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[CW: Vague mentions of lewd apps] In which I scream at the universe and ask to speak to its manager.
  • Thanks, I am familiar with and may use it in the future, but because I'm primarily focused on standalone VR I wanted to keep everything self contained for the time being. Also, and I didn't know this when I started buying the toys to experiment with, but many of the inexpensive aliexpress toys are like the one brand out there not supported by So I feel like that kinda works in my favor, since they're basically stuck with no support but the main app (muse/lovespouse).

  • [CW: Vague mentions of lewd apps] In which I scream at the universe and ask to speak to its manager.

    If you'll forgive me for ranting for a bit, I just gotta vent.

    So for those of you that don't know me, Hi, I'm ComradeOOhAah, I'm the alt of a long time user and the aspiring Lewd VR developer that was enlisted by Xi Jinping personally in order to build a VR Milking Dungeon to brainwash chuds like Jordan Peterson. You can see plenty of posts about that project over in !

    That project is currently on hold as I was developing it for an adult toy called The Handy and I realized the userbase was rather small and that since I am hoping to turn this into a patreon thing to keep me from starving (where's my Xi Bucks? I don't know! China is collapsing any day now!) I should perhaps look towards a more accessible toy with a wider userbase.

    So, for the past few months I've been working on an android media player (specifically the file browser) that will eventually be turned into a standalone VR Media Player that will eventually be turned into an experiment in creating point clouds from stereographic video for VR gloves to interact with and a VR Audio visualizer framework where I can experiment with synesthesia to play with people's arousal. (You probably didn't need all this info but I think I just laid out my definitive roadmap.)

    The trick about this media player that I figured would get me some followers is that there are these files called FunScripts that sync rather expensive adults toys with movement on screen of adult videos. I've created a parser for those files and have adapted them to work with a large number of inexpensive vibrating toys sold on aliexpress. Everything is going great so far, took me the summer, but all that is done.

    And then all progress came to a screeching halt. Before I release the first beta version I want to create a script that will check for updates. And a script for that will allow me to share news of other projects I'm working on, like the Milking Dungeon and all the other stuff I'm dreaming of creating. Plus I wanna figure out a way to show show Patreon supporters, that sort of stuff.

    BUT I CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW! I have spent weeks spinning my wheels messing around trying to visualize how best to present this information to the user. Do I create a whole new Information control panel where they can see different tabs (Updates, News, Supporters)? Should there be a new button on the side that only shows itself when there's an update available? All this shit going through my head for weeks putting me into a total doom spiral as I watch my bank account shrink and freak out that I'm never gonna release this thing.

    And then today, while brushing my teeth, I had a flash of insight. It was perfect!

    Are you ready for this gift of epic genius that the gods have bestowed upon me?

    Before! (These are sfw)




    I'm not mad that it took me this long to realize I could adapt my current UI, but I hate that I can't remember the last time I was able to just create something without the worry of whether or not it was gonna make me money or not. I hate the constant feel of starvation looming overhead. I hate that everything around me is going to shit and I feel powerless to do anything. I hate that none of the leftist orgs around me are taking covid seriously. I hate that everyone around me is full in on the election spectacle. And I hate that I'm spending all this time beating myself up because I can't tell if I'm procrastinating or if I'm percolating. All I wanna do is make sex positive VR content for people to enjoy, not starve, and overthrow the bourgeoisie. I feel like that's a low bar! !rage-cry

    Lol, as I was writing this and thinking about how much I wanted Xi to invade and hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay, I heard a bunch of crows cawing outside and I looked out and saw a Bald Eagle being absolutely bodied in midair. There must be about 5 crows going after this one big mfer. They got some really good hits in too! Chased it away from the nearby pond. lmao. Crows together strong. !xi-plz

    Anyway, I'm done ranting. If you read this far thank you, I'm just very frustrated with existence and don't have anyone irl I can talk to about this stuff anymore.

    Coup attempt in Bolivia fails as president urges people to mobilize against democracy threat
  • Almost definitely US involvement. Even if it wasn't directly on our orders, we're paying and training the people instigating it.

  • gamedev ComradeOohAah [he/him, they/them]
    Unity/Meta VR Dev Griping

    Forgive me for the lack of dedication to the Revolution, Comrades. I'm afraid I've had some non-milking related work that needed doing. So, while I've gotten plenty done, I've not had time to do a devlog.

    Today is a general gripe session, no behind the scenes CCP secrets today, just wanted to share some of the fun that comes from developing for the Meta Quest.

    If you've been keeping up with things at all, you know that the Adult Toy I'm developing for is an internet enabled stroker that connects to a remote server for it's instructions. It uses a Connection Key to interact with this server, which means that for at least one part of my app's configuration a keyboard of some sort is required for the user to enter their Connection Key. Because the Meta uses Android, there's a built in keyboard option available that Unity uses. It takes a bit of finagling, But it works.



    Luckily I found a workaround. Kinda.

    Which introduced a new problem. This workaround messes up the input box so it doesn't make the inputted text readily available. Now I have to a manually get the text from the child of the input game object. Fine, I'm doing it!

    Today, as I'm working my way through this and having half rewritten my API interface because for some reason, despite getting the Connection Key, it's still not working.


    Hours of troubleshooting later...


    Apparently when I updated the XR plugin a while ago, the most up to date version available from Unity still has the bug. And months later it just decided to fuck my shit up, fam.

    So eventually, I do all the steps, upgrade the XR plugin to non-public version, I reboot a couple times, I manually update my manifest, I get internet back. What a day... My API still isn't working properly when I manually enter the Connection Key. wtf... Then I look at what my settings script is saving and there's some sort of new line or a line break in my JSON. Weird, but fine whatever, hazards of the keyboard workaround. I trim off new lines and returns and whatnot, IT'S STILL THERE!

    Eventually, I figure out that for some reason the android keyboard or TMPro is adding Unicode character 8203 to the end of my Connection Key, which is a Zero Width Space character. I don't know what that is, but it's clearly reactionary. So now I'm Trimming that along with \r \n and that does the trick. Suddenly my Connection Key input flow is working. I can now test all the other stuff I've been working on that came to a screeching halt last month.

    Bleah. I'll get a "real" OohAah devlog up one of these days. I've done some pretty cool stuff and despite being way past when I want to release the alpha for testing, things are coming along. I've also been buying cheap adult toys off AliExpress for a future project and have been messing around with that when I should really be working on the milker. Turns out using them are not going to be as easy I hoped. Long story short, for some reason the company making them set their bluetooth up in reverse, so they're not pairable and can only be controlled by making your device broadcast an advertising packet or something. Which is not easy in Unity. Bleah, I'll figure it out tho. !stalin-approval

    Thanks for reading, just had to vent. Hope y'all are doing well.

    gamedev ComradeOohAah [he/him, they/them]
    Learn with Kenney β€’ Buttons & Menus
    Who here has actually used any GPT or Image generator models?
  • I use it all the time. I spent pretty much all of yesterday afternoon using ChatGPT to implement a Reinforcement Learning Algorithm I only half understand into my CCP Milker VR App. [nsfw]A couple months ago, I used it to cludge together the start of a DLNA file browser for Unity. I find it incredibly useful for fleshing out ideas or getting me motivated. It's a lot easier to get working on a project I'm not confident on if I have something basic to start with rather than a blank page. Like, I've been going through my backlogs of Idea Lists that have sat untouched simply because they require too much research to figure out where to start. A quick query and I've got a springboard to jump off from. It's far from perfect, but absolutely helps me get more stuff done.

  • any game devs in the chat
  • Welcome! Good luck! A thought: Because I do lewd stuff, I do tend to have to use metaphors and abstractions for my conversations, so I don't have to worry about sharing any private info. You may wish to do the same for privacy/security.

  • any game devs in the chat
  • I've been having really good luck with using ChatGPT to push through my various walls. Oftentimes it will at least give me a rough idea of how to do things I'm too gun-shy on or, even if I don't like the answers it gives me, the act of writing out out my concerns/struggles/plans/etc helps me sort through my thoughts better and gets the ball rolling. I use it like a rubber ducky that answers back and gives some decent answers from time to time, basically.

  • I guess this is going to be everything on the internet now
  • Depends on where you buy your Teddy Bear from.

  • Ukraine deploying their own Semen Legion
  • Oh shit! Oh Fuck! Nobody tell Xi! I'm already behind schedule!

  • Of course Ben is an expert on sexual boredom.
  • NGL, the CCP has had a real fire under my ass since another state backed milking program came to light. Xi was not happy.

  • Deleted
    Honest question: How do you envision the world to be in 20 years, and what do you imagine is important to you then? What do you think your regrets are? What do you think keeps you going?
  • communism-will-win

    In the near future, my Virtual CCP Milking Farm will be highly successful and turn the tables on the Capitalist class as CHUDs cum to their senses and gain class consciousness. The next January 6th movement will instead see a red flag raised over the White House and the Capitalists and their loyal dogs marched off to the milking camps where they'll be reeducated into productive members of a healthy society.

    20 years down the road, we'll have 100% literacy, 0% unhoused, and climate change will be conquered as our society, as part of a Land Back movement, does a rapid degrowth into a more sustainable world. The majority of people work 4 hour days, 4 days a week to maintain the basic infrastructures and then spend the rest of their time pursuing hobbies and building connections with their communities. Our media will be full of stories about people living in balance with nature and finding love while volunteering on ecological projects.

    I will unfortunately have to put into the gulag as I will probably go mad with power when the milking camps give me access to far more opportunities to experiment on the human mind under orgasms than any person should be allowed. The papers will probably call me something like The Milking Mengele and I will serve out the rest of my lifetime segregated away in isolation so that I don't abuse my discoveries. I'll die happy, knowing that I contributed to the revolution. 07

  • Of course Ben is an expert on sexual boredom.
  • I bet jordan peterson still has wet dreams about that ccp dick sucking factory

    That's what Xi and me are betting on. janet-wink

  • Chinese brain warfare includes sleep weapons, thought control
  • Sigh. Not a single mention. Do y'all ever feel like your secret CCP VR Brainwashing Milker Project [CW:secret CCP VR Brainwashing Milker Project] isn't getting the respect it deserves?

  • China has begun building the People's Femboy Army
  • We're gonna get every last horny bastard out there. im-doing-my-part

  • gamedev ComradeOohAah [he/him, they/them]
    Progress on the Trivia Question cycling and Answer selecting for my lewd app.

    Hello, fellow Tankies! Welcome back to my continuing adventure of building a lewd VR communist brainwashing experience for Jordan Peterson and his incel masses as per Xi's personal instructions.

    Last weekend I finished up the answer selection solution by using the thumbstick to select the diagonal direction and activating a radial slider that corresponds to the answer of that direction. It gives the user a few seconds before locking in the answer. Major props to for putting the radial menu of other games in my head and putting me down that path.

    I actually had to take apart my Quest 2 Controller to clean the thumbstick as it was sticking so bad that it just got stuck in Down/Right for a while. Cleaning worked but I've lost the touch sensitivity of where your thumb is supposed to rest. I can't think of a time I've actually used that function, that wasn't just novelty, so it can wait for a while before I take it apart again.

    Yesterday, I hammered out version 1 of Question serving and Answer handling. As the video shows it now tells you if your answer is right or wrong and then serves up a new question. I've only got handful of questions so far which is why sometimes it looks like the question hasn't changed in the video. I've also made it so the answer is randomly assigned to one of the four answer spots with the wrong answers filled in to the empty spaces afterwards. None of this is set in stone, especially not the graphics or timing or anything, but I just want to get everything working enough for prototyping a full alpha version.

    In version 1 of the Quiz minigame I'm not doing any weighting or behind the scenes algorithms, things are purely going to be served according to Random.Range, but in future versions I am planning on building an algorithm that incorporates techniques similar to Duolingo and other learning apps to better encode the brainwashing. !stalin-approval

    Today I'm gonna clean things up a bit and get the audio manager working so next week I can figure out how best to implement the HIIT style rounds of alternating quiz/lewd stimulation. I may make a NSFW post over in askchapo to see if folks have better ideas than what I'm currently playing around with. I figured this post was clean enough that it didn't need NSFW tagging, but if it does, just let me know, mods.

    Previous NSFW post on the app for anyone curious:


    [CW:LEWD JordanPetersonFantasy brought to life] The frustrations of working with VR. Expectations vs Reality

    gamedev ComradeOohAah [he/him, they/them]
    Today I got 0wned by chatgpt.

    So I'm doing a VR experience and today I'm working on using the thumbsticks of the quest controller more like a gamepad to control selection of a UI menu for a trivia game that's going to be in the experience.

    Now Unity returns the thumbstick via a Vector2, easy enough. I literally sketch out an XY graph, figure there's a threshold I need to account for for each direction, a much smaller threshold that we can ignore for each plus and minus on the other vector, and if the Vector2 meets all my criteria I can fire off my functions for the direction. So for UP my code looks something like

    if(Vector.Y > pressthreshold and (Vector.X < threshold and Vector.X < -threshold){ Print(up!)}

    And then I did that for each direction... And it kinda worked. But it was wonky as hell because my quest is old and the thumbsticks drift. So I spent like an hour and a half trying to find just the right thresholds and it just did not want to be consistent...

    So I figured I'd ask chatgpt. And it basically spits out: Just take the absolute value of your X and Y and whichever one is bigger is your plane, and then the positive or negative of the value determines your direction.


    I am in shambles. I have once again overcomplicated the simplest freaking thing.

    TLDR: My brain is pudding. Just had to vent. !doomer

    ComradeOohAah ComradeOohAah [he/him, they/them]

    Here to chat about making lewd communist VR games and stuff.πŸ‘

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