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Need browser and general software recommendations
  • It seems to be quite a low power machine, but it's definitely worth trying. They don't really say anything about system requirements, but it's pretty lightweight

  • Need browser and general software recommendations
  • Oh yeah, I saw that video when it came out xd

    I also know someone daily driving Falkon, it's quite usable

  • Need browser and general software recommendations
  • Maybe something like Falkon or Gnome Web?

  • an old display in the woods
  • Hah! I knew it!

  • look within
  • [Feature Request] Adding a reason while removing posts
  • I'm on version 1.22.1 and I don't think it works. I removed a post today, but it didn't give me a reason prompt

  • [Feature Request] Adding a reason while removing posts
  • I'm on version 1.22.1 and I don't think it works. I removed a post today, but it didn't give me a reason prompt

  • People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood.
  • I should be very thankful that were I live, people rarely park on reserved spots and pretty much all shopping carts are being returned.

  • [Feature Request] Adding a reason while removing posts

    I moderate a community that requires me to add a reason on why the posts were removed. It would be nice to have this option in Summit, so I don't have to go into the Lemmy web interface every time.

    Beware of heckers
  • Tbh, you're right. Will remove. I thought that it maybe could fit if it was like - art. Or smth.

  • rule
  • Yes, but only limited supply is available, so please bring your own.

  • rule
  • You really don't have to be in that industry tbh

  • rule
  • Pretty sure i saw it, at least as a sticker. And they gave cat ears away.

  • Removed
    Beware of heckers
  • At this point I don't even know what fits into this community and what doesn't anymore...

  • rule
  • Yess! 37C3 was too good.

  • Soluble rule
  • Yes

  • 🛑✋󠁿
  • Maybe just sick af


  • Monthly Rule
  • i think they mean YYYY/MM/DD

  • Analog problems require kickass solutions

    cross-posted from:

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Kdenlive or Shotcut, or if you want something more powerful but not open source, Davinci resolve.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Xenia is lying then.

  • Believe your pizza

    cross-posted from:


    Use Molex connector from fan to power LED strip

    So, I have this 12V LED Strip (not RGB) and I want to power it using my PCs power supply. I also have an old case fan with this Molex connector on the back, which should give access to 12V according to the pinout.

    My plan, as you might have guessed, is to cut off connector with some cable overhang, isolate the ends on the fan side, and solder some extension wires (probably speaker wire) to the Molex connector wires.

    If I now connect that wire to the LED strip, taking care to connect the ground to - and 12V to +, it should just work, right?

    Are there any risks I have to watch out for? My power supply is a 600W supply, so it should have plenty of power for the LEDs. I'm 99% sure this plan should walk flawlessly - but I want to ask you guys first so I don't burn my house down.

    sad face :(

    cross-posted from:

    Based on real events

    I can't be the only one who experienced this more than once


    [OC] Full moon

    Oh look, it's that weird glowing thing you can see in the night

    Shot with Kodak Pixpro AZ401, colours slightly edited in GIMP

    Disclaimer; I'm not at all a professional, just someone who bought a 40x zoom camera a while back.

    Why does McDonalds keep having problems?

    Can I get uhhhhh... Intel Boot Agent with mayonnaise, please?

    Ferris-wheel display fail

    I saw it working earlier, but it broke. Probably because of the rain.


    cross-posted from:

    Weird screen issue

    Seen on car park ticket machine. Display was all kinds of messed up and changed rapidly



    For some reason i couldn't hold my phone steady back then .-.

    ꟽhy does this picture have more height than width...

    Found this abomination at Ikea... Who approved this design? [OC]

    Don't dead, open inside - poorly aligned words and letters.

    For all those who miss it from reddit: Here it is again: Don't dead, open inside.

    It's meant for images of items, signs etc. with word or letter alignment, that makes the thing almost unreadable. Excited to see all the original content y'all have to offer!

    If you're interested: !

    Have fun :D

    Snapchat's new avatar design

    How are there people at Snapchat HQ going like: "We know what the users want: A terrible AI-Chat forced on them and avatars that don't have our iconic style, but rather a look like they're from your deepest nightmares. Push the update everyone! We are their heroes!"



    I moved to /u/ due to instance problems.

    Creating mediocre at best memes and comments since 2023.

    If not marked otherwise, everything I post is OC.


    Posts 35
    Comments 290