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Reddit has blocked all my VPS IPs (from all over the world)
  • I’m using an Italian server with no issue, but at one point it stopped letting me log in with my username & password until I made a fresh account by signing in with a service. I should see if my old username and password are working again, but if I lose it I don’t really care. Reddit karma is kind of pointless.

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    What are some of your favorite JRPG worlds?
  • I think they should remaster the Sky trilogy and sell it as a bundle, making all of FC a free “demo” just to get more people hooked. I casually enjoyed FC, but the twist at the end made me jump right into SC without even waiting.

  • Ghost of Tsushima, on Steam, will be unavailable in countries without PSN
  • When one party gains a monetary advantage through their "incompetence" and keeps repeating such "incompetencies", then yes, you are a bootlicker.

    Uhhh okay I guess I can’t win with a brain running that kind of logic.

    Good day to you sir.

  • Ghost of Tsushima, on Steam, will be unavailable in countries without PSN
  • Man I’m so sick of people getting blinded by rage. Alright, if you’re just going to go in circles, I might as well repeat myself as well. Companies exist to make money. If they fuck over their customers, those customers leave. Others follow. Congrats. You lose money. Basic logic 101.

    Again, I’m not a bootlicker. I just don’t automatically assume malice when something could more easily explained by incompetence.

    Also, way to go ignoring what I said about rockstar and Ubisoft accounts. I guess Sony won’t let you unlink from a steam account based on what, how you feel?

  • Ghost of Tsushima, on Steam, will be unavailable in countries without PSN
  • You can’t just unlink your PlayStation account from your Steam account? I bought Red Dead online for Steam and rockstar wouldn’t let me log into my old rockstar account because the email account I had originally used years back when linking to PlayStation was an old one I had deleted since, and had no access to verify. They just told me to start over with a new rockstar account, unlink the old one from PlayStation, and link the new one to it. Same exact thing for a Ubisoft game I also bought on steam. What makes this different from that? Does steam not let you unlink accounts?

    My rewards and rockstar status were boned, but nothing affected my save data.

  • Ghost of Tsushima, on Steam, will be unavailable in countries without PSN
  • Customer buys a bunch of games from the PS Store using a foreign account. Now let’s say your hypothetical plays through and Sony for some stupid reason decides to care where the customer actually lives, bans them, and removes access to their games. What does the customer do? Make a new account and buy more games from PS? Nope. They go buy from Steam.

    You're absolutely right - the publisher of a game has zero income from any purchases.

    Right… So anyway, I’m talking about where you buy a game from, not who makes it. On PC, your PSN account itself isn’t tied to your purchases, just PS services like trophy and friends lists, right? Exclusively PC players don’t actually have much to care about there, right? On PC, if your psn account gets removed, what’s stopping you from just making a new one?

  • Ghost of Tsushima, on Steam, will be unavailable in countries without PSN
  • It would take a special kind of stupid to think a customer would come back to buying from you if you did something like that, but sure. If your hypothetical situation were actually possible, a corporation would probably do it.

    Besides, aren’t we talking about PC players who aren’t even buying from Sony?

  • Ghost of Tsushima, on Steam, will be unavailable in countries without PSN
  • (It’s not actually against ToS to make and use an account from a different region. You just need an active credit card from the region of the account to make purchases on the PS Store of that region, which pc players don’t even use.)

  • Ghost of Tsushima, on Steam, will be unavailable in countries without PSN
  • I see. It’s unfortunate because if those games stayed on those stores, people could make an account in foreign regions without issue. I didn’t need a vpn to make a Japanese psn in Europe, and Sony doesn’t care that I’m playing PS5 games online from my U.S. account in Europe as long as I’m buying my games and network subscription in US$. I haven’t set foot in the states in over 15 years. Sony support even helped me recover my account when my authentication app lost its data once. Just know which address you used, you’re birthday and stuff.

    PC gamers wouldn’t even need to worry about buying their games in native currency or even the online subscription in the first place. Simply make the account and don’t be a dick to bring attention to yourself.

    Either way, yeah. Piracy is the optimal option left to players in those regions.

  • Featured
    What are some of your favorite JRPG worlds?
  • The Trails games. There are about 11 mainline games available in the west now and from start to finish, they all take place in, and develop, a consistent world with its own lore, factions, characters. Even nonchalant, passerby npcs have names and personal story arcs that span across games if you care to read their text boxes. An NPC kid you might completely pass by in one game becomes a significant party member as a young adult in a later game. Newer protagonists talk about and sometimes encounter protagonists from older games… the only problem is that the series is best played from the very beginning (Trails in the Sky FC), and it takes a long ass time to catch up. That said, if you’re okay with a lot of reading, there’s nothing regrettable about it.

  • Ghost of Tsushima, on Steam, will be unavailable in countries without PSN
  • If steam just let people get the game, people could make a psn account in any region with just a zip code from that region. I just made a Japanese psn account from Europe two days ago.

    This is absolutely a Sony fuckup, no question. But guess what… Storefronts, like steam, enforcing arbitrary regional restrictions on its users and proactively delisting the game will be the actual reason people in those regions can’t play it.

  • Tutorial: How I managed to install & play The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky (PC) on my M1 MBP.

    Unlike many other games, the biggest draw to the Trails franchise is its world. The entire franchise is divided several story arcs. One arc can come to a close, but then it becomes a part of the story for every game that follows. New protagonists may find themselves interacting with older protagonists, antagonists that had a minor role in one arc will have a major role in another... The story can keep going as long as you're willing to start the next arc in the series.

    If anyone is interested in getting into a JRPG series that isn't Final Fantasy, this is a superb candidate. Trails in the Sky is where it all kicks off.

    So let's get down to it.


    Tutorial: Trails in the Sky (FC) on M-series Macs


    • Download & Install Whisky (A wine wrapper thing that works with apple's translation stuff.)
    • Download Steam (Grab the windows ver)


    Mac Settings > Privacy & Security > App Management

    • Add Whiskey (Doing this helps prevent game installations in Steam from freezing later on.)

    --- Whiskey

    1. Add new bottle (I named it “Steam”)
    2. When finished: Bottle Configuration > Enhanced Sync = Off (Having this disabled also helps prevent game installations in Steam from freezing later on.)
    3. Select Winetricks > DLLs, find and run amstream, quartz, and Lavfilters. (This will provide codecs to allow videos to play.)
    4. Click the “Run” button, select SteamSetup.exe, give it a moment to launch.
    5. Go through the install process, login, sign in, the whole shebang. --- Steam
    6. Purchase/Install The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky.
    7. Launch the game by selecting “Play”, then select “Launch Configuration Tool”. Give it a moment.
    8. Display > Resolution = set whatever you prefer (M1 MBP = 3024 x 1964)
    9. Display > Windowed Mode = Off (In Windowed Mode at native resolution, mouse & keyboard tracking doesn’t work right for some reason. It might not be an issue if you use a gamepad. With Windowed Mode disabled, cmd+tab can minimize the game.)
    10. Input > Field Turbo Rate = 6x, Battle Turbo Rate = 6x; Default = "Run"
    11. Select “OK” to close the configuration tool.
    12. Select “Play”, “Play Legend of Heroes Trail in the Sky”

    Enjoy the game.

    Hope this works for you. Good luck.

    Was looking at Quest 3, maybe I'll get PSVR2 instead?

    Since the AVP came out I've been yearning for a path back into VR. Quest 3 is the obvious answer and I've even had it in my amazon cart, hovering over the "purchase" button at least twice now. However, I just can't bring myself to pull the trigger and now I'm starting to take a closer look at the PSVR2.

    So about me:

    • I already have a PS5.
    • I used to have a PSVR 1 back in the day, with an Oculus Go for "multimedia" purposes. (Giggity)
    • I don't have a gaming PC. (I use a Mac.)
    • I actually convinced my dad to get a Quest 2, so he's in there somewhere.
    • I wear glasses, if that matters.
    • I will probably be moving back to my forever country with whatever I end up buying.

    Quest 3 gives me...

    • No cables, lightweight, pancake lenses, colored pass-through AR, hand tracking (cool!), slightly higher resolution.
    • A LOT of games and new games entering the store regularly. (I'm keen on whatever that assassin's creed game is).
    • Could play golf or "go fishing" with the old man.
    • Would definitely watch multimedia. (wife might even use it from time to time) (also, giggity)
    • I can see myself playing around with productivity and virtual monitors for my Mac.
    • UI improvements are getting exciting now that Meta has some competition in Apple.
    • Side-loading, mods, alt stores, huzzah! (PS5 remote play?)
    • I might be able to put the old, horrendous Lenovo Mirage VR180 camera I bought to use with my Oculus Go back into use with this thing somehow. (I am skeptical, though)
    • Controller can be stowed when traveling with batteries removed, Headset is small enough to slip into a carry-on.

    PSVR2 gives me...

    • OLED, HDR, eye-tracking. tracked foveated rendering, cabled fidelity, comfortable out-of-the-box, haptic triggers, headset rumble. (omg these hardware features! Ugnh!)
    • More than €100 cheaper than a 512gb Quest 3 (which is the one I'd buy).
    • I already have some PSVR2 compatible games in my PS library. (I really want to replay No Man's Sky in VR, too)
    • Games on PSVR are more graphically impressive and haptics make them more immersive.
    • No concern for headset battery life, peripherals, battery packs, or other hidden costs (which makes that €100 price difference mentioned before more like a €200+ difference).
    • I won't have to feel weird about Meta being meta about everything I do in and out of the headset
    • I could use this for games and hold out for a something like a Vision "Air" or a Quest "Light" later on to use exclusively for media consumption. (Giggity)
    • Cable is probably long enough to reach my bed, meaning late night, big screen Flat PS5 gaming in HDR, OLED glory!
    • No battery in the headset Means it can be stowed in traveling. Controllers can be kept in the carry-on

    So yeah. My biggest gripe with the Quest 3 is that gobsmackingly absurd 1-2hr battery life, the comfort complaints, and the hidden costs/bulk associated with all of that. On the other hand, my biggest gripe with the PSVR2 is what looks to be a concerning lack of interest from Sony and the implications for the future of the platform. That said, there are already more than enough games for me on either platform, so maybe that wouldn't matter.

    Anyway, I'd like some outside perspective on the matter. Thank you to anyone willing to oblige.

    Question about online multiplayer.

    I apologize, I’ve been out of the loop for more than a decade with piracy, so I have a dumb question.

    My friend has a cracked version of Baldur’s Gate 3 (GOG, I think) and I want to play online with him. I don’t mind actually buying the game for myself on Steam so I can install it on both my Mac and Deck, but I don’t want to spend the money if it means a legit copy that doesn’t play nice with his cracked copy.

    Can cracked games play online with legit games, would I need a cracked copy as well, or is online MP simply out of the question?

    Thanks to anyone willing to give a response.

    Is there any way to add latte-dock to steam deck desktop mode?

    Basically, I'd like to make desktop mode look and feel a little more like MacOS, and this app is kind of essential. Unfortunately I don't know anything about what's happening when it doesn't install. I've set a sudo password, I've disabled read-only, I've initialized the pacman keys (whatever that means), now it says "unknown trust"...

    Is there a straightforward tutorial somewhere on how to do something like this for an absolute beginner? I assumed changing the appearance and layout of my desktop should have been an easy and harmless first step for a Linux noob to try, but I already feel like I'm just smashing my head up against a wall.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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