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It makes so much sense that every Nazi has Gifted Kid Peaked in High School Syndrome
  • The funny thing is, what they call "gifted" is just someone with a really efficient data storage and recall system. I was a "gifted" kid, always 98/99th percentile on every standardized test I took, but when it comes to things like synthesis of knowledge and generating new ideas, the truly creative stuff, I'm average at best. The educational system needs a new definition of gifted, new ways to identify those people and new modes of engagement to help them develop their gifts. That new definition still wouldn't include these guys, though, who believe they're gifted because they see through (((the conspiracy))). Bro, you've got narcissistic personality disorder, sit down and shut up.

  • Why are there so few serial killers now?
  • Killers picking victims cops don’t care about - they don’t get reported - no serial killer

    That was definitely the case of Anthony Sowell, who killed 11 women between 2004-2009 in Cleveland. His victims were all Black women, so nobody cared enough to do anything.

  • Musicians are cringe, more news at 11
  • St. Vincent is a total piece of shit, actually. A friend of mine was a music writer for a pretty big publication and interviewed her. Apparently it's her practice to make any media that wants to talk with her literally crawl into whatever space the interview is happening in. Leave your fucking kinks at home, lady.

  • NSFW
    Fascists keep making Biden sound cooler than he really is (CW: rope fetish + misgendering / transphobia)
  • I'm not incriminating anyone, the information is already out there. By defending this person, you are setting yourself up to lose a moral battle that you could never win, which is exactly what these libs of tiktok type people want when they do this.

    Read any biography about a black athlete that broke color barriers in the 40s and 50s. Not only did they have to be better at their jobs than 90% of their white peers to even get a shot, they also had to be near perfect human beings to prevent exactly the scenario we see playing out right now. It wasn't right then and it isn't right now, but that's reality. If you're not willing to form a militia and put these reactionaries up against a wall, then these are the parameters in which we have to exist. Frankly, I'd prefer the wall route, but not enough people want to do that or think it's possible, so here we are.

    Like it or not, this person was representing a lot of marginalized folks when they took that job and they really fucked things up for a lot of people by stealing shit they had the resources to buy in the first place. It sucks that their identity is being made the focus by bad actors, but we know these are our enemy's tactics and we should act accordingly.

  • 4chan is going to get a trans person killed and they need to be stopped From 4Chan to Congress: How a Hateful Anti-Trans Lie About the Uvalde Shooter Went Viral

    A trans artist's selfies were wrongly identified as being Salvadore Ramos, the Texas shooter. "Just another day of being trans," she wrote.

    From 4Chan to Congress: How a Hateful Anti-Trans Lie About the Uvalde Shooter Went Viral

    Seriously. How to we get that hell hole removed from the web.

    Spending my spring break living solely off Too Good To Go, AMA

    I don't think I've managed to get much lysine, but I'm getting food from a deli today, so hopefully it will include some cheese. Other than that it's been pretty complete, nutritionally speaking and I'll probably only spend about $35 to eat for the week.

    I appreciate all my non-Anglosphere comrades here who communicate in English
  • So I do appreciate you all taking effort to think something in your native language, translate it in your head, then type it up in English.

    This isn't really how speaking multiple languages works. The human brain is remarkably bad at parallel processing complex tasks. If you want to be proficient in another language you really have to learn to think in that language. It's definitely a skill that can be learned and there's an added bonus of becoming a better listener.

  • NSFW
    CW: (Infrahaz) Haz says genes are literally not real
  • I mean he's nuts, but he's not entirely wrong. Mendellian genetics is to actual phenotype as the Bohr model of the atom is to actual electron configuration. It's way more complicated than gene X expresses trait Y and actual geneticists know this. Shit, they teach you that in freshman biology. Also, what the hell do :reddit-logo: and capeshit have to do with any of this?

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Commander_Data [she/her]
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