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Undecided voters give Harris a look — but not a commitment — after the debate
  • I can't imagine how anyone looks at Trump, and who he is as a person, then compares to Harris and still can't decide. The choice is so painfully clear, it's not even a choice. Trump isn't fit for office at any level, let alone the highest office in the land.

  • TIL that Key West, Florida got hit with two Category 5 hurricanes while MTV was filming The Real World there
  • You can't get much more real world then two Cat 5 hurricanes. Also, I hated The Real World, the moment that garbage came on, it was time to change the channel. I know online streaming/youtube has replaced MTV's niche, but MTV of the late 80's through the 90's will always hold a special place in my heart.

  • Dipshits At Washington Free Beacon Just Wondering Why Harris Left Mickey D’s Off Her Professional Resume
  • Same here, a lot of the experience I got in customer service jobs is very relevant for talking with business users in my profession, so it's worth bringing up in interviews, even if it doesn't feel appropriate to list it on my resume as job experience.

    I think this type of attempt at a gotcha just shows that right leaning websites/people are grasping at straws when it comes to trying to cut down Harris.

  • Dipshits At Washington Free Beacon Just Wondering Why Harris Left Mickey D’s Off Her Professional Resume
  • I don't list my high school/college part time job on my professional resume either. It isn't that I'm assumed of where I worked, or it didn't happen, it's just that it feels like small potatoes and not relevant to when I'm applying to a new job in my field.

  • Samsung TVs will get 7 years of updates, starting with 2023 models
  • It was a Q90T bought in October of 2020. I also remembered another issue, after I replaced the TV with an LG, I started using it with a gaming laptop so my friend and I could play games on PC together. But we had nights were we spent an whole hour trying to get the TV to recognize the Laptop's output. Sometimes it'd work, other nights it would refuse, and it got worse over time. I hate that TV with a fiery passion, it cost so much money and it was not worth it, not even close. The prior TV I had was a Sony top of the the line in 2007, and it was immaculate, lasted until 2020 when I replaced it.

  • Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm - Launch Trailer
  • Oh shit yeah! I hope it's good, I heard this expansion was 100% made by Gearbox, and not by Hopoo, so I'm a bit worried it won't have the same great feel of prior content.

    I know that Gearbox worked directly with Hopoo on the prior expansion, but still... it's Gearbox.

  • Samsung TVs will get 7 years of updates, starting with 2023 models
  • I'll never buy another Samsung TV. I bought a top of the line LCD/LED TV in late 2020 and it had so many weird issues:

    It had frame rate issues with some streaming devices. It was widely reported as an issue in the Samsung forums, but it was never fixed.

    The interface wasn't user friendly, taking many many more button presses to switch Inputs than any other TV I've had.

    The grid of LEDs that were supposed to turn on and off to help make dark spots darker ended up being distracting, you could clearly see when one or two of the LEDs turned on, causing an area to get highlighted by comparison.

    Nope, never again, I bought an nice LG OLED and it's great, build quality, UI, responsiveness, picture quality.

  • Trump Considers Dropping Out Of ‘FAKE NEWS’ ABC Debate After ‘Biased’ Sen. Tom Cotton Interview
  • If he does drop out of the debate again, I bet they could get him to recommit by going all Biff Tannen on his ass:

    "What's the matter McTrump? Chicken?"

    He'll bristle, and say he's no chicken and agree to debate Kamala.

    In all seriousness, I was surprised agreed to debate her at all, given that he has nothing to gain. Best cash scenario, he tries the same approach he used with Biden, turning his mouth into a fire hose of lies, and Biden couldn't keep up. With Kamala, she'd just laugh at his lies, and actually refute him with facts, he'd look just awful in comparison.

    At this point I doubt he'll actually show up to the debate.

  • Report: Marvel chose RDJ as Doctor Doom Over Mads Mikkelsen to Play it Safe
  • Oh I wasn't implying safe was good, it's the worked shopped, focus group drivel they put out. They view it as safe, instead of taking a risk, making something with a creative vision. I'm sorry I hadn't meant to imply safe was the best choice, quite the opposite.

  • Report: Marvel chose RDJ as Doctor Doom Over Mads Mikkelsen to Play it Safe
  • I was already not happy with the choice of RDJ, but to hear the other pick was Mads Mikkelsen really twists the knife. Mads Mikkelsen would have been absolutely fantastic as Dr. Doom! Damn Disney/Marvel, this is why you are on a downward trend, you don't make good decisions, you make safe decisions.

  • Abiotic Factor: Crush Depth - Summer Update 0.9.0
  • We didn't catch the fact that the rubble covered stove in the cafeteria early on works. So we never found a way to cook food, eventually we found another oven, but it was broken and we had no idea where to get the parts to repair it. We went back to the beginning to cook food, but the logistics of trying to haul things with our limited inventories back and forth to get food and also explore became unfun so we quit.

  • Abiotic Factor: Crush Depth - Summer Update 0.9.0
  • My friend and I tried to get into Abiotic Factor, I love the setting, I love the premise, but we had a very difficult time getting a foot hold where we were just dying of starvation over and over. I need to circle back and try the game again, the same thing happened with Subnautica, took a few tries to get enough momentum to get established and have fun exploring.

  • All New Atlas | Boston Dynamics

    I'm not sure if they could picked a creeper way for it to stand up.

    House Speaker Mike Johnson Sure Is A Scary Little Freak – SOME MORE NEWS

    I vaguely knew that Mike Johnson was a weirdo, but this video really filled in a lot of details I didn't have. Now I find myself agree with the video's assessment: Mike Johnson is a scary little freak!

    Middle-aged and some what tongue tied (medical condition) anyone else in this situation, and go through with the procedure?

    I'm a middle aged guy, who, a few years ago, was off handedly told by a dental hygienist while getting my teeth cleaned, that I was tongue tied. I've had a flap of skin under my tongue which holds it down, it isn't severe, but it does restrict my tongues mobility. For instance, I can't really stick my tongue out very far (causes issues for... certain.... activities). And I can't reach the back of my rear molars, something I'm told normal people can do with ease. But it isn't a severe tongue tie by any means. I've also been told that when talking I use different mouth movements then other people for some words, I had no idea what that meant until I started working full time remote and was on camera all the time. I've seen out going video of my self and can spot the weirdness in talking that was referenced.

    The dentist has painted this whole story about how my level of tongue tie prevented my palette from widening like it should have as a baby, resulting in a higher palette which pushed up into the sinuses, and also made my face more narrow then it would have been. Obviously, they can't prove any of this, but it's interesting to consider.

    My dentist office has added a whole department dedicated to correcting tongue ties, and they push this very heavily. I'm just worried I'd regret having it corrected, but it sure would be nice to have more tongue mobility for the reasons I've described.

    Are there any other Lemmings who are in a similar scenario to me? Did you go through with correcting the issue, did you like the end result, did you regret it? What was recovery time like?

    Question for the Ergo Mechanical Keyboard community

    Hello adn welcome to my plea for help! I've been PC gaming for a very long time, and in the beginning I used a split dome keyboard, it was fine for what it was. I switched back to standard keyboards though and have been using them for years. I've been a fan of corsair mechanical keyboards for the last 15 years, the last 4 with rapid fire switches.

    My issue is, due to the angle my left hand tends to rest on WASD my pink is at an angle when I press shift or control, it never bothered me over the years. But it's starting to cause pain in the joint, probably do the pinky not lining up straight with the movement of the key press, so that the joint in the pinky and getting stress in a direction it isn't supposed to get.

    When I joined Lemmy I saw a lot of posts from this community, but after the pinky problem I started wondering if a split mechanical keyboard would help, I think a more ergonomic position for my hand helps with the pinky placement.

    Which brands are worth checking out? Do they have "rapid fire" or "silver" switches available? I got used to the very short key travel before it activates and I'd love to try out an ergo mechanical with the same type of switches.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, this problem is pretty damn distressing, I don't want to be hobbled in relation to my favorite hobbie.

    Google Drive, Google Docs Replacement: Is OneDrive and a subscription to M365 Personal the answer?

    Some background on me, I'm big on data privacy, I've stripped out a lot of services which harvest data and sell it. The last scummy bastion is Google Drive and Google Docs. I make use for G-Drive for backup redundancy and accessing things from any where, especially on my phone. Spreadsheet of my favorite horror movies, or a list of Genesis or PS1 games I'm still hunting for, stuff like that.

    So my question is, would OneDrive and M365 Personal paid subscriptions work for my use case? Anyone here have experience using those services?

    Old memes condensed down into an easy to consume format

    I still love this song and video!

    [Midjourney] To spark creativity I found a huge gallery of artistic styles

    I've found that when I'm faced with infinite possiblities, it's difficult to think of new things, sort of a "paralysis through analysis" type of thing. I found this great site which lists out artistic techniques and a ton of other things to try out.

    Andrei Kovalev's Midlibrary 2.0

    For example, I saw in the library how cool paper cut outs could be with Midjourney, so I tried paper cut out, female samurai and iterated a ton of times and got the image I've attached, and I adored how it turned out.

    What are some of your favorite artistic styles which have teased out the best results from Midjourney?

    [Midjourney] The Bone Queen on her throne

    I was trying for "Bone Queen" and in one of my iterations, I wanted to see if I could get a King and Queen, but got just a queen and I loved how it looked.

    Prompts: King and Queen of Bone::5 beautiful::5 nightmare::5 throne of bone::3 flowers::-3

    [Midjourney] An attempt at Morticia Addams

    I wanted to try for a nice picture of Morticia Addams holding a rose, though Midjourney when set to "Very High" style just defaults to blindingly beautiful young women. I ended up liking the results, but used the Zoom Out 2x feature to pull back the view to filling more detail and make the women take up less space. Prompts:

    Morticia Addams, goth, pale skin, mature, older, gown, rose, evil, dark, beautiful, cartoon, devil --ar 16:9

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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