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Why are maglev trains still rare?
  • all the other complex and important factors aside, air restistance is a formula of speed squared. Meaning for example if you bump speed up by 40% you double air resistance, and therefore double the energy cost of transport.

  • Could child labor ever be acceptable if it's done consentually?
  • isn’t that somewhat denying their ability to make their own decisions?

    Somewhat, yes, and that's by design.
    Kids under a certain age should not be held responsible for making all of their own life decisions. When kids grow up, if their parents doesn't suck, they get succesively more agency and responsibility, not making all of your own decisions is just part of being a kid.

  • Should i take my coworker up on his job offer?
  • you already know this, but if you need to hear it, this is a scam.

    anything you describe by "its all legal", is illegal, guaranteed. And don't get me started on the fee to join, it's not even a good ponzi, how is $10 an hour supposed to interest anyone?! my guess is that secret powerpoint will tell you to recruit people for a reward.

    your "friend" sounds like this guy but aimed for less rich people.

  • API pricing protests caused Reddit to crash for 3 hours
  • I saw a lot of people saying they used bots to rewrite their entire post history to things like "fuck /u/spez"

    I'm thinking that amount of comment editing might be quite the spike on the servers.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 0
    Comments 19