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Issues with rEFInd, Casting, and SecureBoot

So close to perfecting my dual-boot GNU/Linux Surface Book 2 setup, but I'm encountering a few final obstacles:

  1. Is there anyway to fix the flashing on boot in rEFInd? My screen flashes gray three times and I've already tried toggling resolution, use\_graphics\_for, and text\_only.
  2. I would love to be able to connect to my Microsoft Display Adapter on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, but no matter how much I've fiddled with Miraclecast and gnome-network-display, I can't get it to work. GND fails on some inexplicable firewall error, while Miraclecast has yet to fully implement Display-Source.
  3. I know most people will just say to fully disable Secure Boot, but I would really like to get it working. I already went through the process of signing certificates and running around MokManager with rEFInd and Tumbleweed, but for some reason it will not work at all with my Garuda installation. I'm not sure if it's because that partition is encrypted, the fact that I use the custom Nobara kernel, or if it's just an Arch-based thing.

TL;DR: Can I make rEFInd stop flashing, SecureBoot Garuda, and connect to a Microsoft Display Adapter?

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