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Here's my dude. I have no idea what he is.
  • I know exactly what he is. He's a good boy.

  • NSFW Removed
    Siblings should legally be allowed to marry eachother in my opinion
  • I'm very much for the idea that if you are not causing harm to others, and it's just something you choose to do with another consenting adult, go for it. However, that is not true for incest where a child can be produced, as there is demonstrable evidence that it will harm the child and any of that child's children. So if there is no possibility of a child being produced then I honestly don't give a shit what messy bits get shoved into each other in someone else's house.

  • I actually appreciate some details of Star Trek: Discovery

    At first, when I watched it, I thought it was absolutely ridiculous that Starfleet engineers built spark and flame generators into the Discovery's bridge, but thinking about it, given that you have inertial dampers and other things that minimize or completely eliminate the physical feeling you would receive from the ship receiving damage, having visceral feedback mechanisms that are not themselves all that inherently dangerous to give more physical cues to the ship taking damage actually makes sense. At least, that's my head canon I'm choosing to go with.

    Fabio and the Goose - Bobby Fingers
  • Wait they had a fight?

  • Windows95man - Eurovision 2024
  • That was amazing.

  • Name a Superhero you just can't stand
  • Specifically Ezra Miller. God damn, fuck that guy.

  • Gottem
  • What?

  • The conflict between Ecuador and Mexico brings new uncertainty to migrants crossing into the US
  • Personal story: 4 years ago I was planning to move to Ecuador and open some businesses there. It was an attractive thought, but I am glad I waited. The people in Ecuador, quite rightly, have given up on their government.

  • can't make this shit up
  • That's a fascinating question. I'd love to hear from an actual epidemiologist.

  • Famed forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht dies at age 93 - CBS Pittsburgh
  • Interesting. I'm not using an adblocker, and just, on principle do not (and never have) and yet this site is convinced that I am. That's unfortunate. I'll be blocking this entire domain.

  • What's been an interesting safe for life linkhole you've found on the web recently?
  • Ok, I've spent way too much time on the sites on there. Enjoyable as fuck.

  • Helldivers 2 gets delisted in more countries without PSN access, blindsided devs call for it to be "available worldwide" | Gamesrader
  • Yep, back to negative for me as well. Like... come on Sony. What the Fuck are you doing?

  • I finally watched Battleship (2012).

    Is it now a Hollywood tradition to make really shitty movies set in Oahu?

    Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy watching this movie but holy fuck is it bad. The premise is nonsensical, the jingoism is super over the top. Is this meant to be a satire?

    Simmerstats - Technology Connections
    Are we the "Cold Ones" to our dogs?

    Dogs run about 10 degrees hotter than humans, so do you think they regard us as the giant cold ones?

    Wouldn't it be cool if

    You could increase the strength of a stratagem by repeating the pattern, but backwards. So like airburst is ➡️➡️➡️, but if you did ➡️➡️➡️⬅️⬅️⬅️ then it be double?

    Diablo is dead - I would like to shutter this community.

    I played Diablo, Diablo 2, Diablo 3, and Diablo 4, all on their respective launch days. I really enjoyed the first two, and kinda hated the third one until they fixed all the bullshit. However, Diablo 4 was a piece of shit from day one. I enjoyed it for approximately 10.724 days. Rounding up. I'm absolutely done with Blizzard. I don't know what happened to what used to be an absolutely gobsmacking lip pulling jaw dropping studio, but it's clear that the suits took it over and fucked it.

    Anyway, I'm gonna leave this open for a while, and give me your thoughts on whether I should leave this open or ask the admins to kill this community.

    What is your current FICO/credit score?

    Mine is 667. I have never used credit cards, and I don't have any debt. My partner, whose FICO score is 780, currently has about twice their annual salary in debt.

    How often do you misrepresent yourself online?

    I asked a related question about how often you lie, on a daily basis, but I think this is more apropos for today's general aesthetic.

    I have not watched Starship Troopers in over a decade, but I watched it today, because of this game.

    It is better than I remember. The visual effects are far better than should have been possible for the time. The story is exquisite. As I watched it all I could think was "For Democracy!'

    Crackhappy Crackhappy

    Developer for 30+ years, father of four.

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