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We love our cishet Hexbears.
  • Love y'all as well!!!

  • SHUT THE FUCK UP, and just fuck off already, holy shit
  • The idea that a successful rebellion and coup detat of the empire wouldn't have ended with a massive purge of the imperial officer class and its wealthy collaborators sounds like the most liberal brainwormed shit imaginable to me TBH.

    Like ok sure: it makes sense to me that within the new Republic you would probably have influential figures who successfully downplayed their involvement and/or up sold what they could contribute to the new government enough that they were given a pass after renouncing the empire. I also believe and like the idea that many of these individuals publicly renounced the empire but either privately still agreed with it ideologically or straight up didn't have an ideology beyond maintaining raw naked wealth and power.

    .... but FFS I simply just do not accept that you would be comfortable saying that shit out loud in public on the fucking floor of the senate. Privately half jokingly saying it at one of your corellian wine tasting parties or whatever is one thing...but these guys should/would be terrified of getting tarred and feathered out in public or having their career ruined because they are exposed as imperial apologists.

  • SHUT THE FUCK UP, and just fuck off already, holy shit
  • Yeah your right of course. I don't disagree it's perfectly in sync with current continuity... I just really don't like it.

  • SHUT THE FUCK UP, and just fuck off already, holy shit
  • I fucking hate that episode because its complete fucking bullshit that basically suggests the rebel alliance and the fall of the empire was basically meaningless and robs the original trilogy of all meaning and significance.

  • Nine Sols 九ζ—₯ - Official Launch Trailer
  • This is a kinda weird thing to fixate on I guess but I feel like I would be way more hyped up for this game if the main character kept the hat on or something. Their silhouette is just so boring to me and its oddly killing my interest in a game I would probably love in terms of gameplay.

  • Honestly can't even hate these articles, they keep giving me good ideas
  • Yeah, 100% recognize I am privileged to be able to do it. Not everyone can...but by God I wish everyone could.

  • Honestly can't even hate these articles, they keep giving me good ideas
  • I have absolutely done this and fully encourage everyone who has the ability to follow suite. The best part is I got a fucking productivity spot bonus two weeks ago. Seriously: fuck the cult of work. Its all bullshit. Live your best fucking life comrades!!! I play hookie all the time to go see my 9 year olds school events.

  • Patch notes for Street Fighter VI season 2!!!!

    New season new meta comrade!

    I'm hype as hell for Jamie buffs. I didn't like hearing the news about them seemingly embracing "fuck it we palm" and making it safe but a lot of his updates look great. I'm super excited to test out Bakkais new i frames.

    Which fighting game tournament do you think probably smells the worst?
  • I've been to a few tournaments including Evo last year to compete in Street Fighter 6(excited to go again this year). Gotta say I went expecting con funk but everyone was smelling kinda fresh. Seems like the FGC got the memo to shower in the hotel and stocked up on speedstick.

    Then....coming back it hit me immediately. Some of the foulest B.O. I've ever experienced and it was coming from two dudes I was sandwiched between on my 3 hour return flight back. The minute the flight took off they both pulled out their switches and booted up Smash Bros. I hate to stereotype...buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut......

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • I would argue that it's quite reductive to suggest that having 'higher wages" is more to lose than being able to have "whatever sort of relationship they want".

    I think it's accurate to say that men tend to perceive themselves as having more to lose than gain under feminist liberation...but i would argue that perception itself is based on falsehoods steming from patriarchy.

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • Misandry definitely isn't a systemic issue but I feel the need to push back to say: men are systemically oppressed. The whole point of the concept of patriarchy is that while the form is different both men and women can be both oppressed and oppressors under it. Part of the entire reason why MRAs are completely full of shit is that basically all of the issues they are concerned with, to the extent that they are real issues, (ie family court) can all be traced back to patriarchy and capitalism.

  • Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo
  • Honestly the older I get the more sense this stuff makes and the more I appreciate this. Life is too short for loading screens.

  • Why Piracy Fears are Keeping Some Researchers from Accessing the Games They Need - IGN
  • As someone who has and will continue to argue for games as art: it is a huge embarrassment and indictment how most companies treat their own legacy IPs. Like when a studio rereleases a crown jewel film like Lawrence of Arabia its assumed that they'll treat it with the legacy and respect such a title deserves and spare no expense opting for a full restoration with the latest technology. Often they'll even try to pull in the original director or cinematographer to sign off on it and make sure everything is as it was intended.

    Meanwhile you have shit like Sega releasing Sonic Origins as a complete buggy mess with fans left to try and salvage it and them delisting every other port. Shit like this is just the icing on the cake for how little they actually give a shit about preserving any of this stuff.

  • The absolute gall of western gamers to whine about Yasuke
  • The saddest/most hilarious part is that the people whinning are completely ignoring the fact that Yasuke seems to be less "main character" and more "costar". It seems like you have the option to play as a Japanese Shinobi for the overwhelming majority (if not entirety) of the core game if that's your preference. I guess they probably still view that as pandering though. Lord knows there have never been female assasins, lol.

  • I mean, is just one little genocide. Why do they have to make such a big deal.
  • I wonder if this is the same type of person who has said and believed: "Adolf Hitler would have been remembered as a great man if it weren't for the Holocaust."

  • Chinese reunification with Taiwan to devastate US, Commerce Sec. says
  • I don't know what the timeline actually looks like but its gonna be both funny and sad just how many people screaming "TAIWAN IS A COUNTRY" anytime the words Chinese Taipei get whispered just straight up evaporate when the inevitable happens. Its hilarious how literally none of them have any clue why they give a shit about what the region is named.

  • Dare I ask what the man vs bear meme is all about and why it seems to be upsetting men so much? [CW: sexism]
  • My S.O. posited this question to me and I choose the bear also and am surprised people here are pushing back against it.

    Granted: if I'm lost in the woods I might have a different answer but assuming I know where I am and I stumble on a bear it's incredibly statistically likely the bear is just minding its own business and isn't gonna get involved in my business and I can probably scare it off if it starts to approach me easily enough.

    If I encounter a strange person I'm immediately wondering what their reasons for being there even are. Sure: they might be the same as mine....but maybe they aren't. Impossible to say for sure. The bear is a known quantity. It's supposed to be there. I and the other person in the woods, generally speaking, aren't.

  • Silicon Valley bro explains sex work economics to a stripper
  • Have been a young naive computer toucher and can second this. It is a thing. Often the company owners just want to drag you along and feel like ballers for the night. Its fucking painful and I'm so happy I'm remote and established enough I don't have to play along anymore.

  • AI Music thoughts
  • Only thing I know for sure is that this is an absolute banger.

    I think for me the horrifying thing and threat is less that AI can scramble together enough noise to make this and more that we might move to a world where an actual human being feels no need to do so. Art is a human endeavor not because human beings need to consume content but rather because human beings I believe have a need to create things. Where does this leave the artist under capitalism though when someone can just spit these out of a computer?

    I agree with the take that this is a call to arms to decommodify all this shit. Upholding copyright law is bass ackwards and a complete deadend.

  • U.S. Senator just straight up revealed the real reason they are banning TikTok
  • Yeah...TBH this seems more like either:

    A) The thing that caused them to expedite something they already wanted to do.

    B) This is less the quiet part out loud and more the thing they are allowed to say out loud in public. Like its more palatable and acceptable to call this the "end hamas grooming act" as opposed to the "Facebook and Meta relief act".

    I think both are probably actual motivations that overlap.

  • what kind of online games are you all playing?
  • Street fighter vi. The game has basically consumed my life. I'm currently wrapping up a weekend at a tournament.

  • Welp...I did a dumb thing and bought a VR what do I play?

    Valve index. Got a lightly used one for a great price.

    TBH I mainly bought this thing cause I want to play the Myst remaster in VR but I better get some use outa this. So what else is worth playing aside from Beat Saber? Any good VR mods?

    Costume 3 for street fighter vi drops tomorrow

    So excited comrades!! I can't wait to rock Jamie's #3 but I damn near want to pick up zangief as an alt just for librarian gief.

    What should I go as for Halloween this year comrades?

    I'm a 6'1 jacked as hell white dude with glasses I won't stop wearing and a beard I refuse to shave. What have you got for me?

    What's your back of the box quote, as written by your current partner?

    My current partner said this about me on a text chain with her friends:

    "Y'all this man's body is not a wonderland, it's a weird vending machine that sells caffeinated sludge & something pretending to be a protein shake."

    God I love her.

    A.K.I. Gameplay Trailer, Street Fighter VI DLC

    Before anyone says it:

    No Comrades. You can't fix her.

    ...cause there's nothing to fix 😍 😍 😍

    I just got back from Evo. AMA!!!

    It was an amazing time. I came. I saw. I got my ass kicked....and I might be going again next year!!!

    What are some examples in media of healthy, nontoxic, romantic relationships?

    I'm thoroughly convinced that 90% + of screenwriters have never seen, let alone had, a healthy functioning relationship and couldn't write one if there lives depended on it. What are the exceptions?
