F Israel! Their mask of being a democracy is now off and they are worse then some of the mustache man.
How the hell a war is to end war.
The great war is coming!
Go fediverse 😍
My bad english isn't my 1st or 2nd language
Every major ai company did this let them do that what is to loose here?
Is that Firefox alternative?
Been using Firefox for quite a time now! What are the other alternatives?
Looks like time to find a new browser!
This will still be not accessible in my room!
Dude this is true as far now! Its October and no snow! We are effed.
My laptop is laughing in good battery health.
They have not enabled the encryption by default and a common user can't understand that. That is why it isn't blocked.
So there will be no good old Murican democracy?
Thank God i haven't bought one with this. I was about to buy one.
So here goes my reason to buy the new gen laptop
Ok so they are earning on our data
Why the hell am not able to download images from whatsapp groups