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'Confused' Judge Cannon needed concept explained 'slowly' to her in court by lawyers: NYT
  • As part of an analysis of how [...]

    'How' what? Either their editors suck and missed the opening sentence or I'm just incapable of parsing English anymore.

  • Sealed Windows 2000 Advanced Server floppy disks
  • El Torito:

    El Torito is an extension designed to allow booting a computer from a CD-ROM. It was announced in November 1994 and first issued in January 1995 as a joint proposal by IBM and BIOS manufacturer Phoenix Technologies. According to legend, the El Torito CD/DVD extension to ISO 9660 got its name because its design originated in an El Torito restaurant in Irvine, California.

    A 32-bit PC BIOS will search for boot code on an ISO 9660 CD-ROM. The standard allows for booting in two different modes. Either in hard disk emulation when the boot information can be accessed directly from the CD media, or in floppy emulation mode where the boot information is stored in an image file of a floppy disk, which is loaded from the CD and then behaves as a virtual floppy disk. This is useful for computers that were designed to boot only from a floppy drive. For modern computers the "no emulation" mode is generally the more reliable method.

    I vaguely remember fighting with getting burned OS install discs to reliably boot. Another fun thing from around that time is if you happened to plug in the floppy drive cable backwards any disks inserted would be erased. That's a great way to accidentally nuke your boot disk and be screwed if you weren't near another working machine with a floppy drive. Lots of little headaches like that really drilled in the concept of redundancies and lots of backups (as well as not mindlessly installing a floppy drive).

  • 27 May 2024
  • Certainly there would have been methods available even then to either overlay changes (~cels) or exactly reproduce a base image (xerographic). I'm just impressed even using tracing he didn't just 1:1 reproduce the same scene, tiny variations exist (nose shape, left fist, V-neck shape etc.).

    This was aligned against the dog:

  • 27 May 2024
  • Wow, I just noticed he didn't just change the text but actually redrew everything.

  • For a moment, George Floyd's murder changed everything. Those days are gone.
  • In no way did I suggest Floyd should have been killed.

    But you insist on going out of your way to bloviate about how he was such a terrible person. That's the entire crux of your argument and it just doesn't matter. The whole point of having human rights and rule of law is not to pick and choose when they apply. Everyone should care when anyone is needlessly killed or abused, regardless of their past or personality. It's possible to want a person to die but still insist that others don't kill them.

    And please chill with your moaning about everyone's reading comprehension and intelligence. It's not conducive to polite discussion and might give people the impression you're just trolling.

  • For a moment, George Floyd's murder changed everything. Those days are gone.
  • I don't care about the particular person being targeted, the police aren't supposed to murder someone just because they feel like it. If they're a first time offender or a "career criminal" they shouldn't be killed unless there's no feasible alternatives.

    Do you honestly think there would have been meaningful lasting change if people propped up Breonna as a martyr instead? Why hasn't that happened for any of the other well-publicized deaths of upstanding citizens? Why haven't things like consent decrees and civilian oversight boards been enough to curb police violence and rights abuse, especially against minority groups?

    The police didn't even bother pretending they were sorry and would pinkie-swear to reform, they flat out demanded that they be allowed to act with impunity and then just decided they didn't want to enforce the law at all anymore if the public was going to be angry with them. Are there instances of the police stating they want to improve their perception and relationship with the public and "the reactionaries" just deciding to riot instead? It should never have come to the point that a large amount of people (across the country) felt rioting was the most appropriate move, but since it did I think the failing was just that it didn't go far enough. There's plenty of evidence to conclude that the police and their enablers will not voluntarily reform and will need be forced against their will.

    And as far as providing conservatives with talking points, there's literally no situation where they won't just use whatever narrative they want; even if it involves space lasers or child trafficking in a pizzeria basement.

  • Unread Count Says 1, While Inbox is Empty
  • The Piped bot is checking comments for instances of a YouTube domain and video id (I don't know specifically what it triggers on) and then replies with a link to that video id as a Piped-based one. But what it should also do is check if the initial comment also contains the Piped URL it's about to post and then not reply with a duplicate of that same address.

    For example I'd post something like

    And the bot would reply offering the exact "Piped mirror" address I had already linked to. This would happen regardless of if I used custom link text or just left it as a raw URL so the bot clearly wasn't doing a check of either method.

  • Unread Count Says 1, While Inbox is Empty
  • Awesome, glad I was able to help!

    That bot has long been a thorn in my side, both due to that Lemmy bug but relatedly because I used to include Piped links with all my YT ones but the bot doesn't(/didn't?) check for them before replying anyway. I've never created a bot but I can't imagine it's more than like a single line to do a regex search for the exact link it intends to post and aborting if it's found.

  • Unread Count Says 1, While Inbox is Empty
  • I would get that when I had bots disabled in settings and one would reply to me (usually the Piped link bot). After manually adding that specific bot to the block list that stopped happening.

  • Why does being tall make your belly more vulnerable in case of an attack?
  • Just wait for their next phase when they start shilling for their Kevlar girdle startup...

  • Why does being tall make your belly more vulnerable in case of an attack?
  • Is this a novelty account or something, what's with the fixation on your belly? You've been milking this subject for 2 months.

  • Trained? Sure he's trained!

  • today's
  • I don't know specifically what the purpose of the community is but its broad topic is the Canadian comedy troupe and television show The Kids in the Hall.

    The scene today's image comes from (in Season 3, Episode 13) also features the earliest credited appearance of Neve Campbell - I'd post a screenshot if image uploading worked :(

    EDIT: Trying to embed an Imgur upload ( if the embed doesn't work)

  • A certain overly sensitive instance deleted my meme so I've blocked it completely. Will it also block their community from interacting with me on other instances?
  • If they used the native instance blocking feature to "completely block" the instance that actually only hides posts from that instance.


    Users can now block instances. Similar to community blocks, it means that any posts from communities which are hosted on that instance are hidden. However the block doesn’t affect users from the blocked instance, their posts and comments can still be seen normally in other communities.

  • Could I get an autopsy done on myself while I'm alive?
  • biopsy

  • 14 May 2024
  • Secret Service notified as Trump aide brags about 'causing innocent people to be arrested'
  • rappers often get prosecuted based on their lyrics

    Rapp Snitch Knishes

  • Anyone remember Rad Mobile the first Sonic The Hedgehog game?
  • Featured in the movie Encino Man (1992) [This YouTube compilation clip is in Italian]

  • The Kleptones - Lost Time (Count-In EP Version)

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    Comments 89