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stinging nettle
  • Now I'm thinking of some wide spread agent like pollen being laced with naturally occurring psychedelics.

    I mean, pollen, as an allergen is often taken in through the nose, which is a great route of administration to affect the brain quickly.

    Oh the rag weed count is high? Get ready to trip balls people, lol.

  • Jesus is their savior, Trump is their candidate. Ex-president's backers say he shares faith, values
  • Obama wore a suit, and he got shit because they didn't like the color.

    Trump on the other hand, wears diapers and has inspired his moronic base to wear them publicly as well. Not just, under their clothing like a normal person, they think its better than pants.

    -Written from a republican hell hole.

  • Maybe an injection or pill?
  • For a real medical answer, I was, at one point, put on GHB and a Stimulant under the theory that an issue that took 9 years to diagnose (epilepsy, did not present typically). Since I had issues with cataplexy, which is only rarely seen with other issues, this made sense. Turns out it can be a side effect of some psych meds, as I'm also bipolar.

    GHB knocks you out in moments, and you'll wake up 4 hours later. Time for the second dose. 4 more hours. Like fucking clockwork. It was the only time in my life I was consistently on time anywhere I've ever worked. Wasted in a Walmart auto shop.

    Then stimulants (amphetamine analogue) were supposed to keep a narcoleptic awake during the day.

  • "If Christianity is man made, why does everything about it go against man’s desires? Atheists can't answer this question" ...but they Can
  • As someone who grew up in the bible belt, who had too many questions for the Lutheran church and was asked to leave.

    I could not reconcile the Church's desire to HARM people that weren't a part of it. Jesus was a love all hippy from THEIR scriptures.

    Supply Side Jesus is anathema to actual christian practice.

    Hence, I parted from the church, and found my own way. It took more effort than listening to a pontificating asshole to achieve, but I'm comfortable with my beliefs. The struggle, the pain, the blood, the tears. All worth it.

    For reference, I am a Hecatean witch because Trivia visited me on three occasions. More than Jebus has done.

  • party poopers
  • Cut myself with a microscope slide. Didn't realize the lens would drop far enough to break it. Whoops. Ended up nicking my finger getting the slide off.

    My proudest science lab injury though, was with a plastic butter knife. Don't ask me how I managed, but I did. It was an ugly cut too.

  • NSFW
    I have to get this off my chest (nicotine pouches)
  • From a long time nicotine user, I'll address your bullet points.

    Intense: A combination of no tolerance with being sensitive to it.

    How do people enjoy: You're sensitive to it, what you described sounds like a case of nicotine poisoning. When I started vaping and rolled my own coils and all that jazz, I experimented a lot and consumed way too much nicotine in the beginning. The happiness is a lie, as well as the help with anxiety. Nicotine withdrawal feels very similar to being anxious at some stages. It is relief of those withdrawal symptoms that people associate with less anxiety or even happiness.

    Are the symptoms related: I could not tell you that.

    Addicted: Unlikely you'd be addicted after a single use case, that being said, it feels awful, but the awful tapers after about 3 days - the future cravings mean you're addicted, in the most tell tale way. I use nicotine pouches as I've moved away from smoking. I still want a good old fashioned Marlboro Red, AKA cowboy killers.

    Why do people want to keep it up? Often its a situational thing. You smoke with friends on the weekend, but not during the week. Then its daily, because you start feeling withdrawal. Soon you're smoking a pack a day ten years later kicking yourself for ever trying it.

    If you (or anyone else) can avoid nicotine, I advise it wholeheartedly. The simplest way is just not to start, cliched as that may be.

  • Edibles in Las Vegas
  • Smelled it?

    My first time to Vegas was before any legalization, and someone in a neon green light up pot leaf shirt threw open his jacket to try to entice me along the strip.

    Seemed like a good way to end up in jail in a far away from home, so I stuck to drinking in the open like a sensible person.

    But yeah, I've smelled it too, lol.

  • Microsoft will now urge you to ditch local accounts on Windows 10
  • I'm only on 11 because I want to learn it from a support perspective for work.

    I am not enjoying it. I swear I have to reboot multiple times a day, against Win 10 which was only for updates... or linux, and basically never lol.

  • Whoever wrote my daughter's health class text apparently lives in the 1950s.
  • We have 8 animals and alcoholic relative living with us.

    We went to the local library, I had ear buds and my laptop as was content to do my thing (cyber security stuff, all legal) and my wife was busy talking to the person running the 3D printer because she can't seem to dial hers in settings wise.

    The quiet, the lack of stress, the ability to just focus on something without dealing with an issue for a while....

    It was fine until the relative... well, thats another story. They all end like that lately.

  • ‘Sovereign citizen’ shot, killed during exchange with Harris County deputies
  • Lived next door to a cop, and down the street from another while growing up.

    My dad, who only went with his father, trained more often and more rigorously then they did. How do I know? Cops talk a lotta shit, and their kids are sick of fascism already. This was only up until like 6th grade even.

    Cop down the street was known for beating his wife, and was probably dirty as hell with the drive by attempt. Thankfully none of the kids were hurt. No one else was either, but even then I wouldn't have shed a tear for a pig.

  • NSFW
    If you are having sex and just can't finish, do you fake it or are you just honest with your partner
  • One of my meds can cause issues with finishing. Like, I'm hard, I can keep going, but there is no longer a point for me other than making sure my partner finishes.

    She takes it pretty hard, but its just a known side effect. Its also fairly uncommon, in almost a decade of marriage its happened three times.

    So yeah, totally honest.

  • What is the scariest/creepiest theory you know about?
  • I hear things. I'm bipolar though.

    I often have to check in with a person close to me to see if they heard what I heard, or if its my "imagination."

    For those worried, I'm under the care of a psychiatrist, and mostly this isn't an issue anymore.

  • For some, Helldivers 2’s anti-cheat software limits the ability to play at all
  • I will cheat in single player games. I give it a solid "first time" unmodded play through. If it's good, I'll do other "paths" or "builds" depending on the game.

    Then make it a little more... interesting, or different even.

    Then you work up to Total Conversions, and thats fucking great for longevity.

    Then at a certain point, its quality of life. I don't want to spend 20 hours getting to the "interesting" part of the game. I can no longer get even just an hour to dive into a game uninterrupted. I love immersion; in the past it was an unhealthy escape mechanism, now when I get it, its a breath of not dealing with my day to day shit for just a little bit. Life always gets in the way of living, at least the way we want or need to in the moment. But I digress...

    But cheating in a multiplayer game really defeats the purpose of multiplayer. An unbalanced play field isn't fun for anyone.

    I'd like to see more games embrace a modding community. If you and a few friends want to play with mods A, B, D, and F, more power to you guys. Keep enjoying that game.

    Just don't force an imbalance on other people.

  • 5 reasons why desktop Linux is finally growing in popularity
  • 10 was bad. 11 is... awful.

    I'm running it on my daily driver / gaming rig to learn its flaws and how to work around them, because work may be moving that direction. My hardware, my license, not like they can stop me.

    I've never had more problems with any OS than 11 on day to day stability issues. Vista? At least it had direct X 10. 8? Yeah, a total design fuck up, but even supporting it professionally I never had this many problems.

  • Life Hack
  • I was the SME over POS terminals in a past job.

    Owners are often the biggest morons at the location.

    Before that, I used the same basic software package at Subway because the owner couldn't be bothered, and the manager, great lady, was not technically apt.

  • Google fixes two Pixel zero-day flaws exploited by forensics firms. GrapheneOS discovered and reported these flaws.
  • I need a slightly less secure walkthrough to allow, essentially, android auto and google maps to operate.

    I did without for a while, and it wasn't pretty.

    Lets just say I went from a sketchy hospital district to a very sketchy dead end in a neighborhood that had lookouts. Working nights, this was not a great time to drop in unannounced.

  • NSFW Deleted
    A bread knife did this, as I was cutting a loaf lengthwise
  • I was in grade school. Doing an experiment where we sliced off a section of fruit to put under a microscope.

    My dumb ass, with a plastic butter knife, managed to get the worst cut my thumb has ever seen.

    That thing was rough and ragged, and got infected and was a bitch to heal.

    Just saying, with enough stupidity, you can really harm yourself with harmless objects, lol.

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