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It's going to be a good night
  • You know, Custom Robo is awesome. I'll gladly sit down, play it and lament the fact there wasn't a new once since the DS game. That's way better than watching some random stuff on Netflix.

  • GBA-Style JRPG 'Tako no Himitsu' Has Golden Sun And Terranigma Staff Involved
  • I didn't play any Zelda title on the GBA, but those could work due to their puzzle focus. However, even fully combat oriented games couldn't really do much more than Zelda did in terms of their combat system, which ended up being quite dull.

    I kind of liked the Legacy of Goku series, just because I like Dragon Ball and because level ups made a huge difference. The battle system wasn't anything special, but it was satisfying to just grind a bit and afterwards demolishing anything in your path - just repeat this in any given new area.

  • GBA-Style JRPG 'Tako no Himitsu' Has Golden Sun And Terranigma Staff Involved
  • I was fully on board with it until I looked at the screenshots. Don't get me wrong, it is gorgeous. But it's an action RPG, something the GBA usually didn't succeed in. I was hoping for something turn based.

  • What the fuck
  • Given this data, I think I can reasonably predict that lyrics of pop songs in about 20 or 30 years will mostly consist of cursing. Maybe even sooner given my personal impression of pop songs repeating their lines more often each decade.

  • The numbers 0–99 sorted alphabetically in different languages
  • '1 - 1,000,000 - 900 - 7 & 80 - 1,000 - 600 - 4 & 50'

    Large numbers are alway broken up into blocks of 3, pronounced like the initial numbers from 0 to 999 + the name of the long scale number (thousand, million, etc.).

    Short scale, in english goes like this this: Thousand (3 zeros), Million (6), Billion (9), Trillion (12)...

    Long scale, as used in german, goes like this: Tausend (3), Millionen (6), Milliarden (9), Billionen (12), Billiarden (15), Trillionen (18)...

    Long scale kind of makes more sense since starting with Million the names just count upwards. Million, Bi-llion (2), Tri-llion (3), etc. But since you still start with Thousand in short scale, Billion is the 3rd, Trillion the 4th and so on. If you want to figure out Octodeci-llion (18), the formula to get the amount of zeroes in short scale is '18 * 3 +3' and in long scale '18 * 6'. Also keeps the names pronouncable for longer than short scale. However, it does make translating the names of large numbers between both languages a nightmare.

  • The numbers 0–99 sorted alphabetically in different languages
  • German numbers are weird because we kinda switch the last two digits.

    43 in most languages becomes '40 - 3', but in german you say '3 & 40'.

    But we do not pronounce the whole number backwards.

    143 in most languages becomes '100 - 40 - 3', in german you say '100 - 3 & 40'.

  • low effort maymay
  • Nah, I usually find the solution on the arch website. If that doesn't work, it's in the forum - which is usually the first search result on all major search engines for any given pacman problem. Once you've found the solution it's hardly more than just copy-pasting it.

  • low effort maymay
  • I really don't get these memes. In about 9 years of daily use on multiple systems I never had anything break beyond a multitude of failures to update with pacman - all of which could be fixed within minutes - and in the early years having to restart my system every couple of months because it stopped recognizing USB devices - after many rounds of updates mind you. I've had more frequent troubles with windows. How did Arch get this bad rep?

  • Bravely Default 3DS
  • The story gets amazing, too! It's one of my favorite games on the system and the best on in its own series. Although, I'd also recommend Bravely Second and Bravely Default 2. Second is a story sequel, BD2 is stand-alone.

  • Nintendo Does What Everybody Else Nintendon’t - Aftermath
  • I fully agree with you there. The switch has time and time again proven to be more than capable. Monster Hunter Rise, Xenoblade 1-3 and Shin Megami Tensei V - just to name a few - pretty much have me satisfied. Sure, there are better looking games out there, but I don't care beyond what these games already deliver.

    I have lived through amazing graphical breakthroughs in video games, but at least for me, they stopped happening at least 10 years ago. Like, they are there for sure if I were to compare screenshots. But, once I'm emerged in the actual game play, they are lost on me.

  • Decks for starting out


    I'm fairly new to Master Duel and didn't play much Yu-Gi-Oh! in general for the past decade - you could say I'm a complete amateur.

    Now, I've done most of the solo mode stuff to get to know some more archetypes and played the current Theme Chronicles event to the point where I got all obtainable gems with the vendread loaner deck. Luckily, the loaner was actually quite good, so I didn't need to build a deck. (Got all gems with a 22:8 win ratio.)

    After all of this, I want to dive into ranked. For the solo mode stuff I've used an Endymion deck, which seems to be rouge at best - and I've only got the bare basics for the deck anyway (pretty much no extra deck). But now I have no clue which deck to go for. I don't know shit about the meta game and even less about the longterm viability of decks, as I don't want to spend all my ressources on building a deck that will banned soon anyway (like, Baronne seems like something that will be banned soon). Or worse, something that is simply unfun to play.

    I don't particually enjoy stun decks and I'm not into all or nothing combo decks ending on a board full of generic boss monsters (looking at the new superheavy stuff). Is there something viable to start building, ideally with a low power version to test the strategy, before commiting to pulling/crafting all cards needed? (like, Mannadium would take all my ressources and it's gamble if I'd like it)

    Got some minor troubles with Godot itself, am I missing settings?

    I'm just starting out with Godot and I've run into some strange or unwanted behaviors. Maybe some of you can help me fix them. I'm currently running Godot on arch linux with x11/i3 as my desktop environment.

    1.) Godot got some really aggressive focus. The editor grabs the focus mid typing in other applications and suddenly I'm tying there. With i3 being a tiling manager, Godot is sometimes passively resized when I resize another window - of course it also immediately gets itself focused and messed the resizing up.

    2.) The focus within Godot is even stranger. I can ctrl c + ctrl v nodes just fine on a freshly opened project. But once I've a clicked a single property in the import or inspector docker, ctrl c + ctrl v will work exclusively there. Even if the import docker is hidden underneath the scene docker where I'm clicking the nodes I want to copy/paste.

    3.) The last one is about using an external editor. Whenever Godot encounters a bug, it will automatically open the script in question. Which is annoying because I use vim for everything and will throw warnings at me, that the file has been changed. I've looked through all editor settings and tried setting vim as my external editor but the behavior persists.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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