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Fatherly hazing
  • Not sure if you're pulling our legs or really don't know..

    We've had the term "suss c*nt" in Aussie English for decades, and British English isn't that far removed.

  • We compared the finances of 30-year-olds now, to 30-year-olds 30 years ago
  • Yeah, I'm sorry, I had to stop reading when I read that they own not just one but TWO homes. I saw red.

    Meanwhile, I'm relatively terrified that my retirement will be living in a cardboard box under a bridge after suffering from multiple strokes based on family history.

  • Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays
  • I agree with your terminology - updating is for often small incremental software patches.

    Upgrade would be a complete program overhaul, or more commonly in my use of it, a change to a newer, better physical product.

  • Draining entire superannuation savings wouldn’t cover most young couples’ home deposits, research finds
  • Every time I see these ridiculous solutions being proposed, I get so frustrated. My partner and I are trying to do the right thing, saving and not stealing from our future selves - but we're competing against these insane policies that do nothing but drive up the price even further.

    We just met our original goal, but the cost of a home in our regional area has pretty much doubled since we moved back after giving up on Sydney a few years back now, so we're no further ahead.

  • Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them
  • My hands are also tiny and smol, and I'm also clumsy, but I have no issues with my S23 Ultra. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • They want to be the vitims so bad
  • Love the erasure of straight, infertile couples here as well.

    "You CAN make babies" - not necessarily.

    Childfree by choice here, but the all around insensitivity to anyone not straight and fertile just really gets my goat.

  • Woman loses £650,000 injury claim after being seen tossing Christmas tree
  • I'm an Aussie, and a biscuit is a biscuit, plus I love Britcoms, yet I've never heard the term!

    I love it, though.

  • Conscientious Objector Jailed After Being Outed As PUBG Player
  • I love horror films with terrifying vengeful spirits. I get sad when someone kills a harmless spider. I love running around the wasteland of Fallout games and blasting the baddies. I cried when a bird flew into the glass of my bedroom window and died.

  • think of the shareholders
  • Exactly. I wouldn't be working in some office job; I'd be volunteering my time to give back to the community, keep me active, and maybe make some friends. All part of keeping from becoming a weird hermit, which is my natural instinct.

  • Can't even buy chicken in peace
  • We draw stock internationally via FedEx, with usually at least one shipment arriving per day.

    If I have a particularly urgent order for my customer, I will of course be tracking the incoming shipment.

    Every. Damn. Time. I visit their website, I get halted in my usual manic pace by their stupid, slow to load pop up. I haven't even been able to figure out how to block it, and usually don't have time when I'm working to figure these things out.

    Our company gives you so much money, FedEx - why do you have to be so difficult to work with as thanks?!

  • Sorry, Google: After Assistant's chaotic evolution, I can't believe in Bard
  • That completely stopped working for me a while ago, but Samsung's Reminders app was able to do it well.

    I started using it instead, and the other day, uninstalled the Google Assistant app - the only time I was opening it was by accident, when I'd drift off to sleep holding my phone, and he rudely awoken by the noise it made.

  • Unbelievable
  • My mother was a registered nurse and has her head on fairly straight, but she worked with plenty of nutso people.

    Being a part of the medical field does not automatically make you an expert in all things health related. In fact, it seems to give some of them a false sense of superiority.

  • My one true love
  • Get yourself a guy who looks like Aragorn but cooks like Samwise. 😍

    They've both got heart.

  • A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US
  • I've seen some very small statured people working in big chains here. I don't think Maccas and their ilk would be taking the risk of illegally employing children, at least not in countries like Australia.

    Also, if this is a young child, is it not a bit wrong to be sharing their image around like this?..

  • la pasión
  • I have taken up cross stitching and can spend an entire day just sitting and working on a one.

    I want to watch ALL THE TV SHOWS AND MOVIES before I die (well the ones that interest me), but my hands get bored so usually I'll play Switch games but then I'm often not really paying a lot of attention to either thing.

    With cross stitching, I can get focused if it's a difficult part or I've made a mistake, but mostly I can follow the plot of the show/film much better.

    Plus I get a lovely physical "trophy" at the end, and have given a few as gifts.

  • Changes we’re making to Google Assistant
  • I gave up on it entirely probably a year or so ago, as I found if anything it was getting worse.

  • Florida Woman Had Her Entire Driveway Stolen
  • My understanding is that the words and phrasing, and the overall scam, are a filter for idiots. Only the dumbest need apply.

  • Who is responsible for requesting/issuing cell phone coverage upgrades?
  • We have to deal with them at the moment because we're staying with an elderly relative and her house, her rules - fair - and she is worried about switching providers. If something did go wrong and she lost her number, it would be pretty awful. So we're stuck with Telstra.

    We're on our third modem with them in a little over a year (had to get a decent one, working from home). The absolute shit fight to get it replaced each time only served to reinforce that we are entirely correct on our views of their business. They have made it as tangled a web as Centrelink (another org that we have luckily not had to deal with in some time), and their customer service is basically non existent.

    To their credit, their store staff did their best to help but their hands were so incredibly bound by red tape that there wasn't much to they could do. Also, the credit we were promised after the second go around was never applied to the account. Wasn't worth our time to chase it, because we actually value our time and have wasted enough of it.

    And that's just one consumers experience.

    The stuff they do on a national level is absolutely shameful. They need to be broken up.

  • Who is responsible for requesting/issuing cell phone coverage upgrades?
  • What didn't they do.

    Or, what have they done that's worthwhile.

    Bunch of parasites.