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What to do with ISOs?
  • Should be similar on most Linux distros.

  • The Best Two-Factor Authentication App? (iOS)
  • Google Authenticator is good. The only downside can be keeping multiple phones so you have a backup. I don't know if there's something similar on iOS but on Android Aegis is an open source alternative that is compatible with Google Authenticator and lets you locally export your codes

  • What to do with ISOs?
  • Can you mount them? If so what does that look like?

  • Why is Linux so frustrating for some people?
  • I can't say I blame them when it comes to going with what's comfortable.

    I used Windows and Linux while in school so it's what I got used to. Whenever I use MacOS I feel incredibly lost

  • What are some examples of your tastes changing as you got older?

    I've started to really like just mustard and sauerkraut on my hotdogs and racing games over FPS because they're a little slower paced.

  • Can you tell us some fun facts or stories?

  • Is there a community that requests moderators?
  • It likely depends instance to instance due to how Lemmy is federated. You may want to try browsing some small communities that you enjoy and seeing if they want an extra mod.

    I imagine a lot of the time they don't feel the need to actively looking for one just yet but if the community sees a surge in people that might change in a hurry

    I haven't come across a general community for it though to answer your question

  • Now you print what I told you.
  • I saw a comment once that said they are like sharks in that they can smell fear.

  • Spec Ops: The Line doesn't need a remaster
  • Yeah. Would be nice for those of us that never got to try out the online mode. I also don't think it's available on Playstation past the PS3

  • [HN] Teddit Is Shutting Down
  • Such a shame. I thought they used some unofficial version of the API. I wonder what other open source front end I was thinking of?

  • Do you consider AI art “OC” ?
  • I really think it comes down to the individual. I personally think that Aldous Huxley's book Brave New World was likely derived at least partially from the book We by Russian author Yevgeny Zamyatin but both Aldous Huxley and my 10th grade English teacher would disagree. I don't think it's wrong to take someone else's work and add upon it in a way you view beneficial. I view it as a natural evolution if anything and if it gives someone something to enjoy or makes the creative processes a little easier I'm all for it.

  • And then comes the wonderful realm of the BSDs and the OpenSolaris derivatives
  • Yeah I mean I'm not talking about ReactOS. It's hard to measure the amount of malware per market share.

    I imagine it's weighted unevenly dependent on it's user base and target demographic.

  • And then comes the wonderful realm of the BSDs and the OpenSolaris derivatives
  • I agree but I feel like the obscurity aspect faded out with the I'm a Mac and I'm a PC ads

  • Do you consider AI art “OC” ?
  • Yeah in the same remixing a song is considered original

  • And then comes the wonderful realm of the BSDs and the OpenSolaris derivatives
  • Ah yes me the intellectual using Kali Linux to play Skyrim

  • And then comes the wonderful realm of the BSDs and the OpenSolaris derivatives
  • I've been a user for years and I would agree with that. The only issue I've seen people have recently are with Red Hat and their recent source code policy change

  • And then comes the wonderful realm of the BSDs and the OpenSolaris derivatives
  • Isn't the whole Macs don't get viruses thing a myth by this point?

    There are a lot more sources for random untrustworthy Windows software than there are for MacOS but that's on the user the same way keeping your OS up to date is.

  • Monthly Updates / Discussion [July 2023]
  • Does anyone know why I would be unable to view my own posts? I have tried Jerboa and the desktop version of Lemmy but under both when I sort by Overview or Posts both turn up blank. This has been going for a while not but I believe for a while after I lost the ability to view my posts in Jerboa I was able to see my posts on the desktop website.

    I can still posts and get replies to my posts. Could this have something to do with me disable Show Read Posts in the settings?

  • can an average person use a linux phone?
  • I think it's a bit of a bell curve. You either want to be doing basic stuff like texting, calling, and browsing the odd webpage or you want to be getting into more advanced things and troubleshooting issues regularly.

    I would look to see what apps you use in a day and see if there is a decent mobile browser version.

    Even some minor stuff like music playback in the background was an issue back when I was using the original Pinephone

  • What's an interesting story from Christmas you have?

    My family did secret Santa every year with a $20 limit so it was typically gag gifts. One year a family member was sick on Christmas so we just left our gifts piled up in a closet.

    None of the gifts had tags because it was all supposed to be anonymous so when we handed out gifts the following year my great grandma ended up unwrapping a box of noodles shaped like penises.

    What tip should I be using to solder wires together?

    Pretty basic question but I am struggling to find the words to get the correct search result. The soldering iron I bought came with very narrow tips that I think are supposed to be used for circuit boards and components.

    When I attempt to solder lines from a USB cord together the line never gets warm enough.

    I remember in the past soldering copper lines together from an appliance with no issue so I don't think I'm doing anything wrong in terms of technique but who knows?

    How much water do you think you drink in a day?

    The blood donation lady asked me if I was hydrated and I said I think so. She asked how much I drank and was surprised to hear I usually drink 4L before noon

    What's the most noteworthy/interesting game repack you've come across?

    Some of them that come to mind for me are:

    • FitGirl's Escape from Tarkov repack that featured a single player mod

    • FitGirl's Half Life Alyx repack that with the NoVR mod

    • Gnarly's Tale of Two Wastelands repack that had everything ready to go after the install. No need to install both Fallout 3 & New Vegas and wait hours for things to compile

    This is Cuba's Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify – all without the internet - - Vox This is Cuba's Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify – all without the internet

    Media smugglers get Taylor Swift, Game of Thrones, and the New York Times to Cubans every week through an illegal network of runners. Subscribe to our channel! In Cuba there is barely any internet. Anything but the state-run TV channels is prohibited. Publications are limited...

    This is Cuba's Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify – all without the internet

    El Paquete Semanal (The Weekly Package) is something I've been interested in for a while and what got me into reading about other forms of sneakernet'ing. Figured I'd share this video in case someone hasn't heard about it before

    • I used Invidious as a frontend because it's open source, limits trackers, and doesn't have ADs
    Is anyone here daily driving an obscure OS like HaikuOS, ReactOS, MorphOS, etc?

    ArcaOS, KolibriOS, AROS, FreeDOS, Plan 9, TempleOS, or even just an older version of Windows or Linux.

    What's your use case? How's your experience?

    CorrodedCranium CorrodedCranium

    Fan of Linux, modifying firmwares, and open source software. Mostly here to kill time and contribute to Lemmy's growth.

    If you want to play a game together over XLinkKai shoot me a message. I have an original Xbox, PS2, and a PS3 I can use.

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