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Price of blood?
  • Considering the super shady practices involved with plasma “donation”, and the fact that it’s used to make very expensive cancer drugs, take your text and good vibes. That’s literally the better outcome.

    Most of the world won’t even buy US plasma because of the really lax collection regulations and super sus conditions of most of the plasma centers (basically the fact that it’s paid and on such short turnaround causes a lot of people to game the system, it’s dangerous, and potentially unsanitary/risky.)

  • Man fined for squirting mixture of urine and flour onto woman's dress to try to chat her up
  • This dude mixed a personal semen analogue, using his own bodily fluids (likely because real semen doesn’t stay the right consistency very long and there probably wouldn’t be enough to attack multiple women with), to squirt on women and then not talk to them, and they are framing it as an attempt to chat them up?

    He’s clearly being a sex pest. The next time he does this (and there will be since he only got a fine and some bad pr) I hope he gets some real consequences.

  • What missed opportunity that you can remember do you feel the worse about?
  • Yeah, I know. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, I just roll with it. But I do regret not taking up a lot of the opportunities that I didn’t realize were worthwhile opportunities. I have a tendency to screw myself over, it is what it is. :)

  • Living a radically simple permaculture life on 1/4 acre
  • The thing about the tragedy of the commons is that it’s basically bullshit. It’s been debunked as long as it’s been around. It’s privatization propaganda, nothing more.

    People have been equitably maintaining commons for literally all of human history, and they are good at doing so within their communities. Social structures to maintain commons without official regulation have been in place for generations without major issues.

  • What missed opportunity that you can remember do you feel the worse about?
  • An older couple who wanted to retire offered to let me take over their cidery, back when I was doing a lot more homebrew.. I declined because I knew nothing about ciders, I’d have needed to relocate, and I was in my last year of college.

    Big mistake turning it down, even if I would have needed to relocate. I haven’t been properly stable since.

  • If you didn't have internet at your home, where would you use the internet the most regularly?
  • Bar down the street has free WiFi and food. So probably there. The library is all the way across town, so not a great option for me.

    Or there’s another bar close enough to my house that I could probably make an antenna and leech off that. I did that with on base housing back in the day cuz I didn’t want to pay for internet.

  • This coming from people who still support Stalin in 2024
  • You’re the only one saying she would be the same.

  • Goddamn onion
  • Trump: for now. They are my political enemies, I’m sure some of them are good people my political enemies, you know I know all the best people and only the worst are my enemies, all the best people. But for now my political enemies, very bad people, the worst people who have ever lived, ever, very bad people. My political enemies.

  • eBay Removes Listing for StingRay Cellphone Spying Tech
  • Ah alright that makes sense, thanks :)

  • I just realized all my teachers use ubuntu
  • And here I was using windows in a VM to run rstudio 😪

    Times have changed for sure. (Tho I haven’t used rstudio for many years and it may still be unsupported)

  • Also "parasite".
  • Zomg I totally missed this message, I’m sorry, so I guess this is ME checking in on YOU a couple days later ;)

    Sorry to hear the glowing didn’t work but thrilled to hear you had a good sleep anyway. That’s hard to come by sometimes :)

  • eBay Removes Listing for StingRay Cellphone Spying Tech
  • Is this one of those things like the GPS trackers they just sort of plant on your shit by trespassing, and if you find them they typically come to collect them because their cover is blown anyway and they are expensive?

    Or is this one of those things that you need to like… actively do things with? From the pics it looks like an active-use device but idk shit about 2004 tech so.. (I was an adult, but barely conscious of things)

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?
  • Yes! Ok that probably helps a lot. Because I’ve seen a HUGE rise in _core (cottagecore, goblin core, Forrest core, witch core, etc. and that’s just here on Lemmy)

    I hope that takes off more and leaves Punk behind so it can fit better. :) I’m sure the distinction exists for a reason.

    And yeah steampunk is sort of the odd duck in what the other major __punk actually hit, but I did have some friends waaaaaaay back when steampunk was brand new, big into it, and they took it all the way to the social changes necessary for never evolving past the Industrial Revolution.. so I’m probably heavily biased by that (then again in highschool they had canes, waistcoats, and top hats, and basically cosplayed as English gentlemen all the time so… probably not an ideal sample!)

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?
  • I probably have explored furry punk to some extent - any game/cartoon in which the main character is a non-human animal technically counts for that, I should think. Bonus if they are anthropomorphized. But it’s not called furrypunk afaik, or I’d probably throw that in too.

    Beyond that I have no idea what those things even would be. Tho the current state of the US is very meat based so I think you’d have to go vegpunk on that one, at least where I’m at, for it to be an alternative option.

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?
  • Isn’t factorio just pixel art? I wanna say 8/16 bit but it certainly is not that :p

    Fwiw my only experience with factorio is that dude who made a working computer, built his own optimization, and ran doom on it (very very very slowly) so I’ve only seen it in that one video.

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?
  • I tend to agree with that sentiment. Hence the confusion over everything being __punk.

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?
  • I’m probably equally old so yeah that’s sort of how I envision it as well.

    That helps, actually, more than one might expect.

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?
  • When I think of __punk, I think about it having a whole -way of life- change, not just an aesthetic change. Cyberpunk incorporates all of the dystopia of deeply embedded tech and stuff. Solarpunk is the whole “living with nature” ideal, even steampunk had to reimagine how things would work (tho admittedly that’s way more of an aesthetic than the other two imho).

    So it’s basically a meaningless term then? That’s disappointing. I really want to explore other… hypothetical options I suppose.

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?
  • I mean I get that it’s used that way, but that doesn’t address what I want to know - are these “more than aesthetic”, or is it watering down what punk means by being applied too broadly?

    I tend to think it’s the latter, because while the three I called out specifically are an aesthetic, they are also “alternative present/future” in a rebellious and/or politicized sort of way. They are sort of “what if?” Or “this would be good/bad/interesting”.

    I don’t think the others really have that quality, but I’m not deeply involved with anything that would really help sort it out. So here I am :)

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?

    I’m probably just out of the loop, but what the hell is up with slapping “Punk” after some random word and trying to pass it off as a thing?

    I know cyberpunk, I know steampunk, I know solarpunk, and those I can accept as “more than an aesthetic”, tho steampunk is mostly an aesthetic… but then you have for example frostpunk (a game I know nothing about), cypherpunk, silkpunk, etc. (I don’t really know how to find other bastardizations for examples, but I know I’ve come across other random nouns followed by “punk” and I find it super weird and confusing)

    Is it just capitalizing on the cyberpunk/steampunk fad for naming, or do these other “punk” things actually have a legitimate claim of being punk? Is all this ___punk watering down the meaning or am I old man yells at cloud meme here?

    What did you routinely fall asleep listening to as a kid and what does it for you now?
  • I was nearly always grounded from all electronics from 6-13 (autdhd, and authoritarian parents, bad mix), and had a bedroom with no exterior windows. My window went to a modified 3-season porch thing, in 2 of the 3 places (the third was an apartment for like 6mths, I barely remember it), and that’s where my mom slept, so.. really quiet dead silence, mostly, else I was in trouble. Again. Or whatever garbage my mom had on tv, muffled through the wall.

    Now I have tinnitus, so silence is really loud. I have aquariums tho and the hum and bubble of the air pump helps a lot (plus really loud circulation fans).

  • BubbleMonkey BubbleMonkey
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