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Google Chrome change that weakens ad blockers begins June 3rd
  • I didn’t think of that movie, but you’re right!

  • Google Chrome change that weakens ad blockers begins June 3rd
  • Thanks, babe, I’m perfectly aware it’s not new. I just find it ironic that a tech company would invest in dorms instead of remote work 😾

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1 - YouTube LTT
  • You’re welcome!

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1 - YouTube LTT
  • Ente is great if you need a drop-in Google Photos replacement that is open-source, E2EE, externally audited and private. It’s the perfect solution for families tbh. Switched to it like two weeks ago and it’s been great so far.

  • Here's How to Declutter Your Google Search Results (And Make It Your Default)
  • Howtogeek is not exactly known for good journalism so it’s fine, I guess.

  • Georgia's leader says a divisive media bill passed by lawmakers is unacceptable and she'll veto it
  • Ok, that makes sense in principle, although, as you said, it leaves much room for abuse. Thanks for explaining it!

  • Georgia's leader says a divisive media bill passed by lawmakers is unacceptable and she'll veto it
  • Could you please explain how this works? What’s the point of the veto then?

  • Georgia's leader says a divisive media bill passed by lawmakers is unacceptable and she'll veto it
  • It’s great that she’s gonna veto a bad bill, but isn’t it counterproductive to democracy if a president can just veto what the parliament does? Like one person holding the power of a whole parliament?

  • Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter
  • I don’t know, don’t ask me. People always find stupid shit to be outraged about, but this one is really not it tbh. I personally love it and hope the Fediverse adopts something similar to it or even just reuses the same open source code for these labeling accounts (as they’re called over there), albeit adapted to the ActivityPub protocol.

  • Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter
  • Bluesky has moderation accounts you can follow like regular accounts that basically flag or hide posts according to how you configure them. This differs from the Fedi model where your chosen instance dictates what you see. There is the standard account that every user follows by default, but even that can be configured to your liking. And if you don’t want it on, you can disable it and follow a different account that moderates content to your liking.

    I, for once, don’t like seeing insects, something that shouldn’t be moderated because there are valid reasons for posting pictures of insects. On Bluesky, I can follow a moderation account for phobias and have it hide any pictures I wouldn’t wanna see.

    Thanks to that, Bluesky is more flexible IMO and requires me to do less for more. Unlike the fediverse where I have to maintain my own filter lists which don’t always work when pictures get posted without alt text or keywords found in the filter list.

  • Apple Will Revamp Siri to Catch Up to Its Chatbot Competitors [using generative AI]
  • It always sucked tbh, but I think what the OP meant is that when it came out, it was understandable that it was very limited and not good, yet still innovative and interesting. Apple just never really improved it beyond that.

  • Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter
  • Which is why I applaud Bluesky’s innovative approach to moderation. It’s truly decentralized and decoupled from the server you’re signed up to.

  • Greta Thunberg accuses Israel of ‘artwashing’ reputation through Eurovision
  • She is a legend and I hope she knows it. I love how she sticks up to what’s right and doesn’t limit her activism to climate change alone. It goes to show how climate activism is all about human rights and dignity which makes her activism against the genocide in Gaza not that surprising to me.

  • Linux Mint looks to fork more GNOME Apps because of libAdwaita
  • I think the topic of LibAdwaita was discussed plenty when shit hit the fan 2-3 years ago. Downstream developers can’t act all innocent and misinformed now when there was a huge drama between Budgie and GNOME upon LibAdwaita’s announcement.

    GNOME developers repeatedly asked downstream developers to stop theming their apps which was generating endless bug reports for issues not caused by upstream code and none of them bothered to listen to them or work with them on a fix. Their choice of developing their own widget kit is a wise one because they’d otherwise still be wasting valuable developer time on fixing issues they should not be responsible for.

    When one doesn’t take “no” for an answer, you’d have to forcibly make them stop. Just my two cents 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Linux Mint looks to fork more GNOME Apps because of libAdwaita
  • It’s not up to GNOME to do others work for them. If Mint wants a specific styling for their desktop, they should fork it (which they’re already doing) since everything is open source. It’s not like GNOME is gonna hunt them down for forking and creating a new product altogether lmfao. Cut the crap.

  • EU should develop ‘equivalent’ version of the World War Two-era Marshall Plan for Moldova and war-torn Ukraine, Moldovan President Maia Sandu says
  • While I think the Nordic model is better than capitalism, it isn’t sustainable and probably wouldn’t work in countries without a colonialist heritage. Obviously everything from the people (ie taxes) needs to be for the people (ie fund social services), but where would you get the taxes/liquidity from in Ukraine or Moldova to begin with?

  • Cuntessera Artemis
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