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how's your week going, Beehaw
  • I didn't even realize that English isn't your first language; you're extremely proficient in it! Then yeah, the equivalent would be syndromes, since Tourette is one of them. Also, to be fair, I know a guy who has a few, pretty socially odd Tourette-like tics, but he's still successful with his endeavors. They don't spell the end of your world!

  • Is there a way to set the Recent Apps button to instead open another app (or just be better overall)?

    I'd like it to open an app that shows a list at once instead of the current, horribly inefficient way that makes apps mostly take up almost the whole screen, one at a time... Thanks for any ideas!

    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Whoa, that was a sudden wall of text. Paragraphs can help with legibility if you'd like.

    So they're "neural diseases?" I've never heard of this phrase before; I'm guessing you mean conditions or disorders.

    the only people I realistically can talk to about my problems are my parents (I won't talk about it to my distant relatives that I talk to once in a few years lol)

    Could a psychiatrist help? I don't know how helpful talk therapy can be with actual disorders...

  • Looking for a collaborative notes app
  • That way my partner can edit their list and I can see what they're editing while doing the same on mine, thus avoiding collisions.

    Even though you say you want to ditch this system, this is really as clever and thoughtful as it is creative and incredibly determined (in terms of sticking to FOSS to achieve this). You're inspiring!

  • [Prime] Dark City: International Intrigue
  • Sadly, it's actually a hidden-object game, not a point-&-click, which would be more along the lines of Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, or Technobabylon. I don't understand why Amazon doesn't go for far greater titles closer to these instead...

  • Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together?
  • the only viable option, assuming you're not already independently wealthy, is that you have to work another job to work on the game in the meantime, which means it will take even longer to come out.

    Or be ConcernedApe.

  • How do you handle your passwords?

    I rely on Bitwarden (slooowly migrating from... a spreadsheet...) and am thinking of keeping a master backup to be SyncThing-synchronized across all my devices, but I'm not sure of how to secure the SyncThing-synchronized files' local access if any one of my Windows or Android units got stolen and somehow cracked into or something. I'm curious about how others handle theirs. Thanks in advance for sharing!

    Has anyone used AtlasOS? An optimized modification of Windows, designed for gamers.

    We designed Atlas to maximize performance and minimize latency. Experience higher framerates and lower latency compared to stock, slow Windows.

    An optimized modification of Windows, designed for gamers.

    This is really intriguing, but am I reading the instructions correctly? Call me dumb, but I don't know how to reinstall Win10 Home; I don't have a recovery CD or anything like that. I'd also need to back up everything first... which would be a pain...

    Is there a giant-font app to display text landscape on your phone to other people for easier viewing?

    Like, to quickly show a reader how a name is spelled for paperwork, etc. Something that makes the text take up the entire size of the screen or something like that.

    Is there any Android keylogger available in existence?

    I sometimes lose typed text due to form issues, accidental edits/deletions, etc. and am really interested in any running keylogger for Android phones. Thanks for any help or ideas!

    Wow, the attacks here are unbelievably disappointing. Why would I lie about this? Has none of you ever lost any typed text ever? Someone even had the audacity to say it exists but refuse to say where...

    Is there a Lemmy community of /FreeGameFindings?

    If not, how do we get one going? I'm new to Lemmy and /r/FreeGameFindings + /r/AppLab are the top subs that I would want to see recreated here!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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