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Do your best to help them out
  • Denial of trans is a big issue though because dysphoria kills, and when you're in denial you may not even know that you're trans, so you just think life sucks. It's about saving lives because these people would very likely kill themselves otherwise.

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    Do your best to help them out
  • A person who dresses feminine clearly does it because it brings them gender euphoria, cis people don't get gender euphoria from presenting as the opposite gender, so therefore it is more than likely that they are trans.

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    Do your best to help them out
  • I don't think you know what a transmedicalist is do you you dumb fuck. A transmedicalist is someone who believes you need dysphoria or surgery to be trans, what I am saying is far from that, people can be trans because of gender euphoria, never did I say they NEED dysphoria to be trans.

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    Do your best to help them out
  • If they're trans in denial they aren't really cis, they're dressing and acting as women, which shows their gender incongruences, same with "femboys". Cis people don't have the desire to be pretty, dress as a woman, act as a woman, talk with a womanly voice, to have boobs, etc.

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    Do your best to help them out
  • No cis man would possibly want to dress as a girl, if he was cis it would give him unbelievable dysphoria. The fact that he doesn't proves he isn't entirely cis in and of itself.

  • Get rid of those angry, masculine mannerisms
  • Hey everyone, we have a downvote troll planning vote manipulation.

    Admins be on the lookout for accounts with no history downvoting single posts, it's probably this guy running those sockpuppets.

  • Get rid of those angry, masculine mannerisms
  • It is not invalidating their identity it is helping discover who they really are, helping them come out of the egg and break the denial that prevents them from being their most legitimate selves.

  • Get rid of those angry, masculine mannerisms
  • Conversion therapy is transphobia, transphobia isn't an opinion, calling transphobia an opinion is like calling arsenic a flavor. I'm not trying to bend anyone to anything, I'm just pointing out that they're dressing like a girl, and acting like a girl, put two and two together and you can see where that's going. Is this really that hard for people to understand?

  • egg🍀irl

    Experienced some misogyny the other day and it made me feel awesome gender euphoria.


    Meme text: 1st panel: Hey, I think I'm finally starting to accept I'm trans.

    2nd panel: Maybe I can be myself now.

    3rd panel: Something slightly invalidating happening

    4th panel: FUCK...


    Text: When you get through denial but the call of the void to cut all your hair is back

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    CheesyCheese1 [She/her]
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