it stays cult.

    Example: user experience in inventory is improved by allowing to roll up rollable items like an empty duffel or chest rig, which Tarkov lacks. There are also macros to “sell all” and whatnot that Tarkov lacks. Better realism and experience every time I’m interacting with my extra chest rigs. I highly reccomend keeping an eye on it if you like the idea of Tarkov without actually enjoying Tarkov.

    Greydon Square - Omniverse

    A cool song about the scifi concept of how much energy a civ is capable of harvesting.

    Discovery could end global amphibian pandemic Discovery could end global amphibian pandemic

    A fungus devastating frogs and toads on nearly every continent may have an Achilles heel. Scientists have discovered a virus that infects the fungus, and that could be engineered to save the amphibians.

    Discovery could end global amphibian pandemic

    >A fungus devastating frogs and toads on nearly every continent may have an Achilles heel. Scientists have discovered a virus that infects the fungus, and that could be engineered to save the amphibians.

    >The UC Riverside researchers who found the virus are excited about the implications of their discovery. In addition to helping them learn about how fungal pathogens rise and spread, it offers the hope of ending what they call a global amphibian pandemic.

    >Additionally, the virus that infects Bd was hard to find because most known viruses that infect fungi, called mycoviruses, are RNA viruses. However, this virus is a single-stranded DNA virus. By studying the DNA, the researchers could see the virus stuck in the genome of the fungus.

    >It appears that only some strains of the fungus have the virus in their genome. But the infected ones seem to behave differently than the ones that don’t. “When these strains possess the virus they produce fewer spores, so it spreads more slowly. But they also might become more virulent, killing frogs faster,” Stajich said.

    >Right now, the virus is essentially trapped inside the fungal genome. The researchers would eventually like to clone the virus and see if a manually infected strain of Bd also produces fewer spores.

    >“Because some strains of the fungus are infected and some are not, this underscores the importance of studying multiple strains of a fungal species,” Yacoub said.

    >Moving forward, the researchers are looking for insights into the ways that the virus operates. “We don’t know how the virus infects the fungus, how it gets into the cells,” Yacoub said. “If we’re going to engineer the virus to help amphibians, we need answers to questions like these.”

    >In some places, it appears there are a few amphibian species acquiring resistance to Bd.

    >“Like with COVID, there is a slow buildup of immunity. We are hoping to assist nature in taking its course,” Yacoub said.

    [Answered, leaving it up in case anyone else did not know]What's the best way to find out if my identity was stolen?

    I’ve been getting spam from an apparently real debt collection company but the thing is I’ve only ever owed debt to two entities: my credit card and the government (fucked up my withholdings once). I know I don’t owe shit, so either it’s a scam that’s impersonating a real agency or somebody stole my identity and they think I do. Which is possible, for reasons I won’t go into.

    A saloon brawl breaks out, you're the in-house musician, what song do you start playing?

    Bonus points if it’s the funniest instrument possible for that particular song. Singing is an instrument for the purposes of this post, idk what the actual musician consensus is on if vocals are an instrument or something else.

    Hold Your Children Close and Pray for Oblivion

    nothing ever happens, but if...

    Russia. Is. At. War.

    Good insights into what war actually means for a real country (not the American yellow ribbon bs)

    LFG thread, here we post a game we don't have people to play with and hopefully find a team for the game in question

    To start things off: I play Hellish quart, a physics based sword fighting sim (that has remote play) so if anyone wants to engage in a sword fight hmu, once I add you on steam you won’t have to buy the game (my internet isn’t the best though, so depending on factors it might be laggy).

    Star Wars Republic Commando Soundtrack - Vode An

    It's crazy how this game and its tie-in novel led to an entire language

    What's a good guide to go from zero to able to make a compilation video?

    What I have:

    >All the videos downloaded in highest available quality

    >im good at pirating shit, so price isn’t a factor

    What I don’t have:

    >The software

    >The skill to use it

    >The knowledge of what software to use and where to find guides on it.

    There’s a few people who’ve created content, and a lot of it’s quite good (RIP Eugene dabs) so I was hoping I wasn’t the only person who started with zero background and wanted to make videos.

    If it can handle audio as well that’s a bonus but not relevant to my immediate ideas for “first projects”.

    Thank you in advance to anyone kind enough to offer advice

    A new Pokémon Legends game is coming to Switch in 2025 A new Pokémon Legends game is coming to Switch in 2025

    Pokémon Legends Z-A is the biggest surprise from the new Pokémon Presents

    A new Pokémon Legends game is coming to Switch in 2025

    > the game will send players to Lumiose City — the Parisian-inspired central city of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y

    > The trailer does, however, hint at the return of Mega Evolutions

    GinAndJuche GinAndJuche [comrade/them]
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