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Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • And how about you mind your fuckin manners, you're not talking to some lemmy brat with a day-old account, you disagree with my takes that's fine, state your reasons and move on, but don't go throwing terms like "westoid" and "defeatist" around as if I said something remotely chudish

    Now you can disengage

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • The reality of Russian policy under Trump doesn't matter, what matters is Putin's perception of the state of US politics, and listening to any of his speeches it's clear he's not a particularly intelligent or canny individual, after all it took him decades to figure out the game the US was playing on Russia, he's a neolib thru and thru who's gotten moderately more nationalistic the last two years by sheer social osmosis from the rest of the country, god knows what he really believes deep down

    He sees US politics thru a liberal prism modulated by sources that inflate and exaggerate Trump's pro-Russianness, to the point I believe it seriously effects Putin's thinking or lack thereof

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • No, claiming a side doesn’t want to win is the most common form of defeatism. The “we would have won if not for the politicians” is the bitter whinge of losers.

    Then in that case I look forward to Russia winning the war THIS YEAR and for the FALL OF THE KIEV REGIME

    Nothing will shatter this friendship because both know they cannot stand alone against the existential threat of the west.

    Do they know that, do they REALLY know all that? Or do they believe the calculus will shift when a different US president comes in?

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • A defeatist take would involve claiming Russia CAN'T win, I'm saying they DON'T WANT TO win because there's a faction in the government that wants to reintegrate with the west, and since Putin has been the face of that faction for the last thirty years he gets the blame

    The dumbass probably thinks he could cool things down if Trump is in office, so he wants to put off the Russian offensive until the fall and mess with Biden's chances, despite all the rhetoric I believe Putin just wants the 2022 peace deal to finally go thru, the idea this neollib weakling is gonna march past the Dnieper strikes me as cope of the highest order, this isn't 2022 the Russians have the numbers and equipment to win this war in under a season, the longer they don't the more plausible my theory becomes that the neolib faction in Moscow just wants a peace deal that doesn't scare DC

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • CALLED IT! Fuckin "buffer zone" that dumb fuck Putin really does want to make the big Russian offensive into an October "surprise", yeah just sacriface the late spring/summer opening because you want to play political games with DC, this dumb war is gonna last another year cause Putin wants to hand the west a runway the distance from Kiev to DC, once a loyal puppet always a loyal puppet

  • Loving these NCR New Yorker style cartoons
  • In my headcannon they're kinda like the IDF, good at killing civilians with a horde of melee wielding psychopaths and storming the settlements of helpless tribes, but the minute they encounter an actual military force, out goes the ideology and in comes the firearms and presumably the hoard of weaponry collected from 87 tribes would be substantial enough to give the failing NCR a headache

    Plus the Colordo river and Lake Mead are extremely defensible locations, even a horde of dipshits fascists could hold it for a while

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • More like my doomerism is comically inspired, over the last few weeks I've lathed lathe-of-heaven so hard I'm convinced Putin and his allies are looking for a way to triangulate a Russian victory/defeat that pleases the west (an impossible task, but one non-west neolibs love to undertake), I mean look who were talking about, one of the butchers of the Soviet Union, Yelstin's creatures, a motherfucker so dense it took him until 2007 to figure out the west doesn't like him, PEOPLE LIKE THAT DON'T CHANGE

    As the possibility and inevitability of a Russian victory becomes solid reality, the more my suspicion of these fuckers growth, will they really hand the west its greatest defeat in almost sixty years? Will they really go for regime change in Kiev? Or will they forsake themselves and everything for the dream of a beach house in Miami? (which I believe is the animating core of most Russian capitalists, even if the west forever thwarts their pro-Atlantic dreams)

    I got the goddamn vision folks, I'm seeing the futuuure shulk-vision

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • There are many historical figures I genuinely dislike on a personnel level, but Timurlane honestly takes the cake for me, it's like if someone dropped a 20th century fascist in the middle of the medieval era, reading anything about that motherfucker is extremely grating

  • Drake's security guard shot outside of rapper's Toronto mansion Police search for suspect after security guard was shot outside of Drake's Toronto mansion

    A security guard was shot outside of Drake's Toronto residence amid ongoing feuds with other artists including The Weeknd and Kendrick Lamar.

    Police search for suspect after security guard was shot outside of Drake's Toronto mansion
    NPC Keir has a quest to give you

    In one week the Demcratic Party pulled an actual real Project 2025 on us
    1. Unlimited government surveillance

    2. Unlimited power to ban leftist non-profits

    3. Banning leftist social media

    4. Sicing cops on students all over the country

    5. Giving $95 billion to fascist regimes all over the world

    lmao this shit is nuts and an escalation of fascism we haven't seen since the early days after 9/11. After months of fear-mongering about the supposed takeover of all facets of government by MAGA fascists if Trump wins, the fuckin dems went and passed everything they warned us would pass if we didn't bend the knee and back Genocide Joe, I think most leftists (including me) are still too shell shocked at this early stage to realize the full implications of what we've just been hit with, seriously wtf

    Neoliberalism in one image

    But remember, we're the "authoritarians" for opposing this

    DC Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser proposes cutting emergency rental assistance program she believes people are "abusing" DC mayor proposes cutting emergency rental assistance program she believes people are abusing

    One of the programs targeted for cuts in D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s proposed budget is emergency rental assistance the administration says has been abused by people who don’t really need the help. Thousands of D.C. residents have been able to stay in their homes thanks to help from the city’s emerge...

    DC mayor proposes cutting emergency rental assistance program she believes people are abusing

    The landlord loving scum wants to cut it from $68 million to $20 million but remember folks, it's project 2025 we got to worry about

    The depravity of zionism in one picture

    Crackers suck at writing history

    The Biden admin is sad that they're forced to treat Haitian migrants so poorly, despite the protests of over a 480 human rights organizations - NBC News Biden admin has no plans to change how it treats Haitian migrants despite anger from advocates

    One official said the plight of Haitians is "heartbreaking," but for now Biden won’t extend protected status to more migrants and the U.S. will keep sending others home by boat.

    Biden admin has no plans to change how it treats Haitian migrants despite anger from advocates

    Biden is just smol bean presidant who HAS to abuse black migrants, don't you know Jack?

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    CyborgMarx [any, any]
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