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What are some interesting protest tactics that you have come across?
  • What are you surprised about not being adopted more widely?

    PPE wise? people should wear life vests to reduce rib breakage percentage against blunt objects, or wear a bed roll across their chest like this

    also the adoption of wearing pistol belts/regular belts so that the people behind you can grab you better? safety glasses/ shop glasses made of polycarbonate will stop you from going snowblind, damage from uv rays, and hopefully will help you keep your eyes if you get shot with rubber bullets

  • caption this photo
  • shit rerun of history where they lazily swapped things up so it ain't a direct copy, instead of brown shirts brown pants!

  • Removed
    What’s with all the westerners wearing keffiyehs?
  • contributing to a change in culture.

    i think it was on the lemmyverse where somebody said the NAFOs fought an media war to dehumanise the russians as orcs and stamp out any counter cultural pole that oppose that narrative.

    you are very right that in that cultural poles that defy the silently genocidal status quo are important

  • Removed
    What’s with all the westerners wearing keffiyehs?
  • I mean you are right in some sense that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism and that to simply consuming content is not radical. It is our collective actions and organisation that is needed to radically change restructure the system.

    though it seems that the palestinians are receptive to westerners donning the garment and, that people are being targeted for wearing them.

    so maybe it has in someway become an informal uniform of some sort for those who oppose the current status quo of funding israel.

  • Removed
    What’s with all the westerners wearing keffiyehs?
  • last week? can you please send a link? i would like to read more into this

  • Where are all the free childcare programs? The American left does nothing but throw protests
  • ahck yeah, i was talking with some lad in an activism group and i'm like, are we suppose to have fun doing activism? we're exhausting all legal routes and working within the confines of our system, so that we know we have no other choice - but i honestly just feel like a liberal.

    was listening to proles of the round table with deathnography and he was saying "yeah the activism in hong kong was fun, and all the dude were like lowkey communists" and i'm like where is the fun, how do we have fun? thurston

    but ahck also stuck in the civility stage here

  • Where are all the free childcare programs? The American left does nothing but throw protests
  • i've been thinking about this lol, is there a handbook or something on the communist side of things that tell you what to do - cause i am so lost with all this stuff

  • From today’s “news”

    > arabic/palestinian man has been captioned with a headline from the new york times > reads "israeli Women Fight on Front Line in Gaza, a First After a long struggle for acceptance, Israel's female combat soldiers are pushing new boundaries after rushing into battle on Oct. 7." > > arabic/palestinian woman has been captioned with a headline from HAARETZ > reads "Analysis I We Cannot Overlook the Mental Burden of the Gaza War on Israeli Soldiers" > sauce:

    From today’s “news”

    arabic/palestinian man has been captioned with a headline from the new york times reads "israeli Women Fight on Front Line in Gaza, a First After a long struggle for acceptance, Israel's female combat soldiers are pushing new boundaries after rushing into battle on Oct. 7."

    arabic/palestinian woman has been captioned with a headline from HAARETZ reads "Analysis I We Cannot Overlook the Mental Burden of the Gaza War on Israeli Soldiers" sauce:

    Ukrainian commander with the callsign "Banderas"? Oh that's normal.
  • I am reminded that there is no god or justice in this world, knowing that the dude who started that conspiracy admitted it was a social experiment, and it was still going viral

  • conspiracy starter of greta thunberg being an antisemite confessing it was a social experiment

    this is in reference to the octopus plushie BrennpunktUA created the conspiracy that greta thunberg was an anti semite as a social experiment. He for the sake of "content" fabricated a correlation for his own amusement. explicitly with Greta Thunberg's plush octopus being representative of the 3rd reich's depiction of the kraken.


    !ukkkraine !qin-shi-huangdi-fireball

    !germany-cool !qin-shi-huangdi-fireball !pflp-octoplushie

    "War is a racket"

    > alt text billboard poster saying "for the bankers, for the oil, marines the few the proud" > > from:

    "War is a racket"

    alt text billboard poster saying "for the bankers, for the oil, marines the few the proud"


    Dianna (PhysicsGirl) Health Update from SmarterEveryDay
  • it's wild i recall reading a oxford doctorate that

    [suicide warning]

    took his own life after developing long covid.

    I keep talking to people about long covid and they look at me like a hypochondriac, i guess when the injustice is systematic - people just shut it out of their mind as it is the path of least resistance.

  • Dianna (PhysicsGirl) Health Update from SmarterEveryDay
  • aaaaahhhhh, i have this thought pass in my mind - like wtf why does this guy mean by (paraphrasing) "i'm worried she's not caring for herself, that she's getting weaker".

    Like i hope he doesn't mean she needs to like exercise, like i am a complete stranger who browsed her tweets like half a year ago and, she was explicitly trying exercise therapy, exerting herself physically to the point of exhaustion where she would literally carry a chair everywhere with her so she could sit and rest after running out of breathe! Its literally the reason why she's bed ridden now.

    me being charitable just assumed he was like talking about being worried about bed sores or something but yeah if people say he's like a chud - that's an oof, atleast it seems like he was wearing a respirator in direct contact with dianna.

  • Ummm... how do i join the IDF so i can give state secrets to the girl in this photo.
  • i don't think they being legit about this, the zionists didn't even bother to use new pictures. this was originally posted in 2020

  • What are some of your favorite era-defining pics?
  • wish i had a clearer photo, i think this was from the greek fires? photo of a mother facing the fire that engulfed her home holding her baby, young, clueless, back facing the fire that is burning the forrest.

  • Visit to read all about Hamas' evil world conquering plans (don't actually visit, the site is full of Israeli spyware)
  • oh no i clicked it with only my basic windows 10 protection, what will happen to me now?

  • Visit to read all about Hamas' evil world conquering plans (don't actually visit, the site is full of Israeli spyware)
  • please put a disclaimer to not visit the site in the title, i am an idiot whose curiosity peaked and didn't read the comments. here's hoping my basic ass windows 10 virus protection will save me from the israeli spyware

  • What's really happening in Gaza?
  • only 15% of the Al Qassam Brigades are not orphans

  • Doctors for the IDF: "Shifa is not a hospital - it is a home for a terrorist organization and it must be destroyed" רופאים לצה"ל: "שיפא זה לא בית חולים - זה בית לארגון טרור ויש להשמידו"

    מוקדם יותר החודש, חשף דובר צה"ל כי מנהרות החמאס נמצאות בעומק של עשרות מטרים מתחת לבית החולים שיפא. מאז, רופאים הצהירו: "תושבי עזה שמצאו לנכון להפוך את בתי החולים לקיני טרור, הביאו על עצמם את השמדתם"

    רופאים לצה"ל: "שיפא זה לא בית חולים - זה בית לארגון טרור ויש להשמידו"

    [this is coming from the 4th most read paper in Israel doctor sign letter expressing support for idf to bomb hospitals as they are "terrorist nests".]

    excerpt A group of doctors expressed their protest against the cynical use of the Hamas terrorist organization in hospitals and in particular the large Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip. In an official letter, they wrote: "As soon as murderous terrorist organizations built murder and terror headquarters as an integral part of the hospitals - they turned the hospitals into a legitimate target."

    It was also noted that: "Any place where people hide and/or is used for terrorist activity is a legitimate target for destruction - even if it is hospitals. No more! The residents of Gaza who saw fit to turn hospitals into terrorist nests in an attempt to take advantage of Western morality, are the ones who brought about themselves their destruction - terrorism must be eliminated everywhere and in every way."

    One of the doctors said: "Medical centers are protected areas from the harm of military personnel because the place heals and saves human life. Any place under which there are caches of weapons and nests of terrorists does not save human life, but on the contrary - harms human life. It is the duty of the State of Israel to destroy any place that threatens the lives of its citizens".

    Another doctor said: "I fight all my life to save human life, but at the same time, Shifa is not a hospital but a house of terror. It is a terrorist machine that kills us. I personally treated patients from the horrific massacre. We have no choice but to eliminate terrorism." Dr. Hana Katan said: "I will do as much as I can to guard and protect the IDF soldiers and return them safely to their homes. It is the IDF's duty to bomb the terrorists hiding in the hospitals in Gaza."

    end excerpt

    letter in link below from another source

    Israeli doctors urge the bombing of Gaza hospitals

    editors note: raised in a family where doctors are held with high prestige, it confused me that such rhetoric would be uttered by those in that profession to justify the bombing of a hospital.

    English got their knickers in a knot, terrorism charges to paraglider top

    cross-posted from:

    > re: > > > Remember this: the need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Apartheid requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. > !

    English got their knickers in a knot, terrorism charges to paraglider top


    Remember this: the need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Apartheid requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. !

    tryna to break a record there bud?

    🇮🇱 tries to break a previous record
