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A terrifying situation (some1else45)
  • Man how can a spider with a smiley face be scary?

  • I honestly don't know what's wrong with me
  • Most actual anime fans dont like them either... Like you get 1k episodes but 900 are just empty and animated in PowerPoint...

  • [HN] Microsoft now demands to know why you won't use Edge when you download Chrome
  • I demand to know why you use a chromium browser to begin with. Use Firefox.

  • [HN] Windows 11's default mail client will show ads starting 2024
  • The only reason im not forcing everyone at work to switch is because we have some important programs that don't run reliability on Linux for some reason. Everyone fucking hates it, its slow, bulky, ad ridden and insecure. Windows needs to Die, and Google is next on that list.

  • NSFW
    Possibly the new Russian turret toss champion. ~46m (151ft)
  • Well, these things are one time use, just like fireworks.

  • Cities Skylines II Releases To Mostly Negative Reviews About Performance
  • I mean don't fucking pre-order, dont fucking buy games as soon as they release...

    It was well known as by release date that its not going to run smoothly, even with the absolute top personal hardware.

  • Privacy friendly antivirus app?
  • None, you don't need anti-virus, you need common sense to avoid getting them.

  • [HN] Germany to Pass Japan as Third-Largest Economy, Helped by Weak Yen
  • Good. Good.

    Now lets consider taking Japan into EU.

  • [HN] Woman's Pockets Are Inferior
  • No way? For Real?!?/s

  • TIL There have been multiple instances of people stealing entire Bridges Ohio police ask for help finding thieves who stole entire bridge

    Someone first stole the deck boards and then came back for the rest of the structure, leaving police baffled

    Ohio police ask for help finding thieves who stole entire bridge

    Page not found error

    I can't open communitys from with a profile, it says page not found, i don't know what the issue is, the instance is up and running and the communities display normal in Web and other apps. Can someone explain whats the problem?

    Reddit CookieJarObserver
    Did someone notice that the shadowban detector subs have gone private?

    Was that intentional by their mods or something reddit did?

    CookieJarObserver CookieJarObserver

    Banned from because they are Anti-Semitic

    If you self identity as: Communist, pro Russia, pro China, anti Nato anti EU, Nazi, or spam bot, please do yourself a favor and delete your account.

    "and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free"

    Posts 7
    Comments 2.3K