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NSA Warns iPhone And Android Users To Turn It Off And On Again
  • Yup. Although i'm not sure there are many (any?) malwares that don't have some form of persistence. Exploits requiring human intervention are usually just the first stage, and persistance is the second.

    I dont know of any APTs that are purely memory only, but if you know of one please link so I can read up on it.

  • NSA Warns iPhone And Android Users To Turn It Off And On Again
  • Those all are things that require external human intervention though?

    If the malware is persistent, then one way or another it needs to leave an exploit on the device, it can either be a persistance exploit, or a privesc exploit.

  • NSA Warns iPhone And Android Users To Turn It Off And On Again
  • It would entirely depend on the design of the malware. If a malware author wanted to chronologically separate infection from detection, doing persistance and then not activating until next reboot wouldnt be unreasonable.

    For example, if a user visits a site, and 10 seconds later their PC gets cryptolockered, they can report the site. If they visit a site, and then a hundred others, and then 10 days later their PC reboots and gets cryptolockered, they will have no idea which site did it.

  • NSA Warns iPhone And Android Users To Turn It Off And On Again
  • Only exploits that require human intervention would be defeated by this though. If you have a zero touch exploit that can privesc, the persistance doesnt need to be anything special, you can just wrap your exploit in an ordinary android app and request it be woken up on next boot.

  • Removed
    How to increase engagement of cis women on Lemmy?
  • I think my instance is now defed'd from hexbear, but when it wasn't, they were the reason I wouldnt recommend lemmy to my partner. Their "trolling" was pure obnoxiousness.

    The other major issue I think is the lack of moderation, lemmy just isnt a very pleasant space. There are still issues with spam. The CSAM incident a while back hasnt been repeated, but I have no reason to beleive it cant/wont happen again. Porn seems to hit All every so often.

    With an agressively curated block list Lemmy can be nicer, but by default it just isnt.

    Here is an idea for dissection: There should be a default blocklist that instances can provide and update. Defederation is too coarse a tool, but if instances (or third parties?) could provide a list of "bad" instances, "bad" communities and "bad" users that are used as the default blocklist. Users are free to opt out of the blocklist, but with a sane default lemmy could be a lot safer. (Or maybe not, im no expert)

  • PayPal plans an ad network built off your purchase history
  • Last time I observed this I was getting the exact same item that I bought being advertised to me constantly, across multiple sites. No variation at all. It was a pair of hiking shoes. If it had then offered me hiking poles or rain coats or anything else that would have been useful, but instead it was the same pair of shoes I had already purchased.

    If the ad network had actually suggested useful paired items that i dont already own, then those ads should actually stand out, as they are actually relevant to me.

    If its not cost efficient to actually target to the individual (and I dont doubt that it isn't), im not sure what Paypal is bringing to the table here that Amazon etc can't already do.

  • Do they sell laptops like these in 2024?
  • Clevo/Metabox have always been my goto for upgradable/repairable machines. I got a Metabox P650SE over a decade ago, and it was rock solid for a very long time (still is usable, but its quite heavy now, so I upgraded to a thinner and lighter laptop).

    Super easy to open and replace RAM, harddisks, clean out dust etc.

    No trouble getting a replacement battery and bottom shell as it aged.

    Definitelt thick as well. Downside is cost, they are not cheap. But also not Apple level expensive either.

  • How could one implement a linux installer that runs on windows?
  • No reboot? Impressive, maybe MS solved that problem.

    Shrinking/moving is usually the more dangerous operation, but maybe they have solved it.

    No matter how many times you tell users to backup their data, they won't do it, and will blame you for their data loss anyway :D

  • How do you feel about portrails of Autism in media?

    Hi All. I have been watching a lot of House lately, and just started "Extrodinary Attorney Woo". I am curious to know what you all think of their portrails of Autism. Is it pandering? Representation? Romantisation?

    Also see "The Good Doctor", "Atypical", "Love on the spectrum" etc.

    Cutting Garolite (G10)

    I posted here a while back when my glass bed failed. One of the suggestions was to replace with Garolite or G10. My sheet finally arrived and i set about cutting it down to size.


    Within 4cm, my basically unused jigsaw blade was worn flat, and by the end of the first cut (20cm), there is basically no more teeth.

    For the second side, I tried using a multitool cutter, and within a few millimeters it was visibly blunt (plastic and metal tools). Finished it off with a standard wood hand saw, which seemed to go better.

    So warning to anyone considering garolite, dont use power tools, it will fuck them up.

    🎄 - 2023 DAY 25 SOLUTIONS -🎄

    Day 25: Snowverload

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    Day 24: Odds

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    Day 22: A Long Walk

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    Day 22: Sand

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    🦶️ - 2023 DAY 21 SOLUTIONS - 🦶️

    Day 21: Step

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    Day 20: Pulse

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    Day 19: Aplenty

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    Day 18: Lavaduct Lagoon

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    Day 17: Clumsy Crucible

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    HDMI cable/port degrading?

    I have a moderately long HDMI cable running to a screen that has worked for quite a while. Recently the screen lost its connection. I replaced the cable with the exact same model of HDMI cable, and its all good. The cables arent frequently inserted or removed, and they are otherwise in good condition. I have no idea how or why this could happen. Any ideas?

    Gnome + Xorg == Mouse causes

    I have this very weird glitch with Gnome, running on Xorg. I can move my mouse off the right hand edge of the screen, and the entire gnome UI starts to scroll over the the left, giving me a glitchy mess on the right hand side of the screen. The screenshot doesn't really do it justice, because it just became transparent instead, but the transparent region where the terminal is should be off screen.

    Hope I have explained that well, has anyone else hit that? I wonder if its due to multiple monitors, or non-aligned monitors?

    Does do anything other than mirror reddit comments?

    I have just realised that seems to be mirroring reddit accounts, posts and comments, without labelling them as such. What is the point of this one way mirroring? As soon as users realise, they are going to just leave. There is no point having a discussion with a bot that cannot respond.

    First glass bed failure with PETG

    I have been printing with PETG on glass for a little while now, and have gone through almost an entire roll. Yesterday I had my first print stick so hard that it delaminated the glass :(. I stopped using hairspray as it made the prints not stick at all, and printing bare glass was just fine. But something about yesterdays print made the glass give up. Is this how PETG + Glass normally fails? Works perfectly for years, and then suddenly fails?

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