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  • Ya. I got Century Club on Reddit based mostly on AdviceAnimals posts that hit front page.

    Thing is, if this is "relatable", then people are nodding along and normalizing it. It's a classic half-joke. Only not actually funny.

  • Ask one simple question
  • To be fair, he has a tough stance on immigration, and he's a good bet to beat the liberals if you feel strongly against the open border policy the left is espousing. There's plenty of other woke nonsense that could inspire someone to oppose the libs at all costs.

    I'm not a Trumper; I'm a moderate liberal that's tired of losing because of idiotic identity politics and the righteous brigading that alienates anyone who doesn't fall in lockstep.

  • Every day baby
  • Everyone who has some mid-level psychological issue that compromises their productivity, social life or happiness should try to improve it through a simple, healthy lifestyle (meditation, exercise, proper nutrition and sleep, and minimal screen time) before falling back on a label or pill that let's them cop out of the hard work of personal improvement.

    Note: I'm not talking about people with severe, crippling disorders. Those folks should probably do these things in addition to whatever medical regimen they need.

  • Voting is changing the Oil to keep the engine running
  • This is a fine attitude when you have to choose between eating the shit sandwich and the shards of glass. It's not so good during the primary, when you're deciding whether the first option will be a shit sandwich.

    This is also not a good thing when it's weaponized to make sure that no genuinely progressive candidate can be realistic.

  • ‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit
  • ...and yet, here we are. I left Reddit recently because of the drop in quality, and a lot of folks I know agree that it sucks even if they aren't yet tapped into the fediverse. The internet still has a lot of friction and inertia. These things take time. But the momentum has shifted. These social media cesspools can't last, even the most idiotic knuckledraggers will eventually smell the stink.

    The downside is that they will find their way here. Lemmy will be bigger and less cool. Eternal September, am I right?

  • What has been the best thing that has happened to you so far?
  • The woman I loved decided to give it a go. 13 years later, we're a super happy family.

    PS: also, being bi and resisting the social urge to "be true to myself" and go gay, assuming the straight part was obviously bullshit.

  • just put yourself in their shoes
  • Consider the identitarian left. The world is on fire. Nuclear holocaust looms over us. Mass extinction. Runaway AI is imminent. We really need to focus on upending the apple cart of sexual identity and relations right now.

  • Removed
    More couples are choosing a ‘dual income, no kids’ lifestyle
  • Well, it sounds like you have a lot of reasons to not have children. I think that's maybe the great understated tragedy of the economic fuckscape we live in: that a lot of good people can't afford to properly have a family. There's still plenty of room for happiness though, and I wish you the best of it.

  • Removed
    More couples are choosing a ‘dual income, no kids’ lifestyle
  • Right. There's also a huge difference between taking measures that affect birth rates and actively rounding people up and culling them. Eugenics has got to be the most equivocated term in the English language. Except maybe god.

  • Removed
    More couples are choosing a ‘dual income, no kids’ lifestyle
  • Generally, people that are less educated or with shitty values. It's not about genetics; it's about the perpetuation of bad culture. If I were to name some groups that typify this: religious fundies and under-educated rednecks.

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