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Why Greggs is beating Pret in the battle of the lunch break
  • Greg's also have placed on industrial estates, motor ways, town centres, etc. They've made it so anybody can easily access them. I can't even think of any prets near where I live. Probably is but perhaps it blend into the background.

  • Ant smell
  • Flashing lights. I have to try that now.

    Years ago me and my sister walked through our newly built town centre together. They had installed bright white stone on the ground and both of us couldn't stop sneezing (sunny day, stone reflects sun back up). It's not as shiny now it's not new but I hate walking through that area to this day.

  • Ant smell
  • Same for me. If I feel a sneeze coming on I look at a bright light to hurry it up. I thought this was normal but appetite isn't.

  • Google is losing it
  • I got exactly the same. Firefox on android and in the UK. Perhaps it's regional.

  • Google is losing it
  • I just searched the same words and got the same text.

  • Make it stop
  • Fat and stupid.

  • This used book that I bought for 12£ on the internet was apparently previously bought from Oxfam for 1.99£
  • I'm curious, why are you putting the £ symbol after the number and not before?

  • the internet shopping experience is not okay
  • Sometimes I see something weird which I can't figure out what it is. Click on it or if curiosity. I then get more weird stuff shown to me there after. It takes over.

    At the moment it's t-shirts which have Jesus on wrestling satan. Could be worse I guess. "Not today satan"

  • Recognizing when you're living in your best years
  • Yeah that's exactly it. Sometimes I don't want to do family stuff. My wife plans things like going to the beach which I really don't like but I keep thinking about the memories both me and my son will get. My dad hardly did anything with me, I want to make sure I'm giving my son good memories.

  • Recognizing when you're living in your best years
  • After my son was born I would get up in the morning, usually before he and wife were awake, go to work. When I got home from work I would be lucky to see him for an hour before my wife put him to bed. Hardly ever saw him.

    Then the pandemic happened, he just turned two at the time. I was then told to work from home. It was brilliant. I got to spend so much time with my son. I still work from home now but he's at school these days.

    The pandemic was not kind to a lot of people but for me personally I have great memories because of it.

  • I asked for rudest place names not offensive ones!
  • I pass Shitterton often and Sandy Balls isn't far away. I've heard it's a good family holiday park, not been myself.

  • Simpsons did it!
  • "it's somewhere I haven't been before" "The shower"

  • Baby is ready to party
  • The hospital provide birth certificates on your country? Here it is the registry office and they do it with the parents present.

  • Anon hates aluminum
  • Stainless steel has been around only 110 years. Imagine not having it. Crazy.

  • Yorkshire apostrophe fans demand road signs with nowt taken out
  • The database language is what it is. The application should be forming a well structured query to the database. Working around issues like this has been well established for a long time now. I'm guessing they have some bad software and for whatever reason they're not addressing it correctly.

  • George Lucas before CGI.
  • CGI really made him put on weight.

  • A conversation with my wife
  • Welcome to the fold, brother.

  • Why Would He Help Putin?
    • country
  • Deleted
    Is there somewhere I can buy one egg?
  • Not so much of a shop but often on country lanes you see eggs for sale outside people's houses with a money pot for donations. Hens lay a lot of eggs and the owners need to get rid of them easily.

  • Deleted
    Is there somewhere I can buy one egg?
    • Native currency also available.
  • Second hand EV?

    I've seen a 2018 Hyundai Ioniq Premium SE fairly local and under £14,000 and under 30kiles. I've no idea what to look out for when buying used.

    Any advice or thoughts on used ev's? Does mileage mean much. I suppose battery condition would be the main concern?

    Digestive_Biscuit Digestive_Biscuit

    Like Wallace and Gromit but instead of cheese it's biscuits.

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