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Now that google is going all in on ai what are some sites you plan on bookmarking.
  • I would argue that the corporate ai mess is not the real internet and that the real internet is made up of people. If the Corporations want to make their walled gardens unusable then the internet community should rebuild and make the internet usable again.
    I have been considering for a while making a community around asking the sort of questions people would normally search for so people can give answers that can be added to a list though idk how practical that would be?

  • Now that google is going all in on ai what are some sites you plan on bookmarking.

    Just curious since I think it is about to get a whole lot harder to search using google. hopefully this will signal the end of their monopoly.

    1 month of Linux Mint and some thoughts.

    About a month ago I switched to Linux mint from windows 11.

    The first thing I noticed was mint being faster and less bloated than windows 11.

    I also liked having actual control over my settings without a corporation being able to undo them at will.

    Another thing I noticed was not having to add extensions to text files to run as a program instead having the option in properties.

    For certain windows programs and games I was able to use wine which was great because I like to use gamemaker 8.1 which was made before they added linux support.

    I tried different wine environments starting with bottles then trying Steam proton and Lutris. With Lutris being the one I ended up using due to it being the only one that I could get to run every program I needed.

    The ms paint alternative called drawing took some use to due to it automatically cropping out parts of the image outside of the line when pasting in a screenshot from the clipboard.

    Although I do still miss ms paint but that is mostly nostalgia.

    Fortunately there is an option to save the screenshot after taking it.

    Migrating from windows I appreciate the SUPER key bringing up a menu on the bottom left which brings up some apps and the search bar. Which always searches on the OS unlike windows 11 which sometimes searches the internet instead.

    Another detail I noticed is if you type paint or notepad in the search it brings up drawing and the text editor which is nice for people transitioning to Linux.

    Being able to move the panel or add new ones was also a breath of fresh air from windows 11 making the task bar more restrictive.

    Having the option of deb packages and flatpacks is really useful as well.

    I also no longer have to worry about telemetry or microsoft trying to show me ads or pop ups.

    TL:DR Mint is a way better experience than windows 11.

    Stop Killing Games Canadian Petition - Now Open For Signature
  • Nice I will share this on the aussie instance.

    Edit: I copied the format but removed permanent resident with just resident due to the website saying "Each person that signs your e-petition (including yourself) must confirm that they are a citizen or resident of Australia." I am not sure if that means permanent or not.

  • BG3 Vulkan problem? Please help
  • I haven't tried Baldur's gate but to get the lord of the rings bfme2 to run I set the runner to wine-ge-8-26-x86_64 and it started working in Lutris.

    I also tested bottles before I moved to Lutris and there should be runner settings for graphics to be translated to Vulkan from directx.
    I am using Linux Mint though which is debian based so idk if you have to do things different for wine in fedora.

  • With the recent helldivers 2 fiasco do you think Sony will still be able to fix destiny 2?

    I think a lot of us were hoping Sony would replace leadership in bungie and reverse all the terrible decisions Bungie has made.

    Bethesda Quietly Removes Denuvo DRM from Ghostwire: Tokyo
  • Sorry we cannot afford to pay the DRM licensing fee. As a result we will no longer be able to inconvenience our customers or prevent people who were never going to pay for our game anyway from playing.

  • 'Donald Trump did this': New Biden abortion ad features a woman who says she almost died because of the Texas ban 'Donald Trump did this': New Biden abortion ad features a woman who says she almost died because of the Texas ban

    The ad was released hours after Trump said he believes abortion laws should be left to the states, sidestepping the national ban some of his supporters want.

    'Donald Trump did this': New Biden abortion ad features a woman who says she almost died because of the Texas ban

    The ad was released hours after Trump said he believes abortion laws should be left to the states, sidestepping the national ban some of his supporters want. Link to video.\_9D28

    Which will melt more snow: 35 F and sunny or 45 F and cloudy?
  • I guess it depends on the thickness and the type of clouds?

    Cloud factor

    There hasn't been much research about the effect of cloud and the types of cloud on UV so at the moment the Bureau only gives a maximum clear sky value, and the times of the day when the UV index is expected to be above level three, he says.

    "UV is affected by many things. One of those is cloud, but it depends upon what type of cloud it is, the thickness of the cloud and whether it is deep right through the atmosphere."

    UV radiation can penetrate through thin cloud, so you can still get high levels of UV at ground level on overcast days, he says.

    Patchy clouds can also intensify UV levels because radiation is reflected off the clouds' edge.

    "In other words you get a mirror effect and the UV can bounce off the clouds and focus on the ground. You can get quite high UV levels at the ground during partly cloudy days when there are breaks in the cloud.

    "You have to be very, very careful on those sorts of days not to assume you won't get those sorts of extreme levels."

  • A New York man's pet alligator was seized after 30 years. Now, he wants Albert back A New York man's pet alligator was seized after 30 years. Now, he wants Albert back

    The owner of an 34-year-old alligator seized by conservation officers near Buffalo is fighting for its return

    A New York man's pet alligator was seized after 30 years. Now, he wants Albert back

    The owner of an 34-year-old alligator seized by conservation officers near Buffalo is fighting for its return

    A New York man's pet alligator was seized after 30 years. Now, he wants Albert back A New York man's pet alligator was seized after 30 years. Now, he wants Albert back

    The owner of an 34-year-old alligator seized by conservation officers near Buffalo is fighting for its return

    A New York man's pet alligator was seized after 30 years. Now, he wants Albert back

    The owner of an 34-year-old alligator seized by conservation officers near Buffalo is fighting for its return

    First day using Linux Mint instead of Windows 11

    It feels faster and it seems to use up less storage.

    It feels like I no longer have to play tug of war with microsoft with owning my own device.

    Canada moves to protect coral reef that scientists say ‘shouldn’t exist’ Canada moves to protect coral reef that scientists say ‘shouldn’t exist’

    Discovery was made after First Nations tipped off ecologists about groups of fish gathering in a fjord off British Columbia

    Canada moves to protect coral reef that scientists say ‘shouldn’t exist’

    Discovery was made after First Nations tipped off ecologists about groups of fish gathering in a fjord off British Columbia

    My spam filters on kbin social. (Ublock Origin)

    Let me know if there are any I should add.[.WATCH.]) Money)!)

    /kbin meta Gamers_Mate
    My ublock origin filters to hide spam on kbin.[.WATCH.]) Money)

    Let me know if there is any more I should add.

    Pet DNA testing company in doghouse after identifying human as canine Pet DNA testing company in doghouse after identifying human as canine

    DNA My Dog received human genetic sample and identified it as a malamute, shar-pei and labrador, according to news station

    Pet DNA testing company in doghouse after identifying human as canine

    DNA My Dog received human genetic sample and identified it as a malamute, shar-pei and labrador, according to news station

    Pet DNA testing company in doghouse after identifying human as canine Pet DNA testing company in doghouse after identifying human as canine

    DNA My Dog received human genetic sample and identified it as a malamute, shar-pei and labrador, according to news station

    Pet DNA testing company in doghouse after identifying human as canine

    DNA My Dog received human genetic sample and identified it as a malamute, shar-pei and labrador, according to news station

    Gaming Gamers_Mate
    New Game Announces Release Date And Also Shutdown Date In Same Tweet. New Game Announces Release Date And Also Shutdown Date In Same Tweet

    Love Live! School Idol Festival 2 Miracle Live has announced both its launch date and the date the game will shut down in one Tweet.

    New Game Announces Release Date And Also Shutdown Date In Same Tweet

    Love Live! School Idol Festival 2 Miracle Live has announced both its launch date and the date the game will shut down in one Tweet.

    Volunteers inhale air pollutants to unpack link to dementia Volunteers inhale air pollutants to unpack link to dementia

    Volunteers in the U.K. are inhaling pollutants to help scientists understand why air pollution has long been linked to dementia.

    Volunteers inhale air pollutants to unpack link to dementia

    Volunteers in the U.K. are inhaling pollutants to help scientists understand why air pollution has long been linked to dementia.

    Out of the three factions what one do you think had the most solid ideology.

    Dead Orbit wants humanity to colonize the stars instead of hiding under a broken god.

    Future War Cult is always trying to research weapons that they can use to have an advantage in war which according to them is the only constant.

    New Monarchy.. idk something about royalty and wearing fancy clothes?

    I thought it would be fun to replay the First Destiny 1 Mission. Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


    I have been getting back into Destiny 1 and found it quite enjoyable going back to where it all started.

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