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I can no longer share images/gifs as images.
  • I just tried it and it’s doing the same thing for me. I’m sure it worked previously.

  • Ash doing a handstand
  • this is just awful, there’s something weird in his arm, his head is on backwards (or his knees and feet bend the wrong way) and there’s a strange blue thing sticking out etc etc

  • “Dumb phones” offer an escape from the endless scroll
  • This story has been popping up every few months for about the last decade. Usually prompted by someone with something to promote (a dumb phone, a book about downtime, some course )

  • @pixelfed: Loops is a new platform for sharing short videos, and it's open source + federated Using #ActivityPub
  • I’m not sure why you’ve been downvoted. You are completely correct. There is a trail of partially finished projects. Pixelfed itself is in beta after years and years (and competitors seizing the opportunity with more polished products) , there’s SUP, Loops and that fedi directory to name three more.

  • [Bug] [iOS] Settings Reset Periodically
  • For me it’s certain settings such as System dark/light mode and Open links in default browser that turn themselves off occasionally following an update.

  • Love Gun by Kiss
  • Very good. I was going for The Woman with Half Her Leg Missing but Footloose is fantastic. I salute you.

  • Are we the "Cold Ones" to our dogs?
  • You don’t feel much difference because they aren’t ten degrees hotter. OP is mistaken.

  • Are we the "Cold Ones" to our dogs?
  • Dogs are 1 to 3 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than adult humans not 10. A temperature above 104°F needs urgent veterinary help.

    Note that human babies and young children are also warmer than adults by about a degree.

  • LAN party in the 1970s
  • Yeah, and some have screens on the front and back of the monitors. And those keyboards have hundreds of keys.

  • Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus
  • Is it “There’s too many legs and arms”?

    Really wish people would learn how to use AI.

  • Y.M.C.A. by The Village People
  • yes, there’s lots wrong with picture.

  • Y.M.C.A. by The Village People
  • There’s AI and then there’s “Oh my God, one of them has a foot pointing backwards”

  • What was the first album/tape/CD you bought?
  • The first record I chose was Ma Na Ma Na by the Muppets. The first record bought with my own money was Never for Ever by Kate Bush

    Also, old.

  • UK people who were adults when the Chunnel opened, what was it like?
  • Nothing really changed. Some people who would have taken a ferry changed to the tunnel. But flights became cheaper so the number of people using ferries dropped anyway.

    Had you been able to drive straight through then it would have had a bigger effect.

  • How is the micro blogging part of sublinks gonna work out ? Is it similar to mbin? if so how would lemmy app be compatible with it ?
  • That’s not my point. If you read back up the chain of comments I’m saying there’s a real need for a native app (given that Lemmy apps won’t always be compatible with it)

    (And you’ve quoted a part of the post taken out of context 🙂)

  • How is the micro blogging part of sublinks gonna work out ? Is it similar to mbin? if so how would lemmy app be compatible with it ?
  • That’s not what I’m thinking about. Was hoping not to get too technical (I’ll try to keep thing simple) but there’s a general concern with PWAs that mean they can only support less secure authentication compared to a native app.

    For example, if a device is used offline then a PWA can’t authenticate , so anyone who picks up the device can see the users content. There’s a way around this using what’s called a “service worker” which uses device storage but this would need to be different for each device type and some devices won’t persist between sessions. Also, if a user is in an online session then closes the PWA app, goes offline and then back into the app then the service worker will generate an error.

    There are other Lemmy specific issues as well I don’t completely remember the detail but it relates to web clients not being able to set a custom cookie header to ensure compatibility (CORS limitation) There’s an explanation somewhere in the Voyager community but I couldn’t immediately scroll back enough to find it.

  • Any updates? App no longer works.
  • There is more than one Dev (check GitHub) but no action has taken place since last year.

  • How is the micro blogging part of sublinks gonna work out ? Is it similar to mbin? if so how would lemmy app be compatible with it ?
  • Aren’t there problems with authentication that cause security concerns when using a PWA?

    Which is why the native apps are preferred for Voyager.

  • How is the micro blogging part of sublinks gonna work out ? Is it similar to mbin? if so how would lemmy app be compatible with it ?
  • Yes, my point is that an App or apps should be part of the design from the outset (see Pixelfed) Good planning rather than chance and potentially messing / confusing people.

  • How is the micro blogging part of sublinks gonna work out ? Is it similar to mbin? if so how would lemmy app be compatible with it ?
  • That was my reason for asking about sublinks apps.

    I know that devs like web interfaces but the truth is you need apps if anything social is going to become established.

    It’s a sad fact in the fediverse that routinely apps or even front end GUI aren’t compatible. There’s only so many times this can happen (or instances shut down or not be maintained) before it all becomes a bit much.

    So I think relying on Lemmy apps is a mistake.

  • Beeper Mini in the UK

    Does anyone have any hints as to how to get Beeper Mini working with a UK SIM?

    Whichever SIM I try, when it gets to the phone registration stage (sending an SMS to Apple) I get a message “ Something went wrong -please check your network settings or try again later”

    Things I’ve done:

    Checked network settings Tried again later Tried different SIMs with different numbers Cleared Cache and Storage. Uninstalled and reinstalled app Turned phone off and on. Tried a different phone.

    Is it just buggy as hell rubbish?

    Sadly, cancelled my Apple One subscription.

    I had an email yesterday telling me that the Apple One subscription was going up for the second time in twelve months.

    It no longer represents good value for me and I can save nearly £100 a year by cancelling and subscribing to the important parts that I use most.

    Apple are not alone in increasing prices (in a cost of living crisis) to the point they no longer represent fair value. What is it with companies that they lack basic business smarts?

    Lemmy Support FelipeFelop
    What can be done when the only admin of an instance goes missing?

    I also have an account on another instance. The sole admin hasn’t been heard of for three weeks. There don’t seem to have been any mod actions for a month and the instance hasn’t been updated to the latest version.

    At the moment I’m more concerned about the admin (I hope they are okay). But what would happen if they don’t show up? I guess eventually the instance would disappear without warning or be defederated if bad actors take over.

    Is there anything built in to Lemmy that would allow a takeover if a big instance went under?

    FelipeFelop FelipeFelop

    Mid 50s, first went online on a 70s BBS, JANET user in the 80s.

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