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"Freaky Friday 2" Begins Filming, First Photo - Dark Horizons
  • Just the people that will directly profit from its creation. Thats all this is, another paycheque.

  • Liberals Wish to Confiscate Every Registered Gun, Again Showing Registration Is Pre-Confiscation –
  • Be afraid!!!

    We’re coming for your guns, we also bring, minimum wage raises, gender affirming surgeries, environmental protections and mental healthcare.

    You won’t own any guns and you’ll be happy.

  • ‘Freaky Friday 2’ Set for Theaters in 2025; Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis Reunite in Behind-the-Scenes Look as Filming Kicks Off
  • Or just make something original.

    Take the themes and elements that you want to elaborate on and put them into a new story, with new characters.

    No, they just want money. No storytelling or thought put into anything beyond a paycheque.

  • ‘Freaky Friday 2’ Set for Theaters in 2025; Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis Reunite in Behind-the-Scenes Look as Filming Kicks Off
  • Looks like someone needs another paycheque.

    There is zero need or demand for another freaky Friday besides from the people raking in the money for another sequel milked from a dead ip.

  • iOS keyboards that don't censor "bad words"
  • SwiftKey is owned by M$ and is definitely data harvesting you for AI training

  • ‘We’ve all broken the Ten Commandments’: The evangelicals still backing Trump
  • Insert Pam office meme here.

    They are the same thing.

  • Microsoft insiders worry the company has become just 'IT for OpenAI'
  • Just installed Linux Mint the first time last month. Been very much enjoying the experience of a M$ free OS.

  • Microsoft insiders worry the company has become just 'IT for OpenAI'
  • They are purposely enshittifying windows already, they don’t give a shit about making a functional OS anymore and are in the milking their products for all their worth phase and right now Ai is the hot seller.

    Hopefully they will be so shortsighted and suffocate themselves with this Ai hype.

  • Pope told by student to stop using anti-LGBTQ language
  • Or stop asking a cult leader of a religion that rather have LGBTQ stone to death to talk nicely.

    You can’t reason with fascists.

  • Suicide Squad Isekai - Opening Animation
  • So comics are now anime, anime are games, games are movies, movies are becoming tv show and tv shows are glorified commercials.

    End stage capitalism at it’s finest.

  • hooooly shit! has anyone else played journey?
  • Been enjoying my time with Sabel so far. Love the French sci fi comic art style.

  • Director Kevin Costner's Western "Horizon" poised to bomb at the box office
  • It’s a movie that sets up another two movies and is kinda terrible on its own?

    Sounds like nothing more than a marketing and business venture.

    No art to be seen here folks, just products.

  • Average number of marriages per day, England and Wales
  • February 14th? Do people really get married on corporate love marketing day?

  • This game gave me PTSD 😩
  • I know… thanks for reminding me 🤪🔫

  • Louisiana orders Ten Commandments poster in every classroom
  • Totally not a cult… 🙄

  • Linux distribution for gaming and media centre.

    Heya! I’m looking to install Linux for the first time on parts from my old pc builds to use as a media centre and multiplayer gaming system in my living room. Something with as clean as possible interface with room for customization would be cool. Oh and support for my old nvidia gpu.

    I’m also looking for general tips and advice for beginners if anyone has some to share.

    Where on the globe would you best be able to sail a very large ship without being detected?

    I’m working on a indie video game that’s set on a large ship and I’m looking to have it be a very hidden and elusive boat. (Speaking vaguely to avoid spoilers)

    Where could it possibly be sailing through to avoid detection? Like no radars, land signals, etc..

    There are slight sci fi elements that could explain it avoiding detection but want to make the location as believable as possible.

    I’m not very familiar with oceans and the technology behind detecting vessels. Would love to be pointed in the right direction if anyone is knowledgeable.

    Edit: Oh damn, this got a much bigger response than I expected. Thanks so much for all the awesome suggestions!

    Edit2: Wow you guys have fantastic ideas! Just to clarify this is a real game project and not a joke or a cover for gold smugglers 😂

    I am leaving hits and teases in my replies. Partially to have fun and build the world a little but also maybe get a bit of a community game going with a bread trail to follow. 😉🤫

    Xcellent Xecution

    Had a friend send me a link on signal to the now supposedly named X and couldn’t help but chuckle at the absolute incompetence and banality that this rebranding has been.

    “Ya, sure Musky. It’s totally not twitter anymore🙄”

    What an absolute twat.

    Potato cannibals Wip (OC)

    Working on blocking out my first large portfolio scene in blender! 
I had this idea to do a series of images of various vegetables cannibalising themselves. Sort of a social commentary on things nowadays. 
 In this one potatoes are gorging themselves on French fries, only to be dragged off once large enough to themselves become fries! #deep 😂 
 What do you think of it? 
Will probably work on the potatoes or the deep fryer next.

    Is this old enough for ya?

    Anyone remember these?

    I had a fun time bugging my sister named Charlie when these first came out. Can still do a pretty decent impression of them saying Charlie.

    Maybe I should give her a call… 🤣

    (OC) Handsome Beanward welcomes you to Lemmy

    Made in Blender 3d and lots of love for this new site. Really digging the vibe over here in Lemmy.

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