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"Let me in right now or I swear..."
  • "please help me in sir instead of taking pictures of me and then putting them on a social media app sir, sir just let me in man" the goose

  • The internet is beautiful. Egg Cat
    seeing the fediverse grow is incredible

    i remember joining the fediverse all the way back in 2020, and i remember being obsessed with linux stuff like all the time. I think I was around 15 when I made this smol group (its not smol anymore lmao) after i made this i didn't use lemmy for like 2 years and now i come back to it and now over 1,000 people have joined. That's fucking insane. Now every other fediverse platform is growing well too. crazy

  • cli

  • Reddit Shell: webshell for browsing Reddit via command line
  • oooo this is nice i have a chromebook with linux on it haha this is perfect :))))))))))))

  • what a story
  • the redemption Arc

  • Happy Lunar New Year
  • hi fellow Jew pls celebrate the holidays with me

  • Ban dihydrogen monoxide
  • yeah but have you felt overwhelming pain and suffering when you throw up and its acidic and burns everything leaving you with physical and mental trauma due to the unbelievably painful moment your body produced? yeah that's worse

  • Texas drunk drivers will now have to pay child support if they kill a parent, guardian
  • makes sense lmao drunk drivers are evil

  • I never expected this community to go viral
  • well since lemmy is tiny compared to reddit the amount of subs means way more than on reddit lol i made this community when i was 15 years old, i literally never expected it to go "viral" lmao

  • I never expected this community to go viral
  • i don't know maybe reddit is still better in that department i use reddit way more than lemmy the ui is just better to me but maybe in the future lemmy will be even better :D

  • The internet is beautiful. Egg Cat
    I never expected this community to go viral

    it's been like 2 years since i made this community. never thought it would be so many people (800+ people!) I literally made this community when I was like 15 and super into FOSS lmao

    Fediverse situation right now
  • as a jewish person.. all i have to say is what the fuc

  • The internet is beautiful. Egg Cat
    Lemmy, a open source link aggravator

    This is lemmy.

    lemmy is epic

    it looks so cool. and bc it is open source it makes it epic!11!1
