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But Pennywise is pro-Genocide.
  • “All you want is there for the taking under a Zachary Taylor presidency! You want a better political system, only gonna happen under the whigs. Nothing you want will ever happen under Jacksonian Democrat control and voting for the third party’s that are actually anti slavery will just give the Jacksonian Democrats what they want.

    If you are holding your nose to not vote for Zachary Taylor, when the alternative is insane slavery expansionist James K Polk that supports things like taking over Texas to give the slave states more senators, than you deserve to be vote shamed.

    What I like for my president is a person who compromises so hard and so good that it feels like I’m losing.”

    • an American rad lib 1849
  • "Megapolis" is Ayn Rand Great Man Theory shit but somehow edgier. It's a flop, but no great loss considering the "auteur" behind it is a sex predator (Wikipedia spoilers inside).
  • I mean great man theory is probably in this guys head, he is definitely a lib.

    But the plot is very clearly using the post-Sulla Roman republic as the comparison to this new America, and the “new building technique” is the comparison to Caesar taking Gaul. It’s why America has spent 250 years expanding endlessly, because it’s only way to remediate any crisis is through expansion and “free real estate”. The guy just wanted to make a movie about Rome, but it’s easier to make it about sci-fi manhattan.

  • Americans
  • Not even systemic failures. Any complaint a chud has is because communism. Literally like doing dishes instead of their wife doing it is a communist plot

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • Crimea is essential to securing Russias largest European port. Look at your own map. Boats enter through the Dardanelles and would be in striking distance of the caucus coastline and Sea of Azov. With the Sea of Azov and Crimea secure Russia adds 3+ deep water ports and a huge layer of security that prevents NATO from shutting down Russias water based trade with Asia.

    Why would Russia deem Crimea essential if not for Black Sea trade? It’s integration is an aim of the conflict

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • So boats are a thing that take up room, sometimes these boats dock at a port. Ports are also a thing that only have so much room for boats to dock. Sometimes too many boats in one port means they can’t unload goods (also a thing) before they are expired. It ends up costing money (another thing), that could then over time incur a nation major losses. If you have more than one port, it becomes easier to get all the goods you need in a certain amount of time. sort of like why Philadelphia and Baltimore both have deep water ports, even though they are close together.

    Does that make sense to you?

  • Teamsters Presidential Poll: close to 60% choose red Hitler over blue hitler
  • I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for thinking of a plan to have a successful revolution in America, but winning over the teamsters to help form a vanguard party (especially on the ideas of internationalism) to me feels as fantastical as a communist winning the presidency and dismantling the empire from the inside.

  • Teamsters Presidential Poll: close to 60% choose red Hitler over blue hitler
  • A slight majority of rank and file drivers in my local have attempted to vote for a local president that would liquidate non drivers as members, because the drivers think unskilled labor deserves to be min wage and unprotected, and they feel embarrassed to share a room with us at meetings.

  • Teamsters Presidential Poll: close to 60% choose red Hitler over blue hitler
  • The Maoist Communist Union is like “if we just organize the teamsters” and as a member I’m just shaking my head.

    These drivers are gonna make up the brown shirts.

  • Teamsters Presidential Poll: close to 60% choose red Hitler over blue hitler
  • I’m a teamster (non driver) and I don’t participate at all because it’s literally the worst people among us. They would probably kill a stranger for an extra 5k when they already make 150,000k plus. Life is a hustle in their eyes and if you aren’t, you deserve death. I’m not joking

  • Baldur's Gate 1 areas stitched together into a single map
  • I am a casual gamer and have this on Steam. Should I attempt it or is it overwhelming. I needed strategy guides to beat both KOTORs and Dragon Age.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • I personally think their demographics and population of 1.5 billion + makes it understandable. I don’t live there though so I don’t want to speak for the people

  • Nightmare blunt rotation
  • Taibbi was told off by progressives about 2020 protests and his reaction to just being told off was “I’m canceled by the woke mob”

  • Locked
    Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • Objectively, Kamala did do great for American politics and is hot for a politician.

    This debate wasn’t for us

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Vietnam pullout was just as bad. The only difference is jungles and monsoons prevented a large offensive from happening.

    Soviet pullout of Afghanistan was just as bad, there was just more faction infighting amongst the Afghans.

    You don’t get to retreat in order from a decades long conflict

  • I don’t work for your store, pay employees
  • Spending 10 minutes looking for “sweet potato” in the alphabetical selection screen, only to not do it fast enough and get yelled at by a robot while the store has 10 closed registers and everyone on line is giving me dirty looks.

    No discount

  • JD Vance " school shootings are a fact of life"
  • I really don’t know what would happen to my brain if this happened in my children’s school. I’d probably play a lot of Minecraft in the DC metro area.

  • Is Stalin Reactionary?

    Germans have only ever defended themselves from bolsheviks invading their home, but we're expected to see them as evil, the scary other. The Germans must be bad because they pose a threat to us. Oh, and because they're ugly.

    At least in the first World War, the Russian soldiers are sympathetic because they are merely surviving a situation they didn't want to be in, put in peril by an empire sacrificing them for profit. Empires, not people, are the true villains of the war.

    But in World War 2, our hero Stalin goes back to Germany with the Red Army to kick some German ass. While this is ostensibly a mission to save a group of Holocaust survivors, Stalin has no interest in a search-and-rescue mission. She only agrees on the condition that they go there to kill every last Nazi.

    Stalin is more than willing to exterminate an entire ideology to save white people. In fact she still wants to genocide them even after winning Bagration!

    >Stalin: I say we invade Germany, it's the only way to be sure

    >Churchill: This is clearly an important industrial base we're dealing with, and I don't think that we have the right to arbitrarily exterminate them.

    >Stalin: Wrong!

    be sure of what, Stalin? you can just fucking leave. Just don't go back to Germany with all the Nazis in it. seems pretty easy to me now of course it turns out that Burke doesn't actually care about the Nazis, he only wants to exploit them for profit. while this is keeping with the corporations=bad theme from the first war, now we're supposed to think corporations are bad for... not wanting to do genocide? because of course no good person would be against murdering an entire ideology for no reason, only a villain would propose such a thing.

    Now I'm not saying you can't enjoy World War 2, it deserves its status as one of the best wars of all time, and I'd argue these problematic reactionary themes actually make it more interesting and morally complex, giving us much to analyze and critique, elevating it above an average popcorn movie. Just please don't take it at face value.

    Stalin is no longer the hero, even if he is portrayed as one. In World War 1 he is the scratched liberal, and in World War 2 he is the fascist who bleeds. In a tragic turn, she has become the villain of the story. She reacts to her own trauma and loss of 27 million people with mass murder, by killing another nations babies right in front of them, and we're all supposed to clap and cheer, instead of asking why these humans are there in the first place.

    Jan 6th 2: Electric Boogaloo

    If there is a 269-269 Electoral college tie (Biden losing just Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin from 2020 map) then the sitting senate would elect the vice president between Biden and Trumps VP nominee. 51-49 Democrats. Each state would have 1 vote to cast for president. Most states are not bound by the electoral votes, so it works out to a 26-22-2 split with a Republican majority.

    We could have a scenario with a split ticket Republican president and democratic vice president ticket.

    Trump-Harris ticket would be voted on by mid-December. The senate would then stamp and vote it in on Jan 6th, 2025. Overseen by none other than incumbent Kamala.

    Because Biden wins the popular vote. Blue MAGA comes out for a march on the capital to defend “our democracy.” Red MAGA comes out to defend “our democracy”. Fights break out, or do they? The area is swarming with a giant army of newly drafted DC police who beat and detain hundreds of demonstrators. Tear gas used a dozen separate times.

    No protestor gets close to the senate house. Barely near the capital building. The DC police were ready this time, they were funded.

    All the while, Kamala oversees the electoral procession and continues her role of VP for Donald Trump. The Mainstream media applaud her defense of democracy and bipartisanship in such extreme circumstances and she is anointed as the new face of the Democratic Party.

    Gil Scott-Heron - "B" Movie Gil Scott-Heron - "B" Movie

    Although a major across-the-board hit always eluded the poet, singer, and activist Gil Scott-Heron, this album does contain one of his best-known songs. "B-M...

    Gil Scott-Heron - "B" Movie

    This song came out the year Reagan was elected. It marks the year everything got irreversibly shitty in the US.

    The left in the US took major losses in the postwar period, but this man’s election ended any chance of a peaceful end to the Cold War or peace after the Cold War.

    How do you do it?

    How the hell do you all effort post? I never go on internet on a computer/laptop. Are you guys the same? I don’t understand how someone could effort post with thumbs.
