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Oh boy what a cute artwork, I'm sure the replys won't be raci-
  • Ive been logged out of my twitter account and my password manager does noy recognise so i cannot rot my brain, oh no

  • Eric “ConcernedApe” Barone Can’t Let Go Of Stardew Valley - Aftermath
  • I think it was Abigail who talks about leaving all her homework til the last minute? Whatever it was just left me feeling uncomfortable... she still lives with her parents too?

    i was still way more uncomfortable with the idea that all these interactions were written by some guy, you cant win the game calling out the shit sexist tropes, you need to be gentle and not tell the guys what is that supposed to mean when they say i didnt think a girl would want to throw a ball with me so i didnt invite you

    feminism ruined gaming

  • Eric “ConcernedApe” Barone Can’t Let Go Of Stardew Valley - Aftermath
  • I get the hype, I love a good harvest moon game, but fuck if I haven't had a hard time getting past shit like this

    I havent been able to bring myself to open it again since. Not even mentioning a couple of the potential wives are legitimately children. Child bride simulator. Ew.

  • Removed
    Least deranged Zionist
  • this is not the israeli PM, please do not paint israelis as a monolith of pedophiles

  • Ilan pappe getting harassed at the border of the american regime
  • If you plan to travel internationally it is a good idea to take a burner phone

  • 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger,' China trolls new US tariffs | Reuters
  • In response to the tariffs, Chinese state media have shot back, accusing the United States of subverting its own free trade principles and taking action that threatens climate goals and will push up costs for American consumers.


  • Shit has gotten so crazy at my job about Palestine
  • Thats always how it works, shit tends to roll down hill, or whatever, might be worth trying to chat with him about it some more

    or not, my colleagues have left me feeling so isolated about this

  • very low effort - Biden's 5 year plan
  • Biden is a deep state operative sent to push trump further to the right.

  • Mining heiress demands National Gallery of australia remove unflattering portrait #girlboss

    >"Australia’s richest person, Gina Rinehart, has demanded the National Gallery of Australia remove a portrait of her from an exhibition by Archibald Prize-winning Indigenous artist Vincent Namatjira.

    >The billionaire mining mogul directly approached NGA director Nick Mitzevich and NGA chair Ryan Stokes in April to press for the portrait’s removal.

    >There have since been more than a dozen complaints to the gallery from associates of her company, Hancock Prospecting, which have accused the NGA of “doing the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party” by displaying her image in an unflattering way."

    Archived article from the Age

    Article from the Guardian

    >The Streisand effect is an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead increases public awareness of the information. The effect is named for American singer and actress Barbra Streisand, whose attorney's attempt in 2003 to suppress the publication of a photograph showing her clifftop residence in Malibu, taken to document coastal erosion in California, inadvertently drew far greater attention to the previously obscure photograph.[1] The effect exemplifies psychological reactance: where the desire to hide information instead makes its propagation more likely.

    Take the idea of occupied Koreans that airdrop kpop and other shit over the border but instead airdrop porn for the nofaps
  • I think i've read nazis did this in poland to paint the communities as removed and justify invasion, states definitely do this shit

  • A mission from god, to get the band back together

  • [CW: War Crimes] Israeli whistleblowers detail horror of shadowy detention facility for Palestinians | CNN
  • They paint a picture of a facility where doctors sometimes amputated prisoners’ limbs due to injuries sustained from constant handcuffing; of medical procedures sometimes performed by underqualified medics earning it a reputation for being “a paradise for interns”; and where the air is filled with the smell of neglected wounds left to rot.

    we must stop sea see pea organ harvesting

  • Conservatives have amazing brains
  • I wish i could aee my "wife" just fucking C R U S H whoever this bozo is in a debate

  • Have youse seen that clip from some John Pilger doco where he talks to someone in the cia who sys something close to

    the stated goal of the red army is to end imperialism, and we must stop them.


  • 2 arrested, others pepper sprayed at pro-Palestine event in Orlando
  • If you havent before, have a look over the chicargo street medics handbook, there's some good info on pepper spray decontamination (though I'd avoid using anything but water to flush eyes)

    also, avoid wearing makeup and contact lenses to events like this, tell your comrades

    First aid: When approaching people who have been ex- posed to chemical weapons, take a moment to call out “Who here has been sprayed?” People who are clearly making eye contact or who respond, “ooh, ooh me!” may not be your first priority. Re- member it is often the people who are unable to seek care that need it most. Once you’ve approached someone who has been pepper sprayed:

    1. Introduce yourself and get consent. Remem- ber the patient may be blinded and enraged.
    2. Immediately ask if the patient has asthma or is wearing contacts.
    3. Encourage calm and steady deep breathing. This will lessen panic.
    4. Move patient to an uncontaminated area if there is gas in the air. Ask for consent, then put hands on patient and guide them.
    5. Encourage coughing and spitting so he doesn’t swallow the chemicals.
    6. Calm, comfort, reassure, and educate about how the pain is temporary and we are extremely strong, and about the importance of decontamination before entering buildings. The most intense and painful symptoms are temporary and will go away within about 30 minutes with no treatment.
    7. Flush eyes with water, saline, salt water, or liquid antacid with water (LAW). Our LAW 52 recipe is 50% Maalox brand liquid antacid and 50% water. Put it in a squirt top water bottle. In the US we recommend Maalox because we know what the ingredients are. They may vary in other countries. Active ingredients to look for are magnesium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. The anti-gas ingredient simethicone is not known to be dangerous or helpful. Alcohol, which some antacids contain, is bad for the eyes. Sorbitol, which is sugar alcohol, does not seem to cause harm. We recommend Maalox brand unflavored for best results, though some generics work as well. To flush eyes:
    8. Get patient lower than you – kneeling, sitting, or hunched over.
    9. Tilt head forward and to the side you are go- ing to flush.
    10. Hold eyes open for patient if you need to.
    11. Flush from the inside corner of the eye to the outside – be careful to not let it (and the chemicals it is moving) run across the face/into the other eye.
    12. Tilt head the other way and repeat flushing the other eye. You can also squirt LAW into patient’s mouth, have them swirl it around, and then spit it out.

    RED FLAGS • Patient leaves the chemical weapons area and does not quickly breathe more easily. • Patient does not respond to care. • Unusual symptoms that do not quickly improve.


    Avoid entering enclosed spaces (like your house) with contaminated clothing, and be aware of vul- nerable people who you might expose. • Take clothes off outside and put them into a plastic bag. Seal it and do not open until do- ing laundry. • Avoid touching anything (pets, furniture, car, phone, etc) until you have washed up. • Take a tepid shower – heat will irritate a new burn. Do not use soap that has peppermint in it: this will further irritate skin that has been exposed to chemicals. • Wash clothes immediately with detergents, several times if need be.

  • The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin last night

    Happy Victory Day comrades

    Not linking to the tweet because theyre posting patsoc tier trash, concern trolling about satan and transgender people

    Authoritarian dictator enacts child policy, these brave women stand defiant 💅💁‍♀️

    I think I might be unironically be on team #defundtheABC ¯\\\(ツ)\

    One of these things, is not like the others 🎶

    post racial meritocracy 🧐


    the market will self regulate

    > Just minutes after the first bounce in a round one AFL game, families watching on free-to-air television were exposed to more than 70 gambling ads – and all before 8pm.


    fixed some trash I saw on another instance

    OC comic about Australia's "border crisis" Feb 2024

    Relating to this news story, what does it mean to be a member of a society... The party who so desperately wanted Indigenous Australian's to have a voice to parliament is deporting people who arrive by boat.

