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Big Tech to EU: "Drop Dead"
  • Its a regional thing. In europe whatsapp is more generally used then in the usa :)

  • Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads
  • I am, im the one paying for my mom ;)

  • Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads
  • Sure, but im not gonna be constantly trying to find stuff for her or get a constant messages of "can you get this for me?"

  • Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads
  • I cant, i share an account with my mom :(

  • Most celebrities are awful people
  • Was gonna chime in that i hope to never read this kind of bad shit about you academy nominated actress margot robbie.

  • First Time Seeing One in the Wild
  • First time? Oh wow, ive seen it happen a few times. Last time was in riot games' league of legends when it wanted to install vanguard

  • Manipulation
  • Fair, tigers dont make sound i'd classify as a meow. But other big cat species do :

    I always believed , though im not a biologist, that they kept doing it because they got something nice as a reward. Pets, food, water, door that is being opened,... The meowing is linked to getting something good so they keep doing it.

  • Intel's newest E-core-only "Twin Lake" CPUs are on the way, starting with Intel N250
  • Sooooo... Just intel atom cores smashed together in hope to make something decent huh?

  • A bit late
  • Nono, only female safety and men feelings! Read the sign! /s

  • Companies are not your friend
  • Dotmemory, dotpeek, ryder, .. :)
    I have yet to get my hands on any good memory profiler and il decompiler in vs/vscode that didnt suck.
    Ilspy/dnspy for il stuff, dotmemory is my go to for profiling.
    Source : im a .net/c# desktop developer

  • Companies are not your friend
  • And on top of that, latest versions of their tools are always free until the next release ( which is every 2-3 months ). Their words when i talked to them on some convention.
    Subscriptions are bad as hell, but jetbrains is doing them alright imo

  • Nearly all Nintendo 64 games can now be recompiled into native PC ports to add proper ray tracing, ultrawide, high FPS, and more
  • Ye, the sm64 was just a jit emulation, you are correct there. Not gonna deny that either. The sms and smg emulations are interesting and impressive though. They basically use a combination of jit compilation and aot compilation to basically take in the rom and adjust code as they go, but its technically running +/- natively, if i read the switchbrew wiki page correctly, thanks to the aot compilation. I find that impressive, from a technical standpoint.
    Could they have added more and do more changes? Yes, ofcourse. Im not saying the fan made stuff isnt impressive, it is and i love it!
    But for nintendo, who strives to create new experiences and things, not rehashing older stuff, is why they kept it basic. For them adding that stuff doesnt make sense as the game doesnt add new enough experiences. They dont care if a bug is fixed or graphics are improved. Those dont get you new experiences or gameplay mechanics. Thats what nintendo strives for.

    Again, if that is a good stance to have as a company i leave up to others to make opinions on, thats not up to me to decide or voice my opinion on ^^

    Fyi, since you seem to know what youre talking about, nintendo's r&d have used open source projects before internally and we assume it is done to look at older games and see how they worked or if they could be used to make projects like sm3d ( without doing what the license doesnt permit )

  • Nearly all Nintendo 64 games can now be recompiled into native PC ports to add proper ray tracing, ultrawide, high FPS, and more
  • Haha, i kinda expected it tbh. The internet hates nintendo and doesnt know how they operate internally. Still wanted to make the comment, as it is needed.

  • Nearly all Nintendo 64 games can now be recompiled into native PC ports to add proper ray tracing, ultrawide, high FPS, and more
  • Has nothing to do with their closed eco system. They basically did similar stuff with some of the stuff in the sm3d collection thingy.
    Nintendo is a company that only wants make new stuff, innovations.
    For example, they ( mostly miyomoto ) has been quoted to not understand that people want another f-zero, as the game's principals and ideas have been fully flushed out and no new ideas could make it feel like something new.
    They also usually dont do remakes/remasters unless its so new/different it can be considered a new game ( see metroid 2 on 3ds ).

    If that is a smart business position to have, i will leave for you to decide, but do get your facts a bit straight :)

    EDIT: also, nintendo has used open source projects for internal projects before, so idk how "closed ecosystem" is part of their stuff :)

  • ASUS Scammed Us (Gamers Nexus)
  • I can understand with what youre saying, and to each their own tastes. However, id like to point out that asus tried to get them to pay 200$ for something that wasnt broken is something that is relevant to us as consumers. Specially since they started the investigation after a lot of people started mailing GN about their issues and... questionable practices

  • Steam is now refunding Ghost of Tsushima for people in affected countries.
  • The developers were told 6 months before release that it needed to have psn required. Granted, thats waaaaaay too late to tell a dev that, but they could have delayed the game. Instead, they made it half arse and still told sony it was good to go.
    Imho, both have gone wrong here

  • Belgian sex workers to get health insurance, pensions and maternity leave in world first
  • Except thats not how it works here. Legal sexwork exists here, and pimps is are illegal.

  • Dislike it properly
  • Wouldnt "je ne sais pas parler francais" be more of a "i dont know speak french"? Like, sounding more gramatically broken?
    The 'parler' is in an unconjugated form, i read that like its some broken form hehe

  • Dislike it properly
  • Nope, i also get that kick out of it haha. Love it.
    Though, i must say that my french is really terrible so i might as wel just not speak it

  • Dislike it properly
  • "Je ne parle pas français" There you go, everything you need.

  • User icons in voyager

    So, i was a liftoff user because the app was the app that looked the most like rif when i migrated away from reddit in july last year, but hasnt had updates since. With the update from a few hours ago its officially dead though which makes me sad as the others arent like it all. ANYWAY, now using voyager and trying to make it look to my tastes. So far so good, but seem to be missing user profile pictures/icons and some general flair/info i used to see in liftoff. Is this a missing feature in voyager? Do i enable it somewhere?

    Ifixit gives fairphone 5 a 10/10 on repairability and maintanence Fairphone 5: Keeping it 10/10? | iFixit News

    Is the Fairphone 5 just a repeat of a proven formula or a real improvement compared to its predecessors?

    Fairphone 5: Keeping it 10/10? | iFixit News

    While they were happy with what the fairphone 4 brought to the table, they seem to like what was changed for the fairphone 5. What are you guys' opinions on this? A welcome change? would you get one if your phone died within the next year?

    DacoTaco DacoTaco

    The real deal y0

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