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I'm probably just going to give up on buying a car
  • Yeah it's not really my place to tell anyone what they need to do, but I would be really worried about putting a ton of money into a big asset that can be pretty easily destroyed or outright seized by pigs because they think you look like you're up to something or just easy to pick on.

  • My mom is an RNC delegate. Should I confront her?
  • I mean if you think it would accomplish anything to just tell her how you disapprove and that would be the end of it I don't see any harm in saying so and moving on. It sounds like she's capable of downplaying this stuff in order to have a relationship with you.

    If that wouldn't accomplish anything or would make you feel way worse I guess I'd not do it, personally. Knowing when there's no point is a judgment call in the end.

  • I'm probably just going to give up on buying a car
  • It's hard out here, cars are so expensive and the used market is nuts. Sorry comrade.

  • The US economy is in a 'selective recession' as lower-income consumers can't cover the cost of living


  • Second Russian invasion of Kharkiv caught Ukraine unprepared
  • Maybe they wouldn't be unprepared if he would pack it in and go back to ruzzia. Just wait for the peace conference to happen, then he'll really have egg on his face when they all agree that he has lost and has to go back to his part of the map.


  • This is just sad
  • I've been dutifully putting money and time into brand loyalty regardless of how the product or the CEO perform, why am I not making money?!

  • Internet Provider question for the bears:
  • Solved itself to some degree, they can't sell me service apparently. Guess I live in a monopolized zone.

  • Internet Provider question for the bears:
  • Turns out they can't even serve my address so it's irrelevant. Saves me having to waste time on a bunch of phone calls I guess.

  • Internet Provider question for the bears:
  • Yeah, I'm normally assertive about that sort of thing, I actually thought I caught what he was doing during the call but when I challenged him on it he said it was just part of getting internet service. And since there was nothing in front of me and no way for me to just order what I wanted myself I had no way to double check.

    Which is part of why I'm reluctant to call again, they'll just keep talking around this stuff and I have nothing solid to point them back to.

  • Internet Provider question for the bears:

    Hey folks, this is probably silly but I'm taking suggestions as to how to handle a situation I'm in now. My bill for internet has gone up like 50 dollars in the last few months between the promotional deal expiring and the affordable connection subsidy going away. So I called a competitor to see about changing service. I wasn't able to shop services online because something was wrong with my address, so phone call it had to be.

    It took like an hour and they have to come out to see whether I can actually get service still. But they tentatively signed me up for service so I got an email a couple hours after the call.

    They have me being billed for a landline.

    It's still cheaper than I'm currently paying but I'm absolutely not going to use a landline. So I'm in a bind.

    Do I call them back and try to out-talk a sales rep to get them to just sell me internet?

    Should I go to the physical store location in my city and talk with them in person? We still don't even know if I'll be able to get service, would that be a waste of everyone's time?

    Should I wait and resolve it after the 'can you get service' question is resolved, or will that make changing it more painful?

    Some other thing I'm not thinking about?

    being depressed sucks ass and /c/mentalhealth is closed for some reason so I'm dumping a bunch of negativity here [CW mental illness, self-harm]
  • I'm sorry, friend. I notice your contribution to the hexbear community (partially because of your very distinct profile image), I upbear your comments quite a bit and would like you to know you've improved my life with your thoughts. It's not much, I know, but I'd feel bad if I never told you.

    Your situation sounds very hard. I hope you give yourself credit for how much you're doing, and how capably you're handling it with tools that you clearly understand and use well to take care of yourself. It's easy to feel like things like that don't matter, but you're doing a lot.

    Apologies if I've overstepped in any way. I'm rooting for you, at any rate.

  • Israel now has official concentration camps
  • Right, I acknowledge that, although China unfortunately also had a hand in the radicalization effort: Blowback season 4 goes into it a bit, they wanted to poke the USSR so they actually helped fund the sources in Afghanistan that later backfired into Xinjiang. But like I said, they're dealing with a real security problem.

    I would still say that an ethnically delineated camp is probably too broad of a response, but I'm also not one of the people that got stabbed. Maybe that's bourgeois decadence for me to think. Deradicalization appears to be very difficult to do while abiding by the convention on human rights, a more humane and successful attempt at what China is doing doesn't come to mind.

    At any rate I am skeptical of the nightmarish cartoon version you normally hear, I wish there were more robust third party organizations that could be trusted to investigate something like this without being weaponized by the US or some wacky fundamentalist. It's just that there's a lot of room between "a genocide of Uygurs" and "everything is totally fine."

  • Israel now has official concentration camps
  • I believe China acknowledges the facilities exist, they would dispute that they are torture camps though. I'm of two minds, on the one hand I can easily imagine a government committing human rights abuses in response to a security threat. I think it's good to be skeptical of the state narrative that they're nice vocational training facilities. There's a decent chance things are happening that I would find unacceptable, I think that's fair.

    On the other hand I see how our government and media are treating the Palestine conflict. I remember WMD, and the babies that were supposedly unplugged from the incubators in Kuwait. I've read about the Gulf of Tonkin. I know what we did to Mossadegh, and how we spun that coup against democracy as liberation.

    I'm deeply skeptical of US and 'western' narratives of people that threaten their order. And yes I do believe a lot of things can be faked, especially things happening in a language almost no Americans speak or read and have to trust the interpretation of events being given to them by actors with a stake in the outcome.

  • What's your most irrational/obnoxious pet peeve?
  • If they aren't I'm not sure if I understand the point. That seems extremely uncomfortable.

  • Is Q supposed to be meaningfully older than Mark? I know the synoptics all are believed to be taking from it, but I don't remember ever being told how distant of a predecessor it was imagined to be.

  • Who fixes toilets under communism?
  • Lol I was a nepo hire at one of the facilities that made their pies. Folks there were pretty nice too.

  • Who fixes toilets under communism?
  • GT Pie Company? If so, weirdly small world.

  • it's db0ver
  • Actually it looks like momentum is on the side of "It's funny to remain federated while banning the admins" so unless your admins pull out I think we'll remain federated?

  • "Ukraine needs one more year to win, and Congress can make that happen now" - Generals hate him, one trick to win every war! Ukraine needs one more year to win, and Congress can make that happen now

    If America comes through, this might just be the year that Ukraine needs to push Russia back and achieve an outcome its people can live with.

    Ukraine needs one more year to win, and Congress can make that happen now

    In which a former CEO of Google defines winning as "having another unsuccessful counteroffensive and ceding territory to Russia." Goalposts are moving folks.

    Originally posted to c/news but I think between it being an opinion piece and my editorializing it probably belongs here.

    I love peeking under the curtain to see what defederation is sparing us from...

    Link for the morbidly curious. Burgerites really haven't learned anything since 2000.

    EDIT: Egg on my dang face for not noticing the bluetooth bar blocking out half of the evil things this dupe is saying.

    Dirt_Owl watching over me as I spread my posting wings:

    My child's library book coming in with an inspiring image for the community.


    Ungrounded outlets in a slum rental. What to do?

    So my family rent half of an old remodeled home that's been broken into two units by our leech. City recently did some inspections and had a laundry list of things to fix, most of which was directed at the leech but they told us we can't use the three-to-two prong adapters we've been using since we moved here to plug in all of our modern electronics.

    The maintenance guy told us they would install gfci outlets and asked how many we wanted, but that never ended up happening. I'm probably gonna try to ask the landlord directly but given our interactions so far I'm not optimistic. So I need a backup plan if he takes the easy route and risks our health and the potential to burn the place down to save a few hundred dollars of the rent I pay him.

    Obviously I can just not be using them when the city comes back but in the long run I know it's not safe for my family, but I also can't force the leech to make the place safe for my child. Is there something safer than an adapter we could use once this passes? We can't really give up all of our three pronged electronics and it would still not solve the safety issue if we did.

    Learning about Evolution/Geological Time?

    Hey so, I was raised in a very sheltered religious environment, I have changed a lot since I became an adult and accepted that I was just gonna have missed some stuff. I have a kid now though and I don't want to be like... a weird caveman who knows nothing about basic ass science stuff when they have questions or are learning these things in school or wherever. Is there an approachable book or resources about science that fundie-raised folks might have missed? I appreciate this is a weird question but I have to imagine I'm not the only person in this position. (TEST EDIT for reasons)
