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What do you think of this prediction?
  • Speaking in inevitability isn’t very realistic regardless of the outcome as inevitably the solar system will collapse and steam will surely be out of business then, right?

    What we do know is that steam is exceptionally profitable, at least according to their own internal metrics, at nearly 800k per employee. So they have no need to pump more, except “because more” but all we can do is consider that they haven’t yet and hope it continues.

    I personally think Steam’s timeline to replacement is 100% based on how long they can maintain a positive relationship with their audience. I don’t disagree that a replacement will come, but we have seen other publishers spin up stores and largely fail because of shitty patterns so for now we are back to the “wait and see”. Their replacement will be the result of their own failures to meet and maintain a very vocal customer base

  • In your area/country, did you have a word or phrase to describe the static white noise on a television set not tuned to a channel?
  • I've come to refer to it as static/snow but I specifically remember hearing it called ants/ant races as a child some 40 years ago. The husband of the elderly couple that took care of us base kids would insist he had a favorite and could tell if it was winning.

    I get some strange comfort that it is called that by others and wasn't some abstraction of my memory

  • NSFW
    Where do I find people that are willing to date or hook up?
  • This is exactly what I was going to suggest.

    OP: If being a virgin is really that much of a mental obstacle for you then go get laid by a professional or go take your shot as many times as it takes at pubs or clubs until it pulls through (use protection obviously). That's totally ok and you shouldn't feel negatively about it.

    But everything you're saying past and future speaks to a want that isn't just hooking up, and you describe some personal obstacles that you need to work with. I can't speak to negotiating the situation for someone who is autistic, but everything else you describe is something a lot of us have dealt with. We haven't endured your personal experience but we have each had struggles in our own way ya know?

    I guess what I'm saying is, I hope you're just offering context for us here but it kinda comes off that you're looking at people as the next "shitty person from my past" because there are clearly patterns. It's not that "you need help" so much as you could use some professional help identifying how you fit into those patterns so you can meet someone you really vibe with

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