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Hezbollah confirms leader Hassan Nasrallah killed in Israeli strike
  • Israel has the unfortunate advantage of being one large US military base. And instead of being just generally murderous occupiers like Americans in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, Israel's approach is simply to kill everybody and turtle outwards.

    I hope it's unsustainable, but while they have relatively few losses in manpower and the West provides it with effectively unlimited support, I'm not so sure.

  • Can you think of any others?
    • Multithread
    • Checksum Mismatch
    • Raise Exception
    • Zombie Process
    • Parallelization
    • Segmentation Fault
    • Force Commit
    • Signal Abort
    • Signal Kill
    • Balance Nodes
    • Stack Overflow
    • Core Dump
    • Reverse Tunnel
    • Dynamic Forwarding

    I don't know what kind of spells these would be but I fear the wizard who knows them.

  • Badly aged
  • As someone who used to vaguely believe in electoralism, it's insidious how the bourgeois class pretend it's all fair voting, until it goes the way they don't want. Then the rules change and you're voting wrong and the imperfections of the 'imperfect system' get used 100% in favour of bullshit.

    I'm not that old, and in my adult lifetime I've seen it happen in at least a few western countries (eg Recent France, state mandated fraud in the US, or the UK's internal disinformation campaigns (including cooperation by state media) - The people vote for the "let's minorly improve things" candidate, then bourgeois class solidarity causes shit to come out of every aspect of the woodwork to make sure that candidate cannot win. Even if everyone votes for the best candidate every time ever, there's a 99% chance it'll never matter (so long as the working class are doing nothing else to ensure it does).

  • Deleted
    i constantly worry about the possibility of war
  • It really is terrifying and needs to fucking stop.

    Many escalations have happened and died down in the past, so it may not get that far. I think worldwide opinion is turned against Israel, too, which may eventually help manifest better, peaceful outcomes. But it's inhumanely horrid now, and continues to be. I wish I had more words of comfort to offer, I too would be constantly worried in your shoes. You have my empathy and my sympathy, comrade meow-hug

  • modern game sizes
  • It's quite insane. A couple years back I bought and played an indie space game that had beautiful graphics, weather effects, 'splosions, space stations, hundreds of star systems etc.

    That game's installed size? 260MB. 186MB on checking.

    The full game could fit on a CD-ROM about five times over and it was still many hours of cool gameplay. This massive universe exploration game is smaller than 90% of the 2D procedurally generated games I own.

    Looks like they still develop, and still offer demos which I think is awesome. And their game sizes look still super reasonable.

    I'm not really sure how you achieve that kind of compression, I assume most textures are hand-written shaders or something rather than 4k .png files.

  • Card
  • This is just an elaborate way to kill yourself
  • It was also with a massive group of people. Which makes an entire world of difference.

  • Hexbear Linux users are the deep state of China
  • Yes, migrating from Windows to Linux is a learning curve. I totally appreciate it's frustrating, but it just comes down to "you were raised with a different thing."

    I just want a normal operating system where I double click an app to activate or install it, and it has full functionality no ifs and or buts

    I say this as someone who has spent years as IT support for Windows, Mac and Linux computers respectively. There's no such thing.

    cause I want to spend two hours googling how to install non-Linux compatible software on Linux

    I mean this is your problem. If you don't want to mess about googling how to do stuff, then use software that's built for the OS you're using??? You'd have infinitely more issues trying to get Windows to run software not designed for it.

    My assumption is you're just used to closed Windows software. Linux has its own software and/or native executables for any tasks you'd need to do, and even many (or most??) games nowadays, where you can install/run everything with a double click and don't need to type anything.

    Otherwise, if you're reliant on Windows-specific software for some reason, then sorry but you have to live with your costly insecure proprietary invasive nonfunctional OS slop. Instead complain to the developers for taking closed garden single-OS approach when it's actually incredibly easy nowadays to be multiplatform.

  • How the fuck is Putin supposed to be a “war criminal”?
  • then, like, isn’t basically every Western leader a “war criminal”


    Honestly, I think the best approach one can take in response to hypocritical liberals is yeah, Putin's an asshole war criminal, but sadly the west and NATO are even asshole war criminaler.

  • Fuck Google | Android 15 cracks down on sideloaded apps even harder to protect users
  • I mean, that's pretty bad. Only being able to use the API severely restricts the kinds of apps you can install, making a user controlling their own device significantly harder and massively strengthening the hold of the Play Store.

  • Good news: majority of media coverage is unbiased, says AI-based bias detector
  • Ah, the two fundamental biases as described by Marx, democrat and republican.

  • How do I shoplift stuff?
  • Couple points to add on to things there: I'm not aware of any Eurocountry where shop workers are allowed to forcefully detain you and/or check your bags, without directly seeing you shoplift, and so long as you don't agree. Even if laws permit it, it's exceedingly rare that workers are allowed to enforce it because of the huge liabilities.

    If someone tries to stop you, inform them you won't be detained and that you're leaving, then just leave by any means you peacefully can, even calmly hopping barriers. This is what I do even though I'm not stealing stuff.

    Be aware of your rights, any wannabe cop security guards who do actually detain you might be guilty of assault, depending on their actions and local laws, for which you might be able to sue the company, or even just threaten to sue if you're not released.

  • Britons would generally choose communism over fascism
  • Reactionaries gonna reactionary. The good takeaway is that most people don't really seem to agree with the main parties anyway.

  • Britons would generally choose communism over fascism
  • Genuinely not a bad idea to reduce their power

  • Britons would generally choose communism over fascism
  • I personally think it's mostly people who really have no consciousness about politics whatsoever.

  • Britons would generally choose communism over fascism
  • I'm more baffled by the 25% of Tory voters preferring communism. I want to meet these people who support the conservatives but don't actively want fascism??

  • Britons would generally choose communism over fascism
  • That is actually hecking cool. Despite our shitty electoral politics, there are already a good number of people actually caring about socialism.

  • NSFW
    What are some terrible places to do road trips to?
  • ??? Nobody gets blown up going to NK. And tourists frequently enter by land.

  • Omnipresent AI cameras will ensure good behavior, says Larry Ellison
  • "..for poor people only", Ellison finishes. Let's put cameras on the bourgeois class and see what behaviour results.

  • Britons would generally choose communism over fascism
  • Given the party is one step away from explicitly labelling themselves as fascist, it's not too much of a surprise.

  • Britons would generally choose communism over fascism

    I don't know how meaningful the question really is, and fuck YouGov, but still thought the data were interesting and vaguely positive.

    There are actual anti-lib, anti-capitalists out there in the Lemmyverse

    An absolute many are neo-fascist libs, but some, I assume, are good people. !a-little-trolling

    I thought it was nice to see a couple good takes out in the wild for a change (an anti-dunk tank?). Not all of the comments are perfect, but many are fighting the libs on the posting lines. !posting


    >@Rookwood > >The reason capitalism leads to fascism is that inevitably capitalism will lead to untenable inequality. Injustice will be too great to ignore between the rich and the rest. This will lead to populism. > >There are two forms of populism. One will seek to rectify the imbalances caused by capitalism. The other will seek to divert blame to minorities. If there were less <minorities>. then our society would not be in decay. One is much more useful to the Capitalist and so it will ultimately prevail. The capitalist will devote all resources to crushing the leftist populism up to and including directly funding fascism. > >160 upvotes • 12 downvotes



    >Dharma Curious > >Some of the comments in this thread really tell you why it takes a novel laureate to say this. Some of y’all do not have a basic understanding of history, economic systems, or what the term reactionary actually means. > >The correct response to “neo liberal capitalism has contributed to the rise of fascism” should be “no shit, Sherlock” > >It’s truly sad that that isn’t 100% of the comments here. > >Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleed, y’all. That doesn’t mean all liberals are fascist, that means that fascism is an outgrowth of liberalism. > >And just in case y’all also don’t know what that means, “liberalism” in that context isn’t “Obama liberal, Bush conservative,” it means the political ideology of liberalism, of which both Bush and Obama were proponents of. > >ETA: I’m not engaging anymore… it’s not my job to teach y’all the difference between an economic system and authoritarian states. Also, your magic has no power here, I am an anarchist, not a stalinist. Please educate yourselves. If for no other reason, do it to make it easier to pwn the tankies or whatever the fuck > >101 upvotes • 19 downvotes


    > > >i hate it when I hear people making the claim that it is capitalism that has helped so many people in the world with better quality of life and more opportunities and better outcomes, etc. > >Capitalism is a fucking disease that we need to rid ourselves of, it is worse than Ebola the way it infects our minds with the dumbest shit. > >You know what has made lives better for billions of people? The washing machine and the cotton gin and fucking electricity. > >Capitalism has fought against progress every step of the way. > >74 upvotes • 9 downvotes


    >@njm1314 > >Well of course it has, fascism is the end result of capitalism. Some would say it’s natural conclusion. > > 63 upvotes • 13 downvotes >>BlackLaZoR >> >> fascism is the end result of capitalism >> >> I wonder what sort of echo chamber you must live in, in order to believe this >> >> 20 upvotes • 67 downvotes

    NASA helped write a paper about the possible outcomes of extraterrestrial contact back in 2011 - Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A Scenario Analysis - arXiv

    This is just a short, easy-to-read paper I keep in my bookmarks and go back to occasionally. It explores, qualitatively, the various outcomes that contact with alien intelligence might have. I think it's a really cool 25-page exploration of possibilities that are fun to think about. Some choice quotes:

    >ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) might attack us not out of selfishness but instead out of a universalist desire to make the galaxy a better place.

    >perhaps ETI make contact with Earth to welcome us into the Galactic Club but only after we complete a set of required bureaucratic tasks


    >They may be interested in incorporating us into their civilization so they can sell us their products, keep us as pets, or have us mine raw materials for them.

    >if ETI place intrinsic value on lives, then perhaps they could bring about more lives by destroying us and using our resources more efficiently for other lives

    My favourite section is the "unintentional harm" outcomes, which suggests the possibility that they just might squish us by accident.

    >One non-biological physical hazard that we could face from direct contact with ETI is unintentional mechanical harm. For example, ETI might accidentally crush us while attempting an unrelated maneuver.


    Can't for the life of me find where I first heard of this, but I just wanted to share it for being fun and fairly silly yet still officially worked on by NASA.

    Why I'm blocking c/badposting

    Because it's bad. It's a bad place with honestly bad posts.


    That's all.

    My Hexbear content on Stormfront?! Oh I'm watching you pizzahut_su, aaalways watching


    Nah I obviously don't care, r/greenandpleasant are alright. I just thought it was funny to see my own words out there.

    "Healthcare lines" as people in the UK horde to opening day at a new NHS dentist for the scant few places available

    "99% of dentists across the south-west aren’t accepting any new adult patients."

    Getting anything but emergency healthcare in the UK is nigh impossible for much of the country now, I've been on the waiting lists of all my local dentists for over 18 months.

    This'll get spread around as heavily as that misleading bread line photo from the USSR, right?

    IDF kills hostage with airstrikes, then rescues the body

    You mean mass, indiscriminate air strikes aren't a good way to save hostages and actually just result in dead people???
