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What do you think the Great Filter is?
  • Maybe it's wisdom.

    Every species that might have grown advanced enough, would have gotten over the point of fighting themselves. So they would be wise enough to have something like the Prime Directive in Star Trek (not interfering with less advanced species' until they reach a certain milestone).

  • Vesuvius
  • How else would it be pronounced, how is the anglicised pronunciation?

    (Serious question by a non native speaker)

  • It's going. I'm alive.
  • Gonna steal pirate that

  • Deleted
    Can I use the domain ""?
  • 🀫 you forgot to type two zero when you listed the original price. And surely you wouldn't want to part with it, at least not for the amount any person would offer. Only corporates might have the amount you would accept, but surely none might be interested in that domain...

  • Fly, you fools!
  • Airport security when you forgot to take off your belt:

  • Eldritch Potato
  • It tried so hard and grew so far, but in the end it didn't find the right matter.

  • what invisible thing could set off my smoke detector?
  • Did you open one up yet? That might give you a clue πŸ€”

    E.g. I don't know exactly how wide the gaps are, but here it looks like small insects could get in. Maybe you have another problem than smoke 🫣

  • Have you ever owned a rare or unusual car?
  • No, but I was so close 🀏🏻 to get a hearse

    One day...

  • I don't have such weakness
  • Try "homework"

  • dogs or kids
  • Kids, dogs, or orgy participants

  • sometimes means every time
  • *usually

  • You still have three wishes.
  • Aaah those times... Were you an over/under, or a side-by-side player?

  • Flawless logic
  • Necromancer: Hold my beer

  • What Parity Flag is that?
  • Wait, let me help you flip it right way again.

    X86 γƒŽβ (⁠ ⁠º⁠ ⁠_β Β β ΒΊβ γƒŽβ )

  • Honesty is the best policy
  • Because it would be weird if he had a fleshlight instead

  • What Router can you recommend?

    Hi, I got a new router from my ISP, but it doesn't even have an option to change the address of the DNS server...

    So I'm gonna switch (if necessary also the ISP).

    I have never used a custom router, so I would appreciate a push in the right direction. What can you recommend? Synology? FritzBox? Asus? Bridge Mode on the ISP router + RasPi?

    The following I am running on a separate device, but if possible it would be nice to have it directly on the router device:

    • PiHole
    • Wireguard
    • DDNS updater
    How can I add movies to Radarr/Ombi directly from Kodi?

    Ahoy! I would like to be able to browse movies in Kodi and directly add them to Radarr.

    Currently I'm using the TheMovieDb Helper Add-On in Kodi for browsing movies, and then add them to the Trakt Watchlist. In Radarr I'm monitoring the Watchlist and automatically add the movies that way.

    Is there a better way to do this? For example, can I configure/use some special player in TheMovieDb Helper for adding the movies directly to Radarr or Ombi when I clilck Play? Or is there an other Add-on that does something like that out of the box?



    I'm working on a plugin that can be used as a player for TheMovieDb Helper. But instead of actually playing anything, it uses the information to add the movie/show to Radar/Sonarr via the API.

    The PoC was successful, now I have to put everything neatly together.

    I'll create a new post once the first version is out.

    Web interface for yt-dlp?

    What's a good way to have a simple self hosted (in Docker would be nice) web interface for starting yt-dlp jobs?

    Preferably, I would like to have pre-defined yt-dlp commands and in the interface I can just add an URL and select which command to chose.

    I know I could also use JDownloader or other tools to download the media, but I specifically would like to use yt-dlp because I have multiple use case commands already defined.

    Thanks for the help!

    What is your custom wake word?

    I'm about to try some custom wake words, I can think of these so far:

    • Hey Assistant
    • Hey GlaDOS
    • Hey Skynet
    • Hey Tardis
    • R2-D2
    • CPU
    • Computer
    • Operator

    I'll use them for a while and see which one I like best.

    What wake word are you using? Do you have some other cool ideas?

    What's that music called that was used in 90s documentaries about the birth of the earth?

    So this is quite specific and I tried to fit the important stuff in the title, but here's further elaboration (because it is definitely needed).

    When I remember documentaries about earth or universe (specifically how it was formed, big bang, or how the moon came to be, etc) from the nineties and early 2000s, then they seemingly all used the same kind of background music. Something that I can only describe as Old school LoFi, smooth but kind of exciting electronic beats.

    Does anyone know what I'm talking about, and what this music really was called? Do you maybe even have some examples?


    Edit: New Age fits best, Vangelis and Jean-Michel Jarre are really close to the (probably unknown) artists of the songs that I have in mind. The other recommendations are also great.

    Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene pt. 13, or Era without lyrics, is as close as I can get from what I remember.

    Now I hope that I come across one of those documentaries online \\

    Reddit Was Fun CaptainBlagbird
    Is there a Lemmy app that supports auto collapse of reply comments yet?

    When I open a post, I only want to see the parent comments. To see the reply comments of a specific parent comment, I could then unfold only these replies.

    This was one of my favourite features of RiF. Does anyone know an Android app that can do this already for lemmy? Connect for Lemmy, Jerboa, Liftoff and Thunder all have nice collapsing features, but they all only start with unfolded comments, currently.

    Jerboa additionally supports jumping from parent comment to the previous/next one with dedicated buttons, which is really nice and also something I was frequently using in RiF.

    CaptainBlagbird CaptainBlagbird

    πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ

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