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Asked a reasonable question about revoking Trump's citizenship and got the ridiculous responses I expected; here's a golden one:
  • I like the person who introduced a terrible analogy about an iphone eating a hamburger, and when you respond with real historic precedent they just continue to say "no that would never work in my analogy you don't get it"

  • CNN Confirms That Only Joe Biden And Donald Trump Will Be In Debate — Not Robert Kennedy Jr.
  • He would just dilute the entertainment value tbh. They should have him debate Kamala in a puppy bowl style pregame event

  • Removed
    A second moderator has hit the CPUSA Outreach Division.
  • I think I engaged with them one time and they were obsessed with Jan 6th being a big deal and even went as far to say that it was a fascist coup (but the 2000 election was not). I don't know if they deserved to be banned, but that shit was wild to hear from a communist.

  • US Senator Says Ukraine Is ‘Gold Mine’ with $12 Trillion of Minerals ‘We Can’t Afford to Lose’
  • Yeah the people getting kidnapped off the street and tossed into vans really want to fight. Only reason they weren't on the front lines already is they didn't have a ride.

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Does saying that kind of shit not feel incredibly pathetic to you? Like do you actually type that out without even a shred of awareness of how deeply unserious you sound? Of course there's always the racist element to the bot accusations, but at this point I'm mostly just curious to know if you realize how goofy it makes you look.

  • NSFW
    (cw racism) Reddit is mad again about advocating to kill slave owners
  • Oh yeah, totally. It's just gotten even worse. My local sub looks like a breitbart comment section where it used to just be mostly about restaurants and where to find parking with only an occasional call to exterminate the homeless.

  • Libs are Deeply Unserious
  • Permanently Deleted

  • When supporters of le genocidal settler colony… are reactionary?
  • Ever since I learned how to do a regression analysis I've seen the george floyd killing in a whole new light. Turns out it was good.

  • NSFW
    (cw racism) Reddit is mad again about advocating to kill slave owners
  • Reddit on the whole has gotten way more right wing and the average writing quality has tanked. Even the sports subs have just gotten dumb as shit. There was an r/nba post a couple weeks ago where there were like 2000 comments discussing a player using his phone on the bench, but he was CLEARLY just eating a pack of gummies. Not that it was ever good, but holy shit is that place rotting now.

  • Biden and Trump Agree to Debate Next Month on CNN
  • If the NBA / NHL playoff ads are still in rotation at that point this could very well lead to a mass psychosis event

  • Web publishers brace for carnage as Google adds AI answers
  • On the bright side I used to be extremely online but shit has been getting steadily worse for so long that I don't even have to set limits for myself anymore because there's like 30 minutes per day of worthwhile internet.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • Bwaaa A student with an Anne Applebaum book in both hands has no hands left to hold a phone and watch entire city blocks get leveled on the internet.

  • Jake Tapper - renaissance man? He's doing courtroom sketches for CNN. Yes, really.
  • OK but for real if we're going to keep doing the sketches they absolutely should be done by elementary school students on field trips

  • GO AWAY!
  • It's the perfect offramp into unlimited donations and all the same policies they want anyway. Bonus being they don't ever have to admit Joe's brain is completely fried and they can stop worrying about him dying in public.

  • GO AWAY!
  • taylor-commie gonna be bare handed actually

  • Everyone guess the topic that lead to this post

    They insisted that south park is nuanced and insightful, others said no it's bad actually

    Anyone able to recommend some games that have Mandarin audio with English subtitles?

    I watch a decent amount of TV this way for language practice but I've never noticed a game that would allow it.

    I'm thinking this might be more common on emulated games, but not sure how to specifically search for that on the rom sites

    Real book. Even has a hardcover and CD audiobook version.

    Using examples from his work with Disney and as a senior-level hospital executive, author Fred Lee challenges the assumptions that have defined customer service in healthcare. In this unique book, he focuses on the similarities between Disney and hospitals―both provide an "experience," not just a service. It shows how hospitals can emulate the strategies that earn Disney the trust and loyalty of their guests and employees.

    The book explains why standard service excellence initiatives in healthcare have not led to high patient satisfaction and loyalty, and it provides 9 ½ principles that will help hospitals gain the competitive advantage that comes from being seen as "the best" by their own employees, consumers, and community.

    Wonder what's going on in the version of a thread...

    Rest of the comment: "Unless they’ve got viable plans for a stable economy with reliable exports controlled by non-corrupt leadership, someone is going to step in to fill the void, and China and Russia are already vying for the position."
