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Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • Me remembering all the half working vehicles from when I was in the army. thinky-felix

    Worst thing about the big gun's shells not blowing up at the right spot, is that like... the fuses are separate from the shells, right? Artillery is artillery, those things are screwed in before being fired, right? anakin-padme-4

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • I've got a (mostly reliable) browser widget that does some translatin'.

    Thanks for the link.

    The signal from captain Sune Lund

    "During the fighting on Saturday the 9th, up to 50 percent of the 76mm shells exploded near the IVER with no effect on the enemy targets. All shells (in standard war gear) are more than 30 years old, retrofitted with 2005 radio fuzes that work unfit for actual combat. Until we have a (better) explanation for this incident, I have to emphasize the critical and unacceptable nature of sending a frigate into a hostile environment with ammunition consisting of unstable shells of this type".

    Somebody went to sea thinking they were on a milk run.

  • NATO Allies Struggle to Agree on Long-Term Funding for Ukraine
  • So, first, the invasion has already happened. So "not invading" isn't an option any more.

    Second, the USA by way of NATO has been antagonizing the "East" for... longer than I've been alive. Usually we just start one sided military conflicts in third world countries with such a lack of air power and anti-armor capability that our military just rolls through the country where the biggest loss of life and equipment on the USA's side are after the occupation begins and the troops are just sitting around waiting to get sniped or drive near an IED.

    It just so happened that antagonizing the second world country of Russia, thinking it was a third world country, finally wound up biting the ass of USA/NATO when Russia decided to invade Ukraine. You rattle your saber long enough and loud enough at a right wing government and eventually they're going to pull out their sabre.

    So, since nobody can unfuck this sheep, best course of action is probably to allow the Ukraine government to admit defeat and sue for peace instead of forcing them to keep trying to fight a war they can't win (but military contractors will make mad money off of). They've lost a chunk of territory that will either stay Russian directly through open occupation or be Russian aligned autonomous states that will absolutely NEED to keep the Russian military around to help fight off the terrorist attacks either from Ukrainian actors or carried out by non-Ukrainian actors using Ukraine as the safe highway to get to Russia aligned states or Russia itself.

  • Are dems just unaware that Biden probably only won because of the pandemic?
  • They also forgot that the core of his campaign was "I'm not Trump!" and "Anybody but Trump!"

    Now that Trump isn't president and those campaign slogans have been memory-holed there's massive confusion as to why inadequate measures to address problems doesn't seem to be exciting anybody about his running again.

  • A Tesla driver says he crashed his brand new Cybertruck after the brakes stopped working
  • Fourth, why did he hit the neighbor's stuff instead of going into the big empty field on either side of his house?

    The house was on the side of the 90ish degree curve he was already following right? Seems like if you felt like you were going out of control you're instinct would be to keep following the curve instead of trying to cut the wheel 180 degrees to the opposite direction.

    (Also, damn, you're eyes are amazing. I can't make out any of the lights on the back of the Cybertruck while its in frame)

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • It wouldn't be so bad if the argument was, "don't change horses this late in the race", while at the same time having a stable of competent people waiting in the wings being prepared for the future.

    But is there anybody that the Democratic party has trained up and waiting in the wings for the next election? 'Cause it seems like they don't.

  • Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?
  • Good to hear you're getting on alright.

    Late last week, while sitting on the toilet the light in the bathroom went out. Lights in the the other bathroom were also out. Anything plugged into the electrical outlets also did not work... with one exception, a very tiny and very dim LED night light. Nothing else in the house is affected, other rooms on the same circuit were not affected. Biggest bummer was that the air conditioner for the bedroom was now not working and it was going to be at least 100 degrees F for the next few days.

    Crawl around in the attic, slowly boiling my brain. Two different sections of electrical wire, on two different circuits, had a total of 18 inches of insulation stripped from the neutral and ground wires. One section had the ground wire completely chewed through.

    Kinda got all panicky about needing to hire an electrician.

    We said, "fuck it", and did a lightening run to Lowes and spent about 100 bucks on stuff to splice in a new section of wire to replace the stripped out section.

    Two days later and only one accident of cutting a live wire later (didn't die, go me) everything is good to go and we've got A/C in the bedroom again.

    Guess lots of folks are taking vacation days and I've got quite a few opportunities to get some extra hours of pay over the last few weeks.

    Two good things so far... now I'm just waiting for the bad thing to balance everything out. armed-crab

  • Recommendations on pcex1 wireless card that plays nice with Linux?

    Slowly working on reviving an old Asus AX1200. Got linux mint running on it but was wondering if there's any recommendations for wireless PCEx1 cards to look out for? Bonus if it's got bluetooth as well.

    I never thought I'd be the first to find one in the wild...

    >I used to have an account on that woke instance. Left the dumpster fire for Not going to entertain obvious censorship on Lemmy.

    Courtesy of user

    Anybody replaced a digitizer on an iPhone?

    So I got around to getting a new digitizer (screen) and replacement battery for an ancient iPhone and got them installed.

    Question for those who've replaced digitizers...

    Any ideas as to why the screen will behave as if its being touched in a bunch of places without actually being touched?

    Its not all the time, maybe 2 or 3 times in a day. All I have to do is turn off the screen and wait a few seconds.

    This is the second digitizer I've replaced but the first time I've had this issue. Mostly just curious if there someone more technically inclined/experienced with an answer other than guessing.

    Affordable Connectivity Program, my results so far... Home - ACP - Universal Service Administrative Company

    Affordable Connectivity Program ACP - Universal Service Administrative Company

    Home - ACP - Universal Service Administrative Company

    A comrade posted about this USA federal program a while ago. So I spent a few days looking into it.

    Website was fairly clear, making an account was no problem, site function is pretty good (no hanging pages, dead links, etc). There's a link to a page where you can put in your city/state or zip code and it gives a <100% accurate list of businesses that participate in the program. (So if you already have a service provider and they aren't listed, call their customer service number and ask if they participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program. Two of the local telecoms that service my area participate, and their customer service people absolutely knew about the program and seemed genuinely happy to let me know what I needed to do.)

    It took a day or so for the ACP site to tell me I was approved. The first page after logging in to the site has your "Application ID" right there for you to see. This is the magic number to give to your ISP. I contacted my ISP about midway through the billing cycle and gave them the info they wanted. They didn't contact me to let me know when the discount was going to be applied but it showed up as a 30 dollar credit on my next full month's bill. Which dropped my current internet bill down by 77%.

    So, its all very :hexbear-retro:, so far.

    A new internet service just came out to my house today to finish running actual fiberoptic with ~100Mbps up/down (compared to my original provider with 15/1... which is ... :downbear: ). From the ACP site's FAQ page, the credit is transferable to a new ISP and all I think I needed to do was just give the new ISP the Application ID number. So I've started the process with the new ISP and get to wait to see if I understood the program's directions for transferring the credit correctly.

    So at the very least, if you're already on some government assistance, this should be a breeze if you want to try for it.

    I didn't look at the part of the application process for people who would need to provide more documentation for income verification. So I don't have any useful things to say about that.

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