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Windows 11 is now an ad platform--this is why we're here
  • My thing was I spent just as much time troubleshooting windows as I do Linux. That said I've been on Linux for ages so a lot of the issues I ran into on windows were frustrations with knowing how easy it would have been to resolve technical issues in Linux. The right path for you will be unique to you. I'd probably recommend starting out by just having a live media system you use to poke around with as you tinker on a side project. Maybe even grab a raspberry pi to Futz around on

  • Tankies
  • Also the genocide denial

  • Gaza’s new terror: Booby-trapped cans of food for the unwary --- UPDATE: please see comment in the thread
  • Yup. That's what people generally do. If you get custom special domains you'll use it for new stuff and the old stuff will continue on old patterns

  • Gaza’s new terror: Booby-trapped cans of food for the unwary --- UPDATE: please see comment in the thread
  • A lot of their URIs predate .int and they don't want to break those links

  • Men Use Fake Livestream Apps With AI Audiences to Hit on Women
  • They're insecure and hate the real version of themselves is my interpretation. Instead of confronting that and moving forward with work to become a better person they instead put up a facade, often justifying the harm they do to the people who believe in the facade by convincing themselves that these facades are common to all people, and everyone is fake

  • Twitter co-founder Biz Stone joins board of Mastodon's new US nonprofit | TechCrunch
  • How many times did Trump show his true colors before getting banned? Twitter's moderation policies were better pre-Musk but they were far FAR from acceptable.

  • Twitter co-founder Biz Stone joins board of Mastodon's new US nonprofit | TechCrunch
  • I view the bigger issue as Meta is hostile towards humanity's privacy and freedom, and Mastodon leadership view Meta joining the Fediverse as an unqualified win. Meanwhile, I don't think Meta is interested in ActivityPub as a protocol to make Instagram Threads more appealing, I think they're overall much more interested in what data the can gain, and sell, analyzing the interactions between their own user pool and the rest of the fediverse that user pool interacts with.

  • FireChat was a tool for revolution. Then it disappeared.
  • Session has made some insecure solution surrounding important design elements like forward secrecy

  • Safety in typing, no cloud needed
  • Put simply: yes

    The typing scheme is highly innovative and the code they used to do it is proprietary so its a little hard to get started replicating. Further, they have a design patent that means you need permission from the company and licensing to replicate that action. The way they do this licensing and permission means its FAR easier to get that permission and include the proprietary binary blob than to reinvent the mechanism. I'm sure there are extreme radical FOSS-heads interested in doing this with code they're working on, but any big project that wants to create a legitimate daily driver keyboard is going to be more focused on other problems surrounding ethical predictive text and the precision of screen taps. Like this is more a question of what problems are worth solving than anything. There's plenty of hard problems in the mobile keyboard space that don't involve lawyers, especially when getting access to the Swype lib to embed in keebs has thus far been pretty trivial and that lib has been found to be not gnarly in audits.

    Personally I do have worry about Swype doing a rugpull with this licensing to keyboards that are using it, since that's one of the paths of enshittification/rot-econony, but I also wouldn't choose not to use a keyboard without swipe gestures (in fact my current keyboard doesn't have them because I can type fine enough without them and its one less thing to install or worry about)

  • Does enshitification happen because companies are publicly-traded?
  • Short answer: No

    Long answer: Look into the phrase "rot economy." Basically, enshitification starts MUCH earlier in the process than an IPO or a major buy out. It happens because our financial markets value growth, not financial gain. We always here about how companies only worry about the bottom line, but they don't, actually. They care about demonstrating growth. How do you make growth happen while not worrying about the bottom line? Easy! Operate at a loss on purpose! That way you can capture more of the market in a fiscal year, and then the next year adjust your prices a little bit and operate at slightly less loss and show investors you've grown. Those adjustments? That's enshitification. It all happens from the very first moment when you decide, "We have to capture the market." That's not the IPO. That's the very founding of a business.

    We need to instead value sustainable businesses. Ones that have higher revenues than losses. And you'll notice something VERY interesting about sustainable businesses: They don't do MASSIVE 3rd quarter layoffs literally every year. Why? Because they don't have to show the investors that they've made a profit, they just need to show they captured more market and then reduced costs

  • Why are there two different genres both called ARPG?
  • Yeah I'd be more likely to label dark souls as a 3d metroidvania than as an ARPG. Yeah, it has RPG elements, but what AAA game doesn't?

  • Android 15 may make it even easier to use your phone while in bed
  • Oh good! I was really hoping big tech could find ways to make it easier for me to give in to my crippling phone addiction

  • Watcher’s Move Off YouTube to Paid Streaming Service Sparks Angry Fan Backlash
  • The amount of anger in the backlash for this has been interesting. They're far from the first group this year to say YouTube isn't working out and that they need to find a new platform to afford to make their content, but people have MUCH stronger feelings about this one

  • Americans Deserve More Than the Current American Privacy Rights Act
  • We could tax the billionaires just a little bit and suddenly afford so many things for the general population

  • Someone got Gab's AI chatbot to show its instructions
  • The problem with that is that bad faith actors engage in bad faith arguments for a reason. They just want a few people to hear them. It doesn't matter that the majority of people who hear them see through their lies. It matters that they reach that small audience. To let that small audience know they're not alone. The goal is to activate, engage, and coalesce that small audience. This is what the alt-right does. This is what they've done since the 1920s. We have 100 years of evidence that you can't just "Hear out" the Nazis' opinions without harm coming to real, legitimate people. The best way to deal with bad faith actors is to deplatform them before they've achieved a platform

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Noticed and elected not to install a lemmy client on my new phone because of it. I think it's a mix of astroturfing by the Russians as they push for another offensive in Ukraine, dumb dumbs who have fallen for Russian astroturfing in the past, and trolls who just think it's funny. I think is right on the money that the real problem isn't the amount of input, it's the amount of filtering. I'm mostly more active on the microblog section of the fediverse because the moderation out there is more mature than it is in here in the threadiverse.

  • Ask ChatGPT to pick a number between 1 and 100
  • But why use Chatgpt for that? Why not a duck duck go action? I just don't understand why we're asking a LLM whose goal is consistency, not randomness, to do random

  • seize the means of production
  • You're choosing from vendors to deal with the regional vendor. You're just paying someone to pay the company in your area. The company you pay in this scenario literally offers you zero value. They simply exist to extract money from you.

    Alternatively, these services could be provided to you at a lower cost as part of your annual tax bill under a collaborative cooperative.

  • Does the threadiverse (Lemmy + Kbin) seem ruder the last few weeks?

    I dunno. I just feel less like I'm experiencing a fun new tool for communication the last few weeks. The communities here on Beehaw are still great and fantastic and aren't what I'm bothered by. It's just when I venture out in the world (which I often do) that I notice conversations are much more argumentative than I remember them being.

    How's everyone else doing? Is this a minor vibez check?

    TomatoBar is an open source Pomodoro menu bar timer for MacOS GitHub - ivoronin/TomatoBar: 🍅 World's neatest Pomodoro timer for macOS menu bar

    🍅 World's neatest Pomodoro timer for macOS menu bar - GitHub - ivoronin/TomatoBar: 🍅 World's neatest Pomodoro timer for macOS menu bar

    GitHub - ivoronin/TomatoBar: 🍅 World's neatest Pomodoro timer for macOS menu bar

    (I mostly need this link for work tomorrow, but I thought maybe some folks here would be interested)

    Minnesota Vikings, pt 2: 1970-1974 Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


    Jon Bois' and Alex Rubenstein's documentary about the Minnesota Vikings continues. Will Bud Grant win a Super Bowl this episode? Will someone freeze to death? Who will perform a feat of humanity so impressive that we will become lifelong fans, not for their exploits on the football field, but for their acts of humanity outside the world of sport? Tune in to find out!

    NeoVim discussion for a tribute to Bram Moolenaar Bram Moolenaar · Issue #24579 · neovim/neovim

    Problem It's been widely reported that Bram Moolenaar, the originator of Vim and inspiration for Neovim, has passed. Just wondering if this co...

    Bram Moolenaar · Issue #24579 · neovim/neovim

    The Hacker News and take on NeoVim is frequently that NeoVim has done tremendous harm to the overall Vim community and that the NeoVim developers aren't respectful to Beam. Having been involved in both commubitues, I have never been able to track where that idea came from. Vim has accelerated in features drastically since 2013 and the NeoVim team often goes out of their way to speak well of Bram.

    JustinMK, the main organizer these days of NeoVim has pinned this issue to increase its visibility. I'm not really fully certain what should be the most fitting tribute, but its hard to express how much impact Bram has in the world of software development through his flexible improvement to a text editor from 1975. He's also been an excellent benevolent dictator for life over the Vim community throughout its existence and it feels like the world of open source software got just a little bit worse for his loss this week.

    GT's Living Foods, makers of Synergy Kombucha, sued for exploitative labor practices America's Biggest Kombucha Brand Is Completely Rotten, Workers Say

    A new court ruling finds intimidation, unpaid overtime, and other allegations of abuse at GT's kombucha factories, according to The Los Angeles Times.

    America's Biggest Kombucha Brand Is Completely Rotten, Workers Say

    Specifically in the making of Synergy Kombucha, the company intimidates workers with threats of violence, does not pay living wages, and does not pay overtime

    The Fediverse has a Mental Health Problem

    This is a very interesting article about the long-term sustainability of the Fediverse for moderators, administrators, and developers. We've already had two of our lovely Beehaw admins take breaks to take care of themselves as they experience the burnout associated with maintaining a community, and I think for a lot of use we already know how exhausting it can be to take a center stage position in an online community.

    Unfortunately, I don't have any great starting points for what to do, but at least talking about it is a start.

    A Discussion of Mastodon's Potential Growth Needs

    The title I have assigned this article is intentionally boring. The article's body goes out of its way to not provide simple summaries, silver bullets, or otherwise give a single size fits all answer to everything. The author actually gave it a fun title that, I felt, did a slight disservice to their overall point, but hey, we all make our own decisions.

    I thought there was some interesting stuff in there about the Fediverse at large, even if that wasn't expressly what the author was getting at.

    Is discussing our runs appropriate for this community?

    I just went for my run. And wanted to talk about it with some of my new social connections here on the threadiverse. I used to run a lot. Like a lot a lot. 100 miles a week sometimes. I was a long distance specialist trying to qualify for Olympic marathon trials. Injuries and old age have ended that chapter of my life and I often find myself needing to remind myself to be proud of my ~10mi/w workload because that's more than a lot of people my age in my profession do.

    Today I just ran around my neighborhood. There's a nice park nearby but I don't get to go to it very often because the street I have to run down to get there can be pretty scary. I think access to green spaces is something that often goes neglected in community planning in my country

    1 has defederated from the nazi instance Admin Response to Defederation from Exploding Heads -

    We’re closing this thread. Everything that could be said has been said. Thank you ---------- Original Post: Today, we want to inform everyone that we have decided to defederate from []. We understand that defederating should always be a last r...

    It gives me hope for the future of beehaw refederating with that instance. They host some interesting communities. To be clear, I fully support beehaw defederating, it's just heartwarming to see instance admins do things that move things forward

    Post up your favorite aeropress recipes!

    I've been really happy with the following lately:

    16g:275ml coffee:water, coffee ground on the fine side of medium. Wet paper filter, 205 degrees Fahrenheit water, conventional brew, 10 minute extraction, swirl to settle grounds to bottom of the press, and a gentle plunge.

    It's considerably more work than a prismo recipe, but I think its well worth it

    Cube6392 The Cuuuuube

    Six sided devops engineer and baseball fan

    I am also, but this is my primary and more active account. The account is for ecology and stuff

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