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Artists that haven't disappointed you thread
  • Godspeed You! Black Emperor was the first band I really liked when I was a young teen decades ago. And they're still based as hell. I love, for their recent tour, this being their amp:

  • No please Bayo and 2b do not deserve this
  • I generally agree. I'm condensing a lot of policy into a sentence. Its also complicated, due to the interplay of capital in the mix; all of us are generally selling our bodies for money one way or the other. Not that all work is equally harmful obviously, or equally 'work'. There's a lot of 'job' that are 95%+ bullshit, and sexwork is one of those; it doesn't need to be done, its only because of demand in the form of $ that it 'needs' to exist.

    So there's the question of, 'what should be done right now, and what should be done in an ideal scenario. Because ideally, demand for a thing shouldn't make that thing exist. Powerful men A) shouldn't exist, and B) shouldn't be able to just 'demand' sex via throwing dollars at the problem.

    But also, until this system is dismantled, there will be powerful men throwing money around to get sex, and there will be women who want that money badly enough to accept it. I don't think there's any policy that can make that not happen, so decriminalizing it to make it safe, to help the women, is the obvious short term play.

  • No please Bayo and 2b do not deserve this
  • You right, 'mock' is much more what I meant.

    But regardless, I think the vast majority of games with sexy horny are doing it just for sales. I feel like there's only rarely merit to it beyond titillation, and it just feels like empty glitter. Does that mean these games have nothing besides sex to offer? No, there's games I've liked where I've had to roll my eyes at much of the visuals. But that's not going to stop me from dunking on the visuals. Because Yoko Taro is unabashedly horny on main, and while I don't think the design of 2b is good, I think his design work on KainΓ© is far worse. From what I've heard, her story is 'good', but the outfit, Yoko's comments about her penis, and the 'achievement' you get for trying to look up her skirt are all deeply disgusting to me.

  • No please Bayo and 2b do not deserve this
  • I mean, I'm more or less like that.

    In short, I think both should be legal. In regards to sexwork and porn, its mostly because it will happen regardless, might as well make it as safe as possible for the people at risk.

    But like, I'd still generally condemn someone for regularly purchasing sex, just as I would to someone who only plays coombrained games (not that those two things are 'equivalently bad' mind).

    People should be allowed to make, and consume, bad media, and also people should be allowed to dunk on them for liking bad media.

  • No please Bayo and 2b do not deserve this
  • Yeah, I don't get how Yoko's coombrained games get such praise from leftist. They're held up as some amazing experience, but imo everything about them (maybe aside from the music) was pretty mid.

  • What's your opinion on gnosticism?
  • Yes, but its beside the point. With Jesus being jewish, its jews who 'tricked' people into worshipping the demiurge. Its that classic "jews are tricksters, christains are just people who got tricked" bullshit. And, just overall, a lot of their teachings are just, inherently 'twisting' a lot of jewish era mysticism around, which is of course funny in a way, considering how much they also steal from jewish mysticism.

    Regardless, all of that is more or less history; I don't think people calling themselves gnostic today are generally specifically anti-semetic. And its not like Christianity of the era was particularly accepting of jews.

  • If there is a candidate 1% worse than Hitler then you are morally obligated to vote for Hitler!
  • He's mean and orange and says cringe things on twitter

    Realistically, being healthier and more competent would have made Hitler worse I guess

  • What's your opinion on gnosticism?
  • The 'worldbuilding' of it is quite cool. Funny worm god (yaldabaoth), interesting 'secret twist'. Ties to more ancient religions (manichaeism).

    Shame that one of the primary historical 'reasons' it exists is antisemitism. TLDR, is it was made as kinda of a way to say 'the old testament (jewish) god was a fake evil demiurge, and to worship him is to worship evil'. So, just a different way of wording 'jews actually worship satan'.

  • NSFW
    [CW: Abuse] A firm that serves kids with autism grew until it had 265 clinics. Then private equity took over.
  • Yup, good ol' vulture capitalism.

    Make a corpse, pick its bones, and fly away to the next meal.

    Shareholders 'in on it' can make a tidy profit too, so they don't care that their new CEO or owner or w/e has track records likes these. 'What's that? You killed the last five companies you bought?' Eyes bulge with looney toons dollar signs.

    What more amazing is that people can look at this system and say "look buddy, you don't have to like it, but capitalism just works, unlike your gommunism bullshit."

  • The Perfect Water
  • A: 5 (in house) or 4 (out).

    B: Room temp (ideally, cool, but I'd take room temp over ice cold)

  • Deleted
    Tomboy Phenotypes
  • Can we please not use 'schizo' like that?

  • It is astounding that .world users will call you a tankie then for the extermination of a random country on /c/noncredibledefense in the same breath.
  • Its an offshoot of the subreddit 'credible defense' for ghouls to talk seriously about military stuff. So the 'non-credible defense' is just because they wanted a 'shitpost' sub to shitpost while being neoliberal ghouls.

  • Putin says he prefers 'more predictable' Biden over Trump
  • Pretty sure Putin doesn't care who wins, both are terrible for the US. But you're right that this is absolutely the right thing for him to say to do some pot stirring

  • What does πŸ’¨ mean to you?
  • Letting out a sigh, somewhat similar to eyeroll in meaning

  • What's different about the implementation of children in Dwarf Fortress that makes people ok with them?
  • I think its about intent. While the DF devs could spend more effort on keeping players from being maniacs, it still doesn't seem like the want the players to be terrible to children. In fact, some of the worst stuff (danger rooms as child abuse training zones, and mermaid bone farms), were specifically targeted in patches to no longer be 'good' strategies.

    As opposed to a lot of other games, who's inclusion of 'punching children' seems like they're doing it to be 'edgy and subversive'. And the 'child snatching' thing is just classic fairy tale, and also would be a real danger if you're living in the wilderness around predator animals.

  • NSFW Removed
    Brits are up to no good
  • He should have the wolves sicced on him then.

    The normal, 'people eating' wolves.

  • NSFW Removed
    Brits are up to no good
  • C'mon, the correct response to finding a friends weird porn is to bully them, not to snitch

    Unless is to volcel-police of course.

  • minecraft is the best game
  • It is modded. I'm just not interested in the minecraft formula anymore. I know there's plenty of unique stuff out there, and some of the automation mods did catch my interest for a few hours, but idk, the overall 'feel' of the game just gives me a big 'been there, done that' feeling. Its not really cozy for me, just tedious.

  • minecraft is the best game
  • I enjoyed minecraft, but its not a game I feel like I want to return to. Like, I played hundreds of hours of it a decade ago in college, so I do like the game.

    But my brother in law set up a server for us to play again during the pandemic, and despite all the new stuff, I just hate the feeling of doing the grind all over again, and just can't really get into it. I already spent a buncha effort building a buncha stuff, it just feels like work to do all that again. So I stick around to hang with people, but usually play other games.

  • Grimes says "white pride"
  • Was she Lutheran? It is a belief that some Christians have, that afaik is associated most with Lutherans, that everyone goes to heaven now, since jesus has taken on all sin. (though, I think the general official Lutheran position is everyone who accepts christ goes to heaven, which imo is much funnier, since it says that jesus gets to go to heaven but not, say, the jews he killed).

    Regardless, imo Christian afterlife beliefs are super fucked up, but that idea of universalism, that everyone goes to heaven, is the one that makes most sense to me. It always seems weird to me that people insist jesus is all about forgiveness, but also he will condemn for to eternal hellfire if you say he isn't real (or kiss boys or whatever else is in vogue to be considered sinful).