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Rate how well your cat sits like bread
  • In the only loaf like picture I have it didn’t find my cat because it’s only her butt :(

  • What Makes Cheddar Cheese Taste So Good?
  • As a French I’m insulted by this title :p

  • Bayer ordered to pay $175 mln in latest Roundup cancer trial
  • I’m not an expert in that domain but I know people who are and, according to them, roundup is one of the (if not the) most studied compound, and all scientific studies done point to it being safe for use. I haven’t read the studies myself mainly because I’m not equipped to understand them frankly but can someone point to some evidence that roundup did result in this poor guy getting cancer :/?

    Edit: look everyone who is downvoting, EFSA, the US EPA and ECHA have all looked at it and found that it’s safe. So maybe instead of downvoting me, find me a better study than what they did that show it isn’t.

  • Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics… and It’s Beautiful—Stephen Wolfram Writings Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics… and It’s Beautiful—Stephen Wolfram Writings

    How does our universe work? Scientist Stephen Wolfram opens up his ongoing Wolfram Physics Project to a global effort. His team will livestream work in progress, post working materials, release software tools and hold educational programs.

    Will it explode? Who knows!
  • Poke

  • This one grew in one of my indoor potted plants, not sure what it is!
  • I think it’s nothing particularly weird, I’ve always assumed that there are spores in the soil and it happens when it gets a bit too much water, no? I don’t think they need to worry :)

  • New research suggests coffee has unique cognitive benefits beyond caffeine
  • I always feel like research on coffee is inherently biased since 99% of scientists I know are hooked on coffee :p

  • Net on dying leaves of cumcumber
  • Thank you so much! I was also advised to use dish soap with water :). Is that good?

  • Net on dying leaves of cumcumber
  • Thanks! I know what to google now!

  • Net on dying leaves of cumcumber

    My beautiful cucumber is being attacked and I don’t know by what :(. Does anyone know what can create this nets? They are full of tiny insect and the leaves that have them are dying :(.

    What can I do?

    To Move Fast, Quantum Maze Solvers Must Forget the Past To Move Fast, Quantum Maze Solvers Must Forget the Past | Quanta Magazine

    Quantum algorithms can find their way out of mazes exponentially faster than classical ones, at the cost of forgetting the path they took. A new result suggests that the trade-off may be inevitable.

    To Move Fast, Quantum Maze Solvers Must Forget the Past | Quanta Magazine
    Selfhosted LLM (ChatGPT)
  • I would advise not training your own model but instead use tools like langchain and chroma, in combination with a open model like gpt4all or falcon :).

    So in general explore langchain!

  • Team builds first living robots—that can reproduce Team builds first living robots—that can reproduce

    AI-designed Xenobots reveal entirely new form of biological self-replication—promising for regenerative medicine

    Team builds first living robots—that can reproduce
    A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks

    What components are needed for building learning algorithms that leverage the structure and properties of graphs?

    A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks
    Mods wanted!
  • I can try :)

  • The Curse of Recursion: Training on Generated Data Makes Models Forget

    Synthetic data is often used to trian model because data is hard to collect. But, now that we have a lot data generated by AI, we are realizing it may not be as valuable

    Robotics and AI

    A community about the latest advances in robotics and AI. Focused on the science and state-of-the-art.

    Robotics and AI



    Necrobiotics: Researchers are turning dead spiders' legs into robotic grippers Necrobiotics: Researchers are turning dead spiders' legs into robotic grippers

    Mechanical engineers Daniel Preston and Faye Yap of Rice University have devised a method of using dead spiders to delicately grasp small object and other tiny animals.

    Necrobiotics: Researchers are turning dead spiders' legs into robotic grippers

    I'm not sure if I shouldn't mark this one as NSFW X).

    I don't often feel like science went too far, but necrobiotics might be a step too far... I tend to agree with this take against it.

    Is Crypto Finally Dead?
  • Interesting article! I wholeheartedly agree with every other topic but I partly disagree on the AI front. AI has a topic is much wider than crypto and nfts, and better defined than the meta verse. It has concrete uses from document extraction, to protein prediction, and data analysis. However, where I agree with the author is that, on platform like LinkedIn, you find so many quacks who are suddenly experts, telling how AI is the game changer that you didn’t know for something completely unrelated. There is a va lot of pseudo science and false (but seemingly logic) conclusions thrown around. And that’s where the gift is: not in the technology, but in the marketing by scammers.

    E.g. they keep on pushing that, as an expert, AI will replace you unless you adapt and that only those who use ai will survive. However, early research shows the opposite and that using AI actually help low performers and has little impact for experts. Here is an interesting podcast on it

  • Hi all, I’m Camille Mellom here I guess

    Hi everyone! Guess I’ll make an intro post to try to find some cool people and cool communities. In the real world I’m the head of research lab for a company in a university (hopefully the best of both world instead of the worse of both), and my research focuses on machine learning and robotics. Otherwise I like math, the environment, nature. I saw quite some communities in mander on nature but not so much math, machine learning, and robotics?

    Outside of work nothing better than a good hike, a nice climbing session, or an evening playing video games :).

    CamilleMellom CamilleMellom
    Posts 14
    Comments 12