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Looking for filtertron style high output humbuckers
  • I already have another guitar for different tunings but I really like the Cabronita-like because it was a gift and I want to use it for the genres I play. A pickup swap sound good and it'll get me to play it more

  • Looking for filtertron style high output humbuckers

    I have a Cabronita style guitar (Harley Benton). I would like to swap pickups with some hot humbuckers but I don't want to have to carve the body to accomodate them. I'm looking for recommendations

    Endeavour OS looking sexy
  • My recommendation would be to have Linux on the 500gb drive and then install windows directly on the other drive without partitioning. I wouldn't install Linux on a partition as Windows likes to mess with the bootloader but if Linux is on it's own drive you can always boot it from EFI without issues.

  • ATTENTION: 1337X IS NO LONGER SAFE [Reposted from Reddit]
  • Fuck Empress, however she's right on this specific matter.

  • Endeavour OS looking sexy
  • Easy actually. I'm on arch (Hyprland) right now, so no longer EOS but it's been refreshing. I'd recommend EOS as a base for any arch install, better than "arch installer" by a long shot. If you have dedicated storage I'd recommend using it and booting to the respective system through EFI rather than relying on software bootloader (windows likes to break it). I am running arch on a dedicated SSD and it's been smooth so far.

  • I like the interface, and have been a user of the reddit version for years...
  • Lemmy instances run on servers which are funded by donations. I don't see how Sync (which is made by one developer) gets to be frowned upon because there's a price for ad removal. All FOSS projects are somehow funded, usually by donations. Nothing runs for free.

    If we get to use all the FOSS Lemmy apps is because someone put in the time and money to make it happen.

  • I like the interface, and have been a user of the reddit version for years...
  • What rubs me the wrong way is the $20 ask to remove ads

    I would feel the same way if Sync was the one and only option to view Lemmy on mobile but it's not. You can use all the other FOSS apps which don't have ads.

    By the way you can install a global adblocker on your phone to remove all (well, most let's say) ads across your device. I use one and don't see any ads on Sync, just a blank square.

  • Title
  • I've tried pretty much all the FOSS Lemmy apps I could get my hands on but the experience Sync provides is far superior. I'm an ex Boost user and since I couldn't find Boost for Lemmy I naturally gravitated towards Sync and I'm not looking back.

  • Sync for Lemmy (beta) is now live for everyone
  • As a Boost user I'm glad this came out first. I was getting tired of waiting for Boost to release a Lemmy app, this one feels much better.

  • What would you considered "Ethical Piracy"
  • I felt the Adobe part. I bought Photoshop CS2 back in the day then sadly lost the license key a few years later. I never felt bad for pirating the latest version.

    Another example of ethical piracy would be when offline games force you to be online all the time. Minecraft forces me to be online to play through the official launcher. Since I also play with mods that are still a few versions behind, I downloaded a cracked launcher so I can play even when I don't have internet access.

  • Finally moved to arch from Windows
  • Congrats on finally using a real OS! Arch is fantastic and teaches you a lot of skills down the road.

  • Nvidia Settings on Wayland soon?
  • Thank you, I will read it

  • Nvidia Settings on Wayland soon?
  • I have to log in to xfce for the profile to take effect. I set Nvidia settings to start at login, even though the process does start on Wayland it doesn't apply anything until I enter xfce, then I can exit it and start my Hyprland session

  • Nvidia Settings on Wayland soon?
  • Enabling G-Sync and increasing digital vibrance on my second monitor. Everytime I need to increase the vibrance on my second monitor I have to first boot into xfce, open nvidia settings until the profile loads then log out and then log into hyprland. It's very annoying.

  • I did it, I distro hopped
  • btrfs snapshots

    I had a snapshot with Timeshift but did not revert back any changes made to the theming I was working on, so I distro hopped.

  • Nvidia Settings on Wayland soon?

    I've been using Wayland (Hyprland) for a couple days now and I notice there's no support for Nvidia settings. Nvidia X Server Settings will open without the possibility of making any changes.


    Do we know anything about future plans on integrating Nvidia settings on wayland?

    I did it, I distro hopped
  • Depends on the distro, something like EOS is basically Arch with fancy pants on.

  • I did it, I distro hopped
  • Want your brains blown? Check out ArchCraft. Yes it's a pay to download thing but they cover everything, i3, Sway, Hyprland, QTile. You name it, they have it (as long as it's WM). For people like me who don't have time (nor skill, I'm humble enough to admit it) this is gold. And you can change themes as you like as long as you have basic intermediate skills. As long as you can use a text editor and have some basic arch skills you can customize upon it.

    With that being said, I don't like pay to download content, reason why I'm on Linux first and foremost. But I gotta give credit where credit is due. ArchCraft is blowing away everything else when it come to pre customized WM experiences. Such an eye candy omg.

  • I did it, I distro hopped
  • Not much difference between sway and Hyprland

  • I did it, I distro hopped
  • I used to be on Majaro for awhile, years ago but I wouldn't recommend it now. It doesn't have any of the advantage of an Arch based distro. Their own repo has issue. I would recommend Endeavour OS

  • I did it, I distro hopped
  • What Arch based distoe were you on? I would love to spend some time on Debian and OpenSUSE eventually. Also Fedora is intriguing, I wished I tried it already.

    I've had experience with Debian based and Arch based distros only. I was on Majaro for months before I had to switch back to windows and leave Linux behind for awhile

  • I did it, I distro hopped
  • i3 for while but I mainly used xfce. Hyprland overall feels "new", unlike X11, Wayland just "flows" better in a way. i3 felt more clunky but overall more stable, if that ever makes sense.

  • I did it, I distro hopped

    I told myself I wasn't gonna do it anytime soon but I distro hopped from Endeavour OS to Arch with Hyprland in the span of 3 days. Nothing against endeavour. I just tried to customize, broke some stuff and decided to try Hyprland again. I'm quite liking it. It takes awhile to get used to it but it's fun. I cloned a repo for a customized version of it. I don't know how long I'll stick with it but wish me luck!

    Neovim, LSP format issues all of a sudden

    It was working fine until yesterday, now I'm getting this error. I made sure it's installed and configured correctly, clang is also installed, made sure.

    I booted up the computer today and started working on a project (I'm learning C++) just find out the LSP can't find the matching language server for some reason.

    I was thinking of switching to VS but I like the way I set up neovim.

    plugins.lua !

    null-ls.lua !

    mappings.lua !

    lspconfig.lua !

    chadrc.lua !

    I appreciate the help!

    btop++ show different reading than DUA

    I'm using EndeavourOS. I installed btop++ as well as Disk Usage Analyzer. Both give me different disk space information.



    I know I don't have 60gb worth of files on my system for sure, DUA confirms that. How can I get btop++ to read the correct disk space usage?

    Unixporn Digester
    [Endeavour OS] first rice

    Just installed this OS today as my main Linux OS for the first time in a couple years and I have to say it feels good. This is my first time ricing, I never really customized it before

    Endeavour OS looking sexy

    Almost finished setting up my new OS, it's gonna be my main (dual booting with Windows on separate disk). Tokyo Night theme for GTK, xfce terminal, btop and vim. Papirus Dark icons.

    Vertical screen not working properly (EndeavourOS)

    I tried switching to Linux on my main PC (cause I'm bored and I have an extra SSD to waste). Like the video shows, I can't seem to get my left vertical monitor to properly configure on this OS. It's completely broken. I can't interact with anything on main monitor once I apply the settings as shown in the video.

    The only way it works is if I keep my left monitor in horizontal position.

    Google didn't help and apparently it seems to be a common problem. It's on me for choosing a broken distro but I kinda like it otherwise. I'd rather find a fix the screen problem.

    I'm using an Nvidia 3070.

    Generationology - A place to discuss difference and similarities between generations

    Generationally is a community aimed at promote discussions regarding past, present and future generations. We discuss differences, similarities and generational cusps.



    Decadeology - A place to discuss different decades

    Decadeology is a community to discuss about different decades, past and present. We compare the differences and similiarities between years and the individual as well as shared experiences.

    How do I properly promote a community?

    I migrated from Reddit and I created a few community (based on niche subs) that aren't yet on Lemmy. What is the proper way to let people know they exist? I don't intend to spam like people do sometimes on Reddit.

    I started pirating movies again after a decade

    I was a happy Netflix user until 2018, before that I haven't really pirated any movies (with very rare exceptions) for almost a decade but I recently started again. I'm was doing my monthly budgeting and realized I was paying for too many subscription services. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Shudder, Disney+, Hulu and Crunchyroll. My family likes to watch different types of content that is distributed on many different platforms.

    I was never subscribed to these many services until a couple years ago. I was thinking which service I should cancel when I realized I had the option to cancel all of them this entire time. I'm torrenting again and I started saving a considerate amount.

    The only service I'm paying for is Spotify which I think it's fairly priced and offers all the music my family listens too (and it's convenient). All the competitors pretty much offer the same content and that's how streaming services should be.

    I remember back in the day using eMule and BitChe (to look for torrents). Now I'm using Deluge as my torrent client and I I get my torrents from 1337x. What sites are you guys using?

    Why can I still see beehaw posts on my feed?

    I'm with and I can still see beehaw recent posts and I can interact with them despite us being mutually defederated. How does this actually work?

    how to pin posts in my communities?

    How do I pin important posts in my own community using Jerboa? (Or the website).

    how do I interact with other instances?

    I like the app but everytime I wanna upvote or comment a post made through another instance the app won't let me unless I make an account for every instance. How do I get around this?
